CSS Table border - not straight lines - css

I am trying to create HTML Table and give some cells a special border,
you can see the example here - I marked it with Arrow..
Please help me to understand how can I create such border , without using images.
I read this topic, but I could not be able to transfer it to table element or do it as the border of it..
Customizing border properties using zigzag edges

The answer is to use an image as a background to the cell. The image contains the curve and the image could be white and grey, or transparent and grey depending on your use case.
Always try to see what could be there instead of what you think is there


Split Color SVG Line

I'm currently coding a design mockup into HTMl and I'm trying to figure out the best way to achieve this look responsively. As you see, there's a purple line that stems from the hero CTA button in the bottom right corner. How would I go about changing the line color when it enters the new section; purple to white?
I thought about making two separate lines, but It's difficult to always have them line up right. I wonder if there's some sort of masking trick?
I added a red circle to show the interlacing I'm having issues with.

How to mix two image using clipping in css?

I have two images link.
Original image -
Masking image -
Here is the result image.
How can i get the result like this?
I was finding some way using css - clip-path : rect(....) but I can't find
using image mask.
Make sure that the mask is a .png, where the grey part is transparent. Then, use it in the following way:
CSS: img{background-image: url('original_image');}
HTML: <img src="mask.png"/>
See an example here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/pjOwpe
You might want to use some of the CSS background properties to align the original image in such a way that the correct part of it is shown (see http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_background-position.asp)

html background with image & color

Hi i was going through a website where they used a very unique (according to me) background. they are mixing a color with an image and using it as background. the image is like
Then they are mixing some yellow color in it & it become like this
When i went through the code they were using something like this
background: #f6b93c url(bg1.png);
but it did not work for me!
Please help me out?
That is nothing but a short hand syntax
background: #f6b93c url(bg1.png);
So the above code simply means
background-color: #f6b93c;
background-image: url(bg1.png);
For more info on background short hand syntax
a png image with transparency and bg color will do the trick,
Otherwise if it is a jpeg,
the color will fill the rest of the part(for eg:in a div), the image wont cover.
what was happening with this background: #f6b93c url(bg1.png);
fill the color #f6b93c then on the top of that place the image, so it was a %0%(for eg.) transparent image, this will end up with a mixer of both
with latest CSS3 technology, it is possible to create texured background. Check this out: http://lea.verou.me/css3patterns/#
but it still limited on so many aspect. And browser support is also not so ready.
your best bet is using small texture image and make repeat to that background. you could get some nice ready to use texture image here:
The image bg1.png does not seem to be in baseurl. You should try relative url. eg. if you have image inside 'images' folder, "images/bg1.png" should work.

Turning white background transparent, but keeping dropshadow?

In an image like this, I want to remove the white background but keep the grayness of the dropshadow. Reomving mapping the actual image is not a problem!
This is what I enden up doing instead after lots and lots of trial and error.
Duplicate the layer with the paper in it.
Invert the new layer.
Painting the "paper-part" clear white
Using the inverted layer as a mask on the first layer.
Worked like a charm, perfect masking!
Two options that I can think of:
a) Edit the image in photoshop and make the background transparent.
b) Overlay the "white" background w/ a div overlay that has a white background.
a is the preferred option. Post a comment on this reply if you need me to do this for you.
did you make that image? Why not make the image on a transparent background?
But if you didn't make the image, I don't know if you really can unless you plan on putting it on another whitish background because the dropshadow itself is going to be a little transparent and whatever is underneath it will show through.

Splitting an image in GWT results in unwanted white space

I am using GWT 2.03 and am have an image that I want to place partially in an area with a background and partially above a background. I am using a FlexTable to try to accomplish this and have used GIMP to cut the image into two sections. I am trying to load the top part of the image into row 0 and the bottom part of the image into row 1. I set the alignment of the top image to ALIGN_BOTTOM but there is a bit of space at the bottom of cell and so the two parts of the picture don't touch.
Here is an image showing what I am talking about. I set the background of the cell to be yellow show where the cell boundaries are. The bottom image and background are rendering correctly.
![alt text][1]
[1]: http://www. freeimagehosting. net/uploads/f02462d659.png
Here is the relevant code snippet:
FlexTable table = new FlexTable();
FlexCellFormatter formatter = table.getFlexCellFormatter();
table.setWidget(0, 0, topImage);
formatter.setStyleName(0, 0, "topImageStyle");
formatter.setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM);
table.setWidget(1, 0, bottomImage);
formatter.setStyleName(1, 0, "bottomImageStyle");
How can I get rid of that space between my image and the cell boundary?
This is caused by the Standards rendering mode (see this article for a thorough explanation).
A quick fix (which should be applicable for this case) is to set your image slices to have the display: block style.
PS: It probably doesn't matter at this size (2x1) but Grid should be used when the size of the table is constant/known beforehand - it just offers better performance than FlexTable.
GWT has a class called DecoratorPanel, which targets this use case. See the JavaDoc for details on how to use it.
I have some suggestion for you:
I'm not sure, if this work for FlexTable, but try setCellPadding(0) or setCellSpacing(0)
Try addStyleName or setStylePrimary instead setStyleName
Try to set the style to the image and not to the formatter
Try also formatter.setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM) with formatter.setStyleName(1, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP).
Firebug can help you to find, what you need to change to fix the problem. If you post peace of code (DOM), we can try to help you.
