Pagination Control with tableview / max rows per page - javafx

I want to use Pagination control with a tableview. A dependency is, that the amount of rows in a page is less or equal the amount of max visible rows in the table viewport.
The vertical scrollbar should be invisible and navigation is handled by pagination control buttons.
Are there any best practices about how to do that?


Button auto width per content but in steps aligned to page grid

I would like to implement page grid-dependant width buttons so that they have quasi-auto width depending on the content, but with certain width steps so that button width always takes N number of page grid columns. When button content becomes too wide to render button in a single grid column, it would then become 2 columns wide (or even more if required)...
This image shows an example how buttons should be sized according to grid:
First row displays the second button that exceeds single column width (actually it exceeds two columns) and should therefore span 3 columns in the page grid. Second row shows the button correctly sized so it takes 3 full page grid columns.
How can this be done using only CSS (if at all)?
Note: I know this can be accomplished using Javascript, but I'm looking for a CSS-only solution if possible which may use flex, grid or whatever else layout that CSS3 provides.
You can use the CSS3 property auto-fill and auto-fit. See the Below Link

How to span the single column in an ASP.NET Gridview HORIZONTALLY

i have a Gridview with a single column which is a template field with an image and a label.
By default, the gridview expands vertically according to the items in the datasource.
But in my case most of the screen space is left unused and the page becomes extremely long.
So it'd be great if the one and only template field automatically becomes a new column (starts again from the top next to it's initial position after a fixed height) or SPANS HORIZONTALLY, not vertically...
i've done some searching and still can't find a solution for this..
any help would be great..!
i took 2 screenshots for a better explanation but the site won't allow me to post images yet :/
I think you are looking for the DataList control. Namely, the RepeatColumns property.

Sizing a Flex DataGrid to fit the data, then scrolling

I have a UI that is a master/details UI design pattern. There is a DataGrid that holds 1-n records in the top part section of a VDividedBox, then a details pane in the bottom part that shows details of the record selected in the DataGrid, responding to the selection.
The DataGrid usually only contains a small number of items, and so I'd like in most cases for the DataGrid to size to the number of rows and for the details pane to be shown just below the table with no empty space or empty rows. I've got that working OK by setting rowCount="{tableData.length}", where tableData is the data provider. So far, so good.
However, occasionally the table contains a larger number of items, and in these cases I'd like the table to grow to fill the available space, then scroll when there are too many items to show, without the details pane scrolling off. That is, behave like the rowCount is not set to the dataprovider length, and the height set to 100%.
My problem is, determining when to make this switch. What is the best way to switch the behavior from the rowCount-based height, to the percentage based height? Or am I missing some trick that would make the rowCount-based height table scroll when it runs out of space?
What if you set the rowCount via:
rowCount="{tableData.length > 30 ? 30 : tableData.length }"
where 30 is the max height you want to scale to?
That way if there are more than 30 (or some #) of rows it will scroll.

How to do tabbing in grid view?

I Have to do tabbing row wise in grid view it has 4 columns Quantity,Description, Rate and Amount (Here amount is calculated)and a postback is done.
Set the tabindex on your html controls appropriately. If you have to be able to tab from control to control horizontally, then you can append the control index to the row index (numerically) to create a unique tab order that will increase from left to right and then from top to bottom.
Link on using tabindex:

Discovering row height of autosized GridView row in ASP.NET

I have a number of GridView controls that I need to position side-by-side on a page. For example a GridView containing a list of items in a shopping basket, and a number of GridViews to the side showing pricing from a number of suppliers.
The columns are fixed width in the first GridView - meaning that the row height is variable depending on the amount of text.
So, the question is this - is there any way to discover the individual row heights of the first data-bound GridView such that I can alter the other GridViews to correctly align?
The Row.Height property of the grid after databinding is empty as the height has not been explicity set.
I don't know of any way to do this in .Net, you can use javascript, maybe set a .Net hidden field on load if you need it in code behind :
var h = document.getElementsByTagName('td')[0].offsetHeight;
Keep in mind this height will also include any cell padding or spacing you have set. Also, this assumes you're not explicitly setting the height in CSS which based on your question I assume you are not.
