Documentum DQL: Change user type - dql

Is it possible to change the object type of users?
CHANGE dm_user OBJECT TO my_user WHERE r_object_id = '{some id}'
Given that my_user is a subtype of dm_user, the query above results in the following error message:
[DM_QUERY_E_CHANGE_NON_SYSOBJECT]error: "The CHANGE OBJECT statement can only be used on dm_sysobject or its subtypes."
So even though it is seemingly impossible, is there a way to hack this?

There is a way, I tested it and it works.
You need to create new user object of type you previously created it, for example:
CREATE custom_user OBJECT SET user_name = 'Test user' SET user_os_name = 'test_user'
SET user_address = ''
SET default_folder = '/Temp'
SET description = 'Test'
SET user_login_name = 'test_user'
After it I made final setup of user object through Documentum Administrator (DA): setting inline password, user privilege etc.
I validated user by logging in via DA. Everything works great!
I have configured reassign details for some other user object in repository and ran Reassign Job. All user details of configured users have been successfully transfered to my test user object like it should be with this standard OOTB procedure of the reassigning users.


ADFS: Send user manager's email address as a claim

I integrated SSO with ADFS, and I need to get the manager's email of whoever is currently logging in. When I send over the manager attribute using:
query = ";manager;{0}"
I only get back the manager name and org.
I tried following this article:
However, the rules given in the example result in a syntax error.
and tried various methods from threads such as:
I think I need to query for the manager using their name somehow, but I am having trouble coming up with a solution. I do understand I likely need multiple rules. Can anyone shed some light on this problem?
Thank you
The following rule illustrates how you can issue a mail attribute as a “ManagerEmail” claim:
c:[Type == ""]
&& c1:[Type == ""]
=> issue(store = "Active Directory", types = (""), query = "(&(distinguishedName={0})(objectClass=user));mail;{1}", param = c1.Value,
param = regexreplace(c1.Value, ".*DC=(?<domain>.+),DC=corp,DC=yourdomain,DC=com", "${domain}\username"));
Make sure that the user’s manager is in the same domain as the user, i.e. in the above example, and your test user does have some email specified.

Creating a user failed. Is there a way to interogate the error?

I am using the ASP.NET Identity framework, with the EntityFramework provider (IdentityDbContext).
I attempt to create a user by calling UserManager.CreateAsync(..).
It returns an object of type IdentityResult, with the following values:
Succeeded: false,
Errors: ["Name AndrewShepherd is already taken."]
The error is valid - there is indeed another user called "AndrewShepherd" in the database. This is not a name the user picked; instead I am generating this name from the Outh2 account information provided by their Google account. (Google Accounts don't enforce unique names, just unique email addresses).
Since the problem is a duplicate name, I can simply try appending a number to the name and trying again. I would programmatically attempt to create AndrewShepherd_1, AndrewShepherd_2, AndrewShepherd_3 until I am either successful or get a different error.
But how do I programatically determine that the problem was a duplicate name?
Options are:
Perform a pattern match on the error string. This solution is guaranteed to break when the next version of ASP.NET Identity has a differently worded error messages or we internationalize the website.
Run the check before creating the user. I would call UserStore.FindByNameAsync to determine if the name had already been taken before invoking UserManager.CreateASync(..). This would have a small concurrency risk if two different sessions are attempting to add the same user name at the same time.
It would be some much easier if we could simply perform a check like this:
if(identityResult.Errors.Where(e => e.ErrorCode == IdentityErrors.DuplicateName).Any())
Is there a way I can perform a unique user check then add a user, that's safe in a concurrent environment?
As an alternaive, you can check if the user name is exist in your DB like that. If user name is already taken, you can change new user name like AndrewShepherd_1, AndrewShepherd_2, AndrewShepherd_3.
using (YourProjectName.Models.DefaultConnection db = new Models.DefaultConnection ())
if (db.AspNetUsers.Select(q => q.UserName).Contains("usernameThatYouWantToCheck"))
/*Your code*/

The given key was not present in the dictionary while retrieving pre-image entity crm 2013

i have registered pre_image with the name 'prentity' and alias 'prentity' and i am retrieving
it as follow
Entity pentity = (Entity)context.PreEntityImages["prentity"];
but giving error 'The given key was not present in the dictionary.'
If you have registered the plugin in create mode the preimage will not be available. May be that is the reason why that image is not available.
Please refer the link below where it explains about the pre and post images.
This is because you don`t register pre-image.
My piece of advice: It is depend on situation, but you can use Target.
Entity entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
Target contain all fields that user has fill up.
here is the code to get preImage:
var currentRecord= (context.PreEntityImages != null && context.PreEntityImages.Contains("prentity")) ? context.PreEntityImages["prentity"] : null;
NB: you can not use preImage for an "OnCreate" Message,

Registering new users via OAuth2 : what to set as user identifier for future log ins?

I have managed to successfully configure this. The problem is, when I change the lines below :
//I have set all requested data with the user's username
//modify here with relevant data
into the information I want to retrive, such as real name, email, my generated password etc, when I click the Login button for Facebook per say, I am asked again if I want to connect with my local testing site.
From what I understand, in the documentation I linked above, this :
$user = $this->userManager->findUserBy(array($this->getProperty($response) => $username));
is the line that checks if the user exists or not, and the initial code by itself, sets either facebook_id or twitter_id (this is how I save them) as a new User *username*. If I change the line
$user->setUsername($username); //same as facebook/twitter _id
$user->setUsername(setProperUsername()); //sets a proper unique username
Then everytime I try to login I get the "Register" message. So, I have a general idea of how it works but I am having a hard time understanding some things:
1. When I have registered with Facebook and I login with twitter, I register again, no knew row is created, but missing twitter_id fields are updated/populated, username stays intact. How come HWI/FOSUB knows I am the same person when my previous data were from Facebook not Twitter?
2. If there is a global way of knowing I am the same person, what data from the $response object should I use as a key to identify already registered users?
After testing a lot with this, I have the answer if anyone runs into this type of situation
Check your default_target path, make it so it is /profile, /account etc, don't default to login again. Also, if a user is already logged in, do not make him access your login page. This was why my data was being updated. I was basically logged in with my Facebook account and registering with my Twitter account too.
No, there is no global way of knowing I am the same person. The $response object sent me a unique ID for that specific user according to the provider policy. You might use this to identify already registered users and log them in.

How do you have managed a status of contents in Symfony2

How do you have created a status of blog, micropost and etc?
I simply have created a status which each application entity has a status code of boolean.
False is private, true is public.
It is a multi-user environment in fosuserbundle.
It was created without any problems until now.
However, I wanted to be able to set user, group, and other status set in a multi-user environment.
(like a linux permissions, 744, etc...)
So, I think that it might create a bundle that manages the status.
The comment bundle that I have created is relation each application bundle by the ID of the string.
{{ render(controller('MyCommentBundle:Default:embed', {
'id' : 'for_example_micropost_' ~, // => relation id
'name' : micropost.owner.username,
'request': app.request
})) }}
However, it can not use when viewing list of application contents.
(Because the query occurs in one by one)
For example, either simply relationship by creating a column for each application.
Status Entity
But I think it inconvenient.
It require care of additional column when generated for each new application.
And I feel it is not a smart also.
For example, do so in the list part. Conditions of the string if possible in DQL.
public function find_all($owner, $limit, $offset)
$q = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery('
SELECT p FROM MyMicropostBundle:Post p
LEFT JOIN MyStatusBundle s
With s.relation_id = :prefix +
WHERE s.code > 744
->setParameter("prefix", 'for_example_micropost_')
->setParameter("owner", $owner)
return $q->getResult();
Etc., various I think, but I do not know the best way.
How do you have created a status?
Do you know status bundle already?
Or do you know bundle may be relevant to me.
If there is an optimal way and ideas, please tell me.
StatusBundle process:
It check a access user first.
It check a status code and groups and owner associated with the contents.
It compare a status code, groups and owner of the content to a access user.
I think it is possible to create (relation) bundle within a single page in my skills.
However, problem is how to relations at such a list display page that query to get the contents of the large number.
For example, I get the data of the last 10 blog posts.
I get the last 10 of public status posts if a access user is not the owner.
It is easy if Post entity has a status.
However, I think how to check a status, groups and owner if a status of a post has been registered in the status entity of other bundle.
I think that how to handle the status bundle while I get the data of the contents of the large number.
