How to bind display menuitem to a static text - axapta

I am trying to create a form, which can mimic the functionality of an area page, at least it should display links to other forms (if categorization cannot be done) how can i achieve it?
Can i bind a menu item to a static text?

Create Tab within form
change Style to FastTabs
change Width to Column width
change Height to Columnt height
Add TabPage to Tab
Drag MenuItem to Tab (or add MenuItemButton)
change Style to Link
XPO: AreaPageSimulation

I resolved this by using .net's link label, unfortunately did not see Matej's answer, but will give it a try when I will actually build this for client, here is what I created:


How to display a button inside a b-tabs in boostrap vue?

this is the situation:
We have a series of tabs, which have card-like elements inside. The designer choose to push a "change display" feature which hides part of the content of the cards (image, description) to increase the displayed number per time.
The problem:
The designer choose to put this change display button, in the tabs section. Like (Tab - Tab - Button).
After a couple hours of research, I couldn't find a way to place a button inside the <b-tabs> component (which has X number of <b-tab>). I had to use float, position absolute and use coordinates to place the button, but obviously this is not a desirable solution.
Is there a better approach to this problem? Or it's possible to place the button inside the component itself?
#Anatoly gave the answer !
Try to use tabs without a content, described here

How to hide an ASP.NET menu item?

This question was asked before but what I need is to simply hide a menu Item rather than remove it . I was surprised to see that ASp.NET MenuItem has no Visible property. is there any way really yo hide a menu Item
you can hide the menu item using css. just use CssClass property. Using CSS and Styles with the Menu Control
I ran into the same issue and my work around was actually having two separate menus. I assigned my Admin controls that i wanted to hide in its own menu. I positioned them next to eachother as if they are one and i hide the menu when the user doesn't have access in my codebehind.

problem with events in flex using boxes

i have following problem, when i create box in action script and whe i addEventListner for drop accept, and if i add this box to some parent box, then this event is not working, if i add this event to not child but to parent box, then it is working, what can i do if i want create many boxes, add to them events listners and then add them all to some other parent box?
Post your code you want get working.
Use dynamic addEventListener adding to each component, and also add this function to parent boxes too, in all cases.

Is it possible to style individual tab bars?

I would like to style individual tabs of the tab bar of a QTabWidget (not hover or current but an individual one) WHY? because I need to get the user's attention so that he knows urgent information appeared in that tab. There can be multiple tabs that need attention.
You would have to assemble your own tab widget but i think if you subclass QTabBar and use setTabButton(int index, ...) you can set a custom widget for the item in the tab, this would let you control the behaviour and you could change it through code or style it via the property selector e.g.
QTabBar MyButtonWidget[showalert=true]
background-color: red;
This seems a little strange. Why don't you start with that tab selected?
I don't think you can do that with stylesheets. You can easily customize first and last but not any tab (AFAIK)
On the other hand you can set custom icon to draw attention or use void QTabBar::setTabTextColor ( int index, const QColor & color )
You might want to try simply using stylesheets to directly style a tab instead of subclassing just for that purpose. In the stylesheet, you can use the :tab subcontrol to access a single tab, and you can then modify a dynamic propoerty to set its state as either needing attention or not, and applying the style based on the dynamic property.
See : :tab sub control , Customizing using dynamic properties

Detecting out-of-view flex controls

In my flex app I have custom tooltips on buttons that hide and show based on user context.
The problem that I dealing with is that when I call my showTips() function I only want to show tooltips on the buttons that visible in the view. So buttons that on a un-selected tab (tabNavigator) should not show the tooltips.
For some reason all tooltips are showing.
Is there a way to detect if a button is not in current view, like on a un-selected tab?
If you gave us some code I could check this out, but would this work?
if(button.parent.visible) { showTip(button);}
Instead of custom coding for each button, make use your tabnavigator's creation policy is set to "auto".
Check this link for more details
