How to create a qt application for all unix versions? - qt

I have been able create an application that depends on webkit and scripts in Qt5.2.1.But i was able to create a deb package for 14.04 version Ubuntu .But how can i make it as stand alone application .I have seen static and dynamic build .I tried static build but I don't kon w how to include webkit for static build.Also is it possible with shared library approach for creating a standalone application.Please help me out here..

Deploying a dynamically linked Qt application :
You should place Qt so files along the release version of your executable. These are, and possibly the ones for other modules that you have used. These so files are in your installed Qt directory in lib folder or in the directory /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu. If you are using plugins you should place their so files in a folder named plugins beside your binary. In case of using icons and images you should ship their so files like and in a folder named imageformats.
Gathering required shared libraries :
If you want your application to run independently on a bare installed Linux, you should gather all dependent shared libraries and put them in your application directory. You can simply do it by a shell script named cpld. You can easily copy all dependencies to a folder.
It's worthy to note that you can put this in your .pro file to cause the dynamic linker to look in the same directory as your Qt application at runtime in Linux :
# suppress the default RPATH if you wish
# add your own with quoting gyrations to make sure $ORIGIN gets to the command line unexpanded
QMAKE_LFLAGS += "-Wl,-rpath,\'\$$ORIGIN\'"


Qt6 qt_generate_deploy_app_script plugin DLL copying

Currently I have to manually copy the platforms and imageformats plugin folders to the directory containing the .exe that MSVC compiled. This is very tedious as the output folders often get deleted if you're working on your CMakeLists.txt or changing compilation target.
Now qt_generate_deploy_app_script seems like an official Qt solution to solve this problem, but it does not work.
I have added the CMake bits to my CMakeLists.txt as stated
install(SCRIPT ${deploy_script})
I can see some generated deploy scripts appear under build\x64-RelWithDebInfo\.qt, but they do not seem to be run as no DLL folders get copied to where my .exe is.
Am I misinterpreting what qt_generate_deploy_app_script should do or is it simply broken?
If you want to Creat exe in windows From Qt project you should use windeployqt
To Deploy and create Exe output with QT in windows you should follow this way:
put your compiler path in your system path. for example, if you use mingw81_64, you should set it. something like Qt/tools/mingw81_64/bin
copy exe file that provides after building in release mode in one
folder and run mingw81_64 cmd (it has separate cmd) and cd to that
folder path
windeployqt app.exe
you are using Cmake So first create one release output and then use step 3.
This command will get all dll needs for your app and your exe will work .
if you use qml
windeployqt --qmldir (the path of its directory ) app.exe
and also see these youtube videos for more info:

Link dynamically against Public\Qt inside ocean

Using Petrel 2016.1
Libraries reference:
My plugin uses Qt for a window and some plots with qwt. I would like to link against the Qt dlls present at Petrel\Public\Qt to save some space while deploying the app and because is not possible to deploy libs already present in Petrel as public libs by policy.
I've successfully linked with the same Qt version over there. The problem is that PluginPackager.exe does not see the libs. I've tried editing PluginPackager.exe.config inside Petrel dir to include Public\Qt, copied it to the Release folder, copied it to the main project folder and every dir that I may suspect PluginPackager.exe is looking for this file but nothing seems to cause any effect.
I've copied the Qt dlls to the Release folder, so PluginPackager.exe could see them and register the Plugin. It works, even if I delete the Qt dlls from the Release folder afterwards. Petrel is loading them from Public\Qt. The problem is that when I try to open the Qt window, a message saying that Qt failed to load plugin windows.
I figured that it is related to qwindows.dll, which is inside Public\Qt\plugins\platforms. If I set the environment variable QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH to C:..\petrel...\Public\Qt\plugins\platforms, it works fine. I've tried to use addLibraryPath() from QApplication with no success.
I guess we have everything we need inside Public\Qt, but for some reason Petrel is not finding it. Two questions, then:
1- How to make PluginPackager to see all the libs inside Public\Qt?
2- How to make my application to find qwindows.dll?
Plugin has code in C#, C++ cli and C++
Ok, for Q.2 I've found a solution by trial and error.
QString path = QDir::currentPath();
QString finalPath = QDir(path).filePath("Public/Qt/plugins");
This will add the plugins dir to the qt lib search path and does the trick. I hope I can deploy using this.
For Q.1
I realize now that the PluginPackager only sees things inside the Extensions folder. The problem was that, in my opinion, the folder name Public is misleading. This led me to think that all libs inside that folder could be used by developers freely. The Ocean guide states that all libs other than the ones inside Extensions are considered internal libs:
The PluginPackager.exe assumes that files in the Petrel installation directory tree other than those in the Extensions folder are internal Petrel libraries.
Well, why name a folder Public if all the libs inside it are internal? This is really confusing. Besides, the Slb.Ocean libs inside the Public folders are Ok to use, the others are not? As PluginPackager.exe.config has Public\ but not the folders inside it.

How to use extensions

Could someone please explain how one uses the premake extensions. I added the eclipse extension in a directory under my premake installation. And in the premake script I added recuire "eclipse".
Running the script with premake5 eclipse, I get an error module "eclipse.lua" not found.
I added the path of the modules directory to my environment variables.
I'm using premake (premake5) on Windows 8.
addons need to reside in a folder. You need to create a "eclipse" folder, then copy all the files in it, and the "eclipse" folder should be located where premake can load it (either next the executable or some other place handled through environment variables)
I got this working by adding the full path to the require statement.
require "C:/premake/eclipse/eclipse"
and running the command as premake5 eclipse
Note: This plugin does not generate project files that one can import into Eclipse.

Qt Release qt.conf

When I release my Qt project, I want to redistribute the QtCore5.dll and Qtxxx.dll files.
How can I make myapp.exe to find them automatically?
The best way of doing this seems to be by editing a qt.conf file placed in the same folder as my executable.
myapp.exe is in c:\myapp\bin folder
The dlls are in c:myapp\common folder
"Better" way is to put your qt.conf into your resources :/qt/etc/qt.conf. This way has highest priority for resolving platform dependencies.
In our project we use cmake to generate necessary qt.conf file: in debug mode we put path to installed Qt binaries and in release - to local (deploy) folder.
Qt5xxx.dll files are linked, so you should place it in same folder, or make them available throught PATH environment variable. If you really want such exotic redistribution system (please, say real reason) - you may create your own platform-specific launcher, that will load necessary .dll's from any path.
Just put all required dll files into the same directory as your executable.
Note, that there are more files to distribute than just Qt*.dll - you will need proper plugin from platforms subdirectory and many more. Read Qt documentation on deploying application under Windows - it will teach you all required files.

How to access qt directories in .pro file?

I want to build qt application that will gather all the necessary binaries for standalone execution on install.
I know that can be done in lines of:
dlls_to_move.files += $$DIR/bin/QtCore.dll
however that seems clumsy. Is there a way to retrieve Qt binary folder actually used, like project directory that can be retrieved with $$PWD?
From qmake Advanced Usage:
The special $$[...] operator can be used to access various configuration options that were set when Qt was built:
So I think you'd want to do this in your project file:
dlls_to_move.files += $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/QtCore.dll
