A script on this page may be busy Error in VS2010 ASP.net WebForm - runtime-error

I developed a website in VS 2010 , now I want to run it in VS2013, but for just some oages when I want to run it from VS using FireFox ,this Error is shown.
My projects is ASP.net webForm.
A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.
You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue
the similar error is in Chrome, IE , ...
whats the problem? I searched on net even this site, but couldn't Fix the Error.

This basically means that your browser thinks that one (or more) scripts on the page is taking an unreasonable amount of time to complete its execution. Alternatively it could be caused by malware or certain browser plug-ins. Try starting Firefox in "Safe Mode". If the problem persists, the fault is on your end.


Visual Studio 2019 Debugger only runs once, requires restart to run again

I'm building a .net core react app. When starting the application in debug mode, I have no problems the first time I run, but if I stop debugging and attempt to run again, visual studio will stop debugging on its own as the web page is loading.
If I restart my computer, I can debug again, but if I stop and start, I experience the same issue. Restarting Visual Studio works occasionally, but it seems like I need to close out all instances of it, wait a few seconds, relaunch, wait for a few seconds after everything finishes loading, and then it will work (again, only once).
I'm assuming there's a process that isn't shutting down properly and is blocking the debugger from fully starting but I can't seem to find it. I am also running visual studio as Admin. Any help would be appreciated.
Ok so it's not a complete answer but I found what seems to be causing the issue. When the debug would fail, the URL briefly changed, showing that chrome was attempting to use the legacy browser support extension. After a bit of googling I learned that this could be caused by enabling "Javascript Debugging for ASP.NET" under Tools>Options>Debugging>General. Disabling this checkbox allows me to run debug without any issues.
Since I don't really care about the javascript debugging, this is a suitable enough answer for me, but if anyone else sees this and knows the answer that would keep javascript debugging enabled, please provide the details in case anyone needs it in the future.

Visual Studio 2017 release 15.7.3 does not launch application successfully

I have a fairly standard web application with a single HELLO WORLD aspx test page, so for the purposes of this question, that is the start page.
When I run the app from visual studio by pressing f5 I get "Cannot reach this page" or whatever the 404 equivalent is in each browser. (chrome: "this site can't be reached"). In firefox, the page runs successfully first time, firefox doesn't have any debugger attachment add ins, so the problem seems to relate to debugger attachment in IIS express
If I wait a few seconds, and then F5 the browser (IE or chrome), the expected page loads successfully, so it seems to be a delay in IIS starting when a debugger is attached.
I'm wondering if anyone else has hit this and whether they have a solution. We have a quite a few tweaks in web.config to meet high security needs but otherwise I can't think why it would go wrong.
Workaround is to wait a few seconds and press f5, but thats kind of annoying when you're trying to get on with things.
As described by O.H., and verified by user2728841, the solution for me was:
Tools > Options > Debugging and changing "Enable JavaScript debugging for ASP.NET".
However, opposite to O.H. and like user2728841, my option was deselected, and selecting it solved the problem.

IIS Express Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage ... until restart

I have one asp.net application which I debug locally using IIS Express.
I have a setup by which I access it as http//machine-name:port/appname (instead of localhost).
This works smoothly until suddenly out of the blue during debugging I get the message:
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
What ever I do, it does not work again until I restart Windows.
Has anyone faced this issue before? Is there a way to fix this without restarting Windows?
I am using Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2010, but this also happens in VS 2012.
EDIT This issue stopped occurring. which leads me to believe this was Microsoft bug which they fixed in one of their updates
Just taking a stab in the dark, since you aren't getting any responses... Try deleting (or even just rename) the applicationHost.config under "My Documents\IISExpress\config", then open VS.net and run your project again. A new IISExpress config file will get generated for you. I have had mine junked up with something in the past, and starting fresh with a new one fixed whatever it was.
I have faced the same issue in a perticular scenario.
It was like, Page_Load event of 1st page contains code to redirect response to 2nd page and Page_Load event of 2nd page contains code to redirect response back to 1st page.
So due to this browser response fell into infinite loop and it shows message: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".
So I'll suggest you to check the response redirection logic which may be causing problem.
If you work with a DI framework like Ninject and you are doing changes on your services dependencies, beware not to generate a circular dependency. When starting up the application you might get this same error.

ASP.NET Web Application Productivity in Visual Studio 2010

I'm working on a fairly large ASP.NET web application and I'm taking a big productivity hit when I do work in the interface. I can zip through adding features to the database and API, then I hit the interface and having to recompile and run eats up a lot of my day.
For example if i'm working on a tricky bit that isn't behaving quite right and requires a number of tweaks I'll have to go through multiple [stop/tweak/build/run/log in/navigate back to page] cycles, which really kills my flow and has me staring at the screen with my finger hovering over the hackernews bookmark each time.
I've been fiddling with ways to get around this problem but I haven't improved my situation much. Here's what I've found so far:
visual studio will restart the app frequently when you change static files (js/css/etc), which shouldn't require a restart. If you run VS with IIS express instead this problem goes away.
If I know I have a bunch of messing around to do i'll cut/paste my code into a server script tag on the markup page, run the product, and tweak until it's good, then cut/paste it back. This is annoying because it often requires setting up a number of Imports page declarations and code editing features in ASP.NET files, while better than ever in VS2010, is not as good as in C# files. Plus, it still restarts the app occasionally once enough changes are made.
I can exclude the codebehind file from the web application project, change the "codebehind" attribute in the aspx page declaration to an "src" attribute, then edit the code from there while the app runs (until i make enough changes to trigger a restart.) However now intellisense doesn't work in the codebehind, among other things.
Am I missing something blindingly obvious here, or is development in ASP.NET web applications really supposed to be this slow? Thanks for any solutions you can offer.
I never run my applications through Visual Studio. Set yourself up with IIS and then configure a site to point to the location of your application along with a faux domain. Edit your hosts file to point the domain to localhost.
Then when you want to view your site, just visit the domain that you chose. If you need to modify CSS or script, just make your changes and refresh the page. If you make a code change, compile your app and then refresh the page.
If you need to actually use the Visual Studio debugger, then just attach to the IIS process (application pool name) and your breakpoints will get hit.
I've found a combination of techniques that brings my productivity up a fair bit.
Use an alternative browser like Chrome. When you stop the VS debugger and you're using IE, VS will shut down the browser, but it won't do it with Chrome (or Firefox, or anything else.)
Switched web.config to run in Windows Authentication mode and wrote a quick transparent login routine enclosed in conditional compilation tags (debug only, this feature is not perfect for our production product.)
Now when I'm getting into it I can stop the debugger (which no longer closes the browser,) make code changes, build, optionally start the debugger again, and just hit F5 in Chrome to load the latest. The refresh obviously takes longer since the app has to start up but there's no "run browser/log in/navigate back to the page" task anymore.
Hopefully this will help somebody else in a similar situation.

ASP.NET MVC 3.0 deployed code not working in IE8 in IIS 7.5

I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 app. It is working fine in both IE8 & FF when we run VS2010. I have deployed this code in IIS 7.5. Now, the deployed app is working fine in FF, but not in IE8. I am getting error:
Stop running this script?
A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly...
See following screen-shot:
I tested the published code in IIS6, It's working fine in both FF and IE8.
Any help is appreciated.
You are probably using some javascript which is entering a loop of some sort (possibly recursion)
Either comment out one function at a time to see which function is the culprit, or do it in binary-search fashion and comment out half at a time to narrow it down.
Finally, is there something out of the ordinary about your page? If the your javascript (or one of your libraries) was not the culprit, start ripping out chunks of your code to narrow the problem down.
Unfortunately there is not a quick answer to this one...
There are various ways to try to determine what's going on with your JavaScript. Try reloading the browser. You can also try downloading the Ajax profiling bits at
This can help determine your slow functions. You could also load up the JavaScript debugger and break into the code as well
What nonstandard javascript libraries are you running? Any?
Since your app runs differently seemingly only based on iis version differences compare a session on one to a session on the other using 'Fiddler'
