Testing google analytics code for website - google-analytics

How google analytics tool used on a website can be tested on desktop/notepad or mobile ?
It is required in the project for tracking number of clicks on save button and for many other similar things.
Someone plsss help.

You should use Events for tracking clicks: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/eventTrackerGuide
Then for example in Firebug you should check if when clicking on button where you set Event tracking there is sent request to Google Analytics.
It will look like:

Try Analytics Debuger to track all Analytics calls


problem while connecting google search console with analytics

I am using search console and analytics with the same e-mail address. I wanted to link search console with analytics so, I went to search console > settings > Associations. I found the associate button disabled. When I hovered over it it tells that we couldn't find a google analytics property for "my mail". But I have used the same mail for analytics and search console. Please help me. Waiting for the reply.
I suspect your Google Analytics account is a new GA4 one and not the previous Universal (GA3) one. If the sidebar contains a "Monetisation" option it is GA4.
Connecting to GA4 is not possible yet.

Why user snapshot cannot show event log in google analytics?website with gtm

Why user snapshot cannot show event log in google analytics?
My application is website with using GTM,and not use firebase,just use gtm and google analytics.
Debugview is working properly,and realtime report also works properly.
Thank you!

Google Analytics Tracking Events

In our Google Analytics, we have a couple of events showing up that we have not set them up! By that, I mean, I haven't trigger those events from our website, neither through codes (ga.send('event')), nor through Google Tag Manager. I just can't figure out where they're populating from. To be specific, they're "Video" and "Livechat" events.
Is it possible that Analytics have ways of figuring some obvious events and track them for us?
Google Analytics does not send events on it's own. More likely scenarios are:
You are using third party integrations for video and livechat and
they include Google Analytics code that sends to your property (and
possibly others)
Someone else is using your tracking id in their site (you can check this by setting hostname as secondary dimension in your event reports)

Can you track video events like play, stop, and finished with Classic Analytics?

I'm new with the event tracking services offered by Google Analytics. I was just wondering if you could track video events using classic analytics or did you need to implement Universal Analytics? Plus what code would you use to implement this kind of event tracking? Any help would be extremely appreciated.
Thank You!
Each video provider (in your case Youtube/Vimeo) will have very different API callbacks so you'll need to include some JavaScript on your webpages to pick up the API callbacks when certain events are triggered (i.e. video played, video paused, video complete etc) and fire Analytics events.
I've used both of these in the past and they both provide the functionality you're looking for, they'll trigger events in your Google Analytics and should be compatible with Classic Analytics, Universal Analytics and Google Tag Manager:
Vimeo - http://www.sanderheilbron.nl/vimeo.ga.js/
Youtube - http://www.lunametrics.com/blog/2015/05/11/updated-youtube-tracking-google-analytics-gtm/

Google Tag fires but not logged in Analytics

I had set up my Google Tag to track clicks on spans with certain IDs, the events are firing according to WASP extension, but they are not showing up in my Google Analytics account.
Here is my trigger:
My Tag:
WASP in action:
GA displays pageview only:
Code is installed properly
Sorry if this seems pretty obvious, but in Real Time you should be on the Events tab, and it seems you are looking in the Content tab. Events are never displayed there.
While the configuration looks to be correct, remember that events won't show up in your standard reports until the data is processed, which takes about 24 hours. As long as the hit is showing up in your Real-Time reports, then you shouldn't have any issues.
Can you please post full HTTP request? For instance from Charles Web Debugging Proxy of Live HTTP Headers extension or anything simillar.
What you post seems to be correct as #nyuen says!
