How does google analytics send event tracking data to their server? - google-analytics

I opened Firefox console and run this:
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Videos', 'Play', 'Gone With the Wind']);
Event is tracked and is inside google analytics, but when I run this inside console it didn't showed any ajax request. How is this possible? How does google analytics send event tracking data to their server? Does it impact site performance if there is too many events?


Why user snapshot cannot show event log in google analytics?website with gtm

Why user snapshot cannot show event log in google analytics?
My application is website with using GTM,and not use firebase,just use gtm and google analytics.
Debugview is working properly,and realtime report also works properly.
Thank you!

Not able to send Event Hit in google analytics using measurement protocol

I recently created a new Google analytics account for testing purpose and for this account(tracking id) sending event hit, pageview hit and exception hit using measurement protocol(server-side protocol) is working and I am able to view statistics in google analytics.
But when I try to use tracking id from an old google analytics account (which is used in my production environment and it has been used to send event hit and pageview hit using analytics.js), google analytics doesn't show event hits or pageview hits sent using measurement protocol(server-side protocol).
Any help will be appreciated. Do we have to enable accepting requests from measurement protocol somewhere in google analytics or developer console settings?
I just had the same issue while testing on the hit builder tool, and the issue was that I was filtering my IP from Analytics so the events weren't showing on the real time dashboard. I removed the filter and the events started showing up.

How many pageview requests it would send to GA metrics?

Whether this code is fine to implement for UA to track hashchange Urls:
ga ('send', 'pageview', {
How many pageview requests it would record in GA everytime the event fire?
Every time that line of code executes, one Google Analytics Pageview will fire. See here for more details on Pageview tracking.
Also, this Chrome extension might be helpful. It prints info on any Google Analytics hits sent to the JS console.

Testing google analytics code for website

How google analytics tool used on a website can be tested on desktop/notepad or mobile ?
It is required in the project for tracking number of clicks on save button and for many other similar things.
Someone plsss help.
You should use Events for tracking clicks:
Then for example in Firebug you should check if when clicking on button where you set Event tracking there is sent request to Google Analytics.
It will look like:
Try Analytics Debuger to track all Analytics calls

Google Analytics - Event Tracking not reported

We've implemented Event Tracking code that runs for a while now (more than a week), but we don't see any events in the Events reporting page.
I've tested with Google Analytics Debugger chrome extension, which recognizes the event and claims it's error-less. This means the event is sent to google.
Additional info that might help - we're using virtual page when calling to _trackPageview (and this is the only call to _trackPageview we have).
Initialization example: _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/v/user/store/catalog'])
An example of an event: _gaq.push(['_trackEvent','LinkToProduct','CatalogProductbox','3',0,false])
What can I do to debug this further or solve it?
Double check that the correct Account ID is on the _trackEvent call via the Google Analytics Debugger. The Account ID is passed via the utmac parameter.
Are there any filters on the Analytics Profile that might be keeping event data from being recorded?
Are you seeing pageviews for your virtual page /v/user/store/catalog?
