How to pass session value in webdriver switchTo().window method - webdriver

I need to pass session value from one window other window. I am sing switchto() method in WebDriver, if I need to do new window's findElement(By.LinkText). click() event, as session value is not sending link is becoming invalid.
Please provide any example which handles passing session values.
Thanks in advance.

This script helps you to switch over from a Parent window to a Child window and back cntrl to Parent window
String parentWindow = driver.getWindowHandle();
Set<String> handles = driver.getWindowHandles();
for(String windowHandle : handles)
//Perform your operation here for new window
driver.close(); //closing child window
driver.switchTo().window(parentWindow); //cntrl to parent window


Failure to get the stage of a dialog shows how to get the stage of a JavaFX-8 dialog:
// Get the Stage.
Stage stage = (Stage) dialog.getDialogPane().getScene().getWindow();
Alas, this does not work for me: the dialog pane (although displayed) gives null on .getScene().
Is there any other easy way to get the stage or at least the scene of an open dialog window?
The background of the question is that, under certain circumstances, need to display an Alert to the user while keeping the underlying dialog window open. Currently, that does not work due to an invalid combination of Modality values, but that's a different topic.
Hard to say for sure if you post no context code but I think the problem is the timing. You need to get the stage before you showAndWait (or at least before the dialog is closed). Try this:
public static boolean showConfirmationDialog(String contentText, String headerText) {
Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.CONFIRMATION, contentText, ButtonType.YES, ButtonType.NO);
Window alertWindow = alert.getDialogPane().getScene().getWindow();
System.out.println("alertWindow.getOpacity(): " + alertWindow.getOpacity());
Optional<ButtonType> result = alert.showAndWait();
//This would cause a NullPointerException at this point:
//alertWindow = alert.getDialogPane().getScene().getWindow();
//System.out.println("alertWindow.getOpacity(): " + alertWindow.getOpacity());
return (result.get() == ButtonType.YES);

How to set position on caller when the child with open mode new is closing?

I have a form with record. To create new one I have menuitem button which opens a new Form where you can create new record (and there is lots of logic which will not be easy to move into new record action on parent datasource). This menuitem has OpenMode = New so the new record is created in datasource.
When I am closing this new form I want to set caller to newly created record. I was trying to do it by.
TableName TableName;
FormDataSource FormDataSource;
boolean test;
FormDataSource = element.args().caller().dataSource('CallerDataSourceName');
TableName= getFirstSelection('ThisDatasourceName');
test = FormDataSource.findRecord(TableName);
The result of the findRecord is true and it looks like it is set the position for a second after second the position on grid switch to the 1. (And the result of the test is true.)
I move the seting position to the caller but it does not help. Is the problem in the menuitem open mode property? How can I ensure the position on the caller?
I am using AX2012
I end up with this solution. I am not setting position on the child but on the caller.
On a child I have this (+ hasMethod):
tableToFind = getFirstSelection(SQLTables_DS);
it is in close under the super();
On the caller I have method:
public void setRecord(TableName _TableName)
boolean test;
test = CallerDataSourceName_DS.findRecord(_TableName);
The same trick on the child in close does not work. I guess it is due to the OpenMode property.

How to switch to a different window using selenium webdriver java?

I am trying to switch to a New window which gets displayed when I click on the Debt Pricing Template. But I am unable to do that as a result of which I am not able to proceed with further scripting... The problem is I am not able to know what should I pass in the switchTo.window() because Pricing Approval Gateway window displays and following is the HTML for the new window:
<*h1 class="pageType noSecondHeader">Pricing Approval Gateway<*/h1>
Following is the code:
LoginPage2.driver.findElement(By.linkText("TEST ORG")).click();
System.out.println("3.Select Dept pricing template button from the organization detail page.");
System.out.println("User should able to navigate to Dept pricing template and template display few question, user have answer these question for further navigation.");
LoginPage2.driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(100, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Please advise what needs to be added?
I never used it because in my tests I am not using any new windows, but this should help:
Set<string> handlers = driver.getWindowHandles();
if (driver.getWindowHandles().size()>= 1){
for(String handler : handlers){
if (driver.getElement(By.tagName("h1")).contains("Pricing")){
System.out.println("Get focus on Popup window");
else System.out.println("No windows founded!");
I am not quite sure with the h1 approach. So if it does not help, try before opening new window storing current window to String:
String mainWindow = driver.getWindowHandle();
Then click the link (or do something else as you are doing now) to open new window. Then to switch to the new window:
Set<string> handlers = driver.getWindowHandles();
for (String handler : handlers){
if (!handler.equals(mainWindow)){
And then to switch back to original window just do:
Ofcourse the driver variable is expected live instance of
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Go to Billing Summary")).click();
driver.findElement(By.linkText("01 Mar 2016")).click();
driver.findElement(By.linkText("AMS TAX")).click();
Set<String> instancewindow= driver.getWindowHandles();
Iterator<String> it = instancewindow.iterator();
String parent;
String child =;
driver.findElement(By.linkText("View More Vehicle Details>>")).click();

Opening new window in WebDriver using C#

string currentWindow = driver.CurrentWindowHandle;
string childTitle = driver.Title;
string parentTitle = driver.Title;
the above code gives me the same title for parent window or child window.
<a id="ctl00_ctl00_Features_ctl03_lnkPage" class="title" target="_blank" href="websiteaddress">Stay Around</a>
how to verify the title of a newly window open and once i verified then close the opened new window?
so in my page I have a link and click on the link and it opens a new window and now I am not sure how to verify the title of that window.
here is what i have done so far.
IWebElement addtoList = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(_pageName));
//it opens a new window
now i want to switch focus on the new window and verify the title and close the new window
back to the previous window.
The piece that most people miss when dealing with popup windows in IE is that a click on an element is asynchronous. That is to say, if you check the .WindowHandles property immediately after a click, you may lose the race condition, because you're checking for the existence of a new window before IE has had the chance to create it, and the driver has had a chance to register it exists.
Here's the C# code I would use to perform the same operation:
string foundHandle = null;
string originalWindowHandle = driver.CurrentWindowHandle;
// Get the list of existing window handles.
IList<string> existingHandles = driver.WindowHandles;
IWebElement addtoList = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(_pageName));
// Use a timeout. Alternatively, you could use a WebDriverWait
// for this operation.
DateTime timeout = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
while(DateTime.Now < timeout)
// This method uses LINQ, so it presupposes you are running on
// .NET 3.5 or above. Alternatively, it's possible to do this
// without LINQ, but the code is more verbose.
IList<string> currentHandles = driver.WindowHandles;
IList<string> differentHandles = currentHandles.Except(existingHandles).ToList();
if (differentHandles.Count > 0)
// There will ordinarily only be one handle in this list,
// so it should be safe to return the first one here.
foundHandle = differentHandles[0];
// Sleep for a very short period of time to prevent starving the driver thread.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(foundHandle))
throw new Exception("didn't find popup window within timeout");
// Do whatever verification on the popup window you need to, then...
// And switch back to the original window handle.
Incidentally, if you're using the .NET bindings, you have access to a PopupWindowFinder class in the WebDriver.Support.dll assembly, which uses a very similar approach to the locating popup windows. You may find that class meets your needs exactly, and can use it without modification.
IWebElement addtoList = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(_pageName));
// Post above operation a new window would open as described in problem
// Get hold of Main window's handle
string currentWindow = Driver.CurrentWindowHandle;
// Switch to the newly opened window
Driver.SwitchTo().Window("Your Window Name");
// Perform required Actions/Assertions here and close the window
// Switch to Main window

How do I force all Tree itemrenderers to refresh?

I have item renderers in an mx.controls.Tree that I need to refresh on demand.
I have code in the updateDisplayList that fires for only some of the visible nodes no matter what I do. I've tried triggering a change that they should all be listening for; I have tried clearing and resetting the dataProvider and the itemRenderer properties.
private function forceCategoryTreeRefresh(event : Event = null) : void
var prevDataProvider : Object = CategoryTree.dataProvider;
CategoryTree.dataProvider = null;
CategoryTree.dataProvider = prevDataProvider;
var prevItemRenderer : IFactory = CategoryTree.itemRenderer;
CategoryTree.itemRenderer = null;
CategoryTree.itemRenderer = prevItemRenderer as IFactory;
_categoriesChangeDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
The nodes refresh properly when I scroll them into view (e.g. the .data gets set), but I cannot force the ones that already exist to refresh or reset themselves.
Any ideas?
Try calling this function on change event:
private function refreshList(e:Event):void{
for me work quite well
treeView.dataProvider = treeView.dataProvider;
That should update Tree view.
ItemRenderers in Flex are virtualized so there will not always be one ItemRenderer for each Tree node.
However, you can invalidate the nodes to force a refresh. The answer to this question gives an example of how to do that.
