Run checks on drupal_goto function - drupal

I have a strange issue with a drupal site and a custom form. I have a custom module that puts a form as a block...simple input field that posts a search query to a store locator.
The form keeps getting overridden and the action/url changes randomly at random times. I need a quick solution to this whilst we debug the real issue that's causing this.
I need to write an if statement that checks the drupal_goto function that goes along the lines of if drupal_goto == /store-locator then run else change the drupal_goto action to /store-locator.
Any help would be appreciated.


Execute custom function after purchase a course/complete an order in LearnPress?

I need to execute a function immediately when someone purchases a course or an order gets completed successfully. The function I am trying to execute is actually called an API. I don't see an appropriate Hook from LearnPress.
It works perfectly when I use "user_register"(when someone registers this hook fire) hook but it doesn't work when I use this "learn_press_confirm_order" hook given by LearnPress.
Do you guys know is there any appropriate way that I can follow and achieve this. Thank You for your time
First off, your Lime API key should be treated as a password - don't share it on the web! Go to your LimeLM Account right now, choose 'Settings', and choose 'Generate New Key'. I'll wait :)
There's nothing obviously wrong with your code, so I would debug it like this:
Put a die('setup'); immediately after the add_action. We want to be sure that this file is actually being called. If it is, remove the die.
Wordpress and LearnPress are fantastic, because you've got the source code. Go to wp-content/plugins/learnpress and type (on Linux or something *nix)
grep -R "learn_press_confirm_order" .
This will show you all the files that reference this action. There is only one:
./templates/order/confirm.php: transaction_method, $order->get_id() ); ?>
So pull up an editor and edit wp-content/plugins/learnpress/templates/order/confirm.php. You need to determine:
Whether the file is being run at all when you order. (Use die right at the top, or error_log if you can see your webserver/php log files.)
I'm fairly certain at this point you will have found the error, but there's a chance for some reason you're getting to this page, but the action isn't being called. So you might need to work out the exact flow of control on this confirm.php page. Again, die or error_log.
You can make live changes to the code of learnpress, to help you debug it. Most people are afraid to dig into other people's code, but that's the great power of open source. You can just reinstall learnpress when you're done.
Looking forward to hearing how it goes :)

Wordpress Loop get_the_id()

I tried the following functions in header.php, footer.php, single.php etc.
The first function gives false (meaning we are not in the loop) and the second function gives the post id every single time.
Description of get_the_id() from wordpress :
Retrieve the numeric ID of the current post. This tag must be within The Loop.
I just want a simple explanation what the hell is going on why do i get the post id if I call the function out of the loop !?
must is a little strong for get_the_id() ...delivers evil eye to Wordpress.
It works in the header and non-loop (confirmed).
Please note that post/page are essentially interchangeable in this conversation.
Think of WP this way -> You always have a post id in some way, all the time, every page, unless you do weird stuff or talk about non-page edge cases. When you are at the install root (such as there are posts being called, something has to be displayed. There are other settings that will impact post/page such as static front page settings. On a category listing, if there are pages, I got the first ID returned before the loop.
On post/pages the page ID is (more or less0 set before the loop. This is a result of the URL (pretty or ?p=123 format) dictating the content. Using pretty names, the page at will try to look up if there is content available via the permalink rules for "foo-bar". If there is content, the post ID is obtained. (simplified)
Later in the page build you get into the loop. However, before the loop you are also offered opportunities to change, sort, or augment the loop - such as changing the page IDs to be looped or sorting.
Regarding in_the_loop(), WP says
"True if caller is within loop, false if loop hasn't started or has ended." via
in_the_loop() evaluates if the loop is in action (loop being key to the WP world). Also important - when you are in the loop WP can iterate over multiple page/post (IDs).
I don't have a 100% bulletproof explanation as to how the ID always shows, but when you dig into the API and various methods for hooking this might be a result.
I understand your confusion and agree with you. I think WP intended get_the_id() as a loop based tool, outside the loop you will get unpredictable results.
Hope that helps, I do enjoy working in WP, and I hope you do to.

drupal module redirect destination issue

I am working on yet another module idea. This module is simply supposed to redirect a user automatically to a specified node like in the following example code:
function test_module_init(){
The code is a mere example. But, the very really problem is the code keeps executing until the browser returns a "too many redirects" error message.
I understand why this is happening. What I need help with is the best hook to place my drupal_goto code so it executes once instead of the multiple times it currently does in hook_init.
Can't you just do something like this:
function test_module_init() {
if(isset($_GET['q') && $_GET['q'] == 'node/100') {
// skip goto statement
The init hook you wrote fires on every page load including when you are on node/100. That's why you're getting a redirect. So the page is redirecting to itself. You really only need to redirect if you're not already on node/100. You can find this info in $_GET['q'] if you need to.
You don't need a different hook you just need to make sure that you don't call the drupal_goto if you're already on the destination page.

Show a previous page value in Drupal multi-step webform?

In a multi-step Drupal webform, is it possible to show a value entered in a previous-step page?
For example, the first step page captures a username field as "John", is it possible to show a greeting in next step page, showing Hello John, ... ?
p.s. for anonymous user.
I know this is old, but I needed the same thing so I hope this helps others in search.
I needed values from a previous Webform step for my custom Webform component. The _webform_redner_[component](...) hook doesn't provide the form or form_state, also the previous steps' data (more than previous step that was just submitted) isn't in the $_POST.
To solve this, I manually retrieve the form from Drupal's form caching system using the form_build_id which is in the $_POST variable.
/* ... */
$form_state = array();
// Get the form_state to pass on to our build function.
// Webforms doesn't provide it at this point so we'll need to manually get it using the form's build_id.
$form = form_get_cache($_POST['form_build_id'], $form_state);
/* ... */
You now have the entire form and form_state that also includes previous steps' values.
Have a look at multistep form example here:
The general idea is that in the submit function you save all posted values to $form_state['storage'], which you can later access on the next steps.
Have a look at the example with both Prev and Next buttons I have just created:

change user_profile_form form fields order

When a user login , the user will be redirect to a user profile page, which has a My account field set.
the field set has 2 fields, "Username: ", "Email address:". those 2 fields are generated by drupal.
those 2 field contained in a form which has a id ("user_profile_form") . I want to change the order of those 2 fields.
I have tried to intercept 'user_profile_form' , inside hook_form_alter.
code as follow:
$form['account']['name']['#weight'] = 1;
but that did not success, drupal did not even rendering the 'name' field, so no username: showed on browser.
What you did is absolutely correct, and probably did work. You can change the weight of the fields with the method described above.
The username field is not always rendered. The reason is that a persmission is required: change own username. If that perm is not set, you wont be allowed to alter you username and the field wont be shown.
Info on debugging.
Your info alone is not quite enough to debug. From what you describe, you are doing the right thing, but other modules could be making things a bit tricky for you. The devel module is quite good when it comes to debugging, ti defines two functions I use a lot when debugging:
dpm() pretty prints the variable to the message area using krumo.
dd() Prints / saves a variable to a log file. Useful when you can't view messages on the screen.
I would suggest that you look at the $form variable before and after you alter it.
Things that could make it go wrong:
Did you remember to pass the $form variable by reference using the & notation?
Is another module altering your form after you?
Are you checking for the correct form id, so you alter the correct form?
These are some pointers, before you bring more info, all I can do is guess to what your problem exactly can be. I did something like this a few days ago so I know what you describe shouldn't be a problem.
