convert period in stata to NA in r - r

I have a dataset in stata and I want to take it to R, but there are some missing values in state and they are represented using a period. I want to get the data into R which I do by loading the foreign package and then I use read.table() function. How do I convert the periods in state which are genuinely missing to NA in R?

If i understand you correctly, you first load the Foreign-Package for loading a .dta-File, correct?
Then you would read in your Data by using:
myRFile <- read.dta(file="someStataFile.dta")
You are asking for a way that the missing operator from Stata, often denoted by a dot ., is converted to the missing operator in R, NA, also correct?
One thing to know here is, that Stata handles missing values "behind the scenes" in multiple ways. There are actually about 27 different missing operators in Stata, which are usually not distinguishable for the user. You do not need to know them for you problem though, because read.dta() handles them itself.
To learn how you can tackle a simple problem like this yourself in the future, you always need to check the help file for your function first:
Here you see, that the function handles the extensive missing-data types from Stata automatically and correctly.
If you want to have information about which type of missing operator was recognized, you can set the argument missing.type=TRUE, by using:
myRFile <- read.dta(file="someStataFile.dta", missing.type=TRUE)
Then, according to the help file, the following will happen:
If missing.type is TRUE a separate list is created with the same
variable names as the loaded data. For string variables the list value
is NULL. For other variables the value is NA where the observation is
not missing and 0–26 when the observation is missing. This is attached
as the "missing" attribute of the returned value.


Converting chr to numeric and still not able to take mean

I am working with a dataframe from NYC opendata. On the information page it claims that a column, ACRES, is numeric, but when I download it is chr. I've tried the following:
parks$ACRES <- as.numeric(as.character(parks$ACRES))
which turned the column info type into dbl, but I was unable to take the mean, so I tried:
parks$ACRES <- as.integer(as.numeric(parks$ACRES))
I've also tried sapply() and I get an error message with NAs introduced by coercion. I tried convert() to but R didn't recognize it though it is supposed to be part of dplyr.
Either way I get NA as a result for the mean.
I've tried taking the mean a few different ways:
Which also didn't work? Is it the dataframe? I'm wondering since it is from the government there are limits?
I'd appreciate any help.
You have NAs in your data. Either they were there before you converted or some of the data can't be converted to numeric directly (do you have comma separators for the 1000s in your input? Those need to be removed before converting to numeric).
Identifying why you have NAs and fixing if necessary is the first step you'll need to do. If the NAs are valid then what you want to do is to add the na.rm = TRUE parameter to the mean function which ignores NAs while calculating the mean.
Check to see how ACRES is being loaded in (i.e., what data type is it?). If it's being loaded in as a factor, you will have trouble changing a factor to a numerical value. The way to solve this is to use the 'stringsAsFactors = FALSE' argument in your read.csv or whatever function you're using to read in the data.

Expecting numeric in B2 / R2C2: got a date in R

I am reading in a data set from excel that has dates in it. When I read my code it gives me this warning: "Expecting numeric in B2 / R2C2: got a date"
All of my dates are messed up. how do I solve this?
It helps us to help you if you show the exact code that you used, including any packages used.
That warning looks like it comes from the readxl package (but could be a different package).
Basically, when functions like read_xl or even read.table are not told specifically what type of data is in each column then R will read several rows at the top of the file and make an educated guess as to what type of data is in each column, then it will start over and read the data based on those guesses.
Your warning means that there was a cell that your R function was expecting to be a number (based either on the educated guess, or because you told it to expect a number) and instead it saw a date, so it gives a warning to let you know that there was a potential problem. Note that a warning means the code continued to run, there may just be some values that don't match what you were expecting. An error would have stopped the code running and not returned anything.
To fix the problem you can either explicitly tell your R function what type of data is in each column (exactly how depends on the function). Or you can fix your Excel file so that it is clear what each type of data is (remember, just because something looks like a date in Excel does not mean that Excel realizes it is a date or tells other programs that it is a date).

R: Error in .Primitive, non-numeric argument to binary operator

I did some reading on similar SO questions, but couldn't figure out how to resolve my error.
I have written the following string of code:
points[paste0(score.avail,"_pts")] <-
Map('*', points[score.avail], mget(paste0(score.avail,'_m')) )
Essentially, I have a list of columns in the 'points' data frame, defined by 'score.avail'. I am multiplying each of the columns by a respective constant, defined as the paste0(score.avail, '_m') expression. It appends new fields based on the multiplication, given by paste0(score.avail, "_pts") expression.
I have used this function before in a similar setup with no issues. However, I am now getting the following error:
Error in .Primitive("*")(dots[[1L]][[1L]], dots[[2L]][[1L]]) :
non-numeric argument to binary operator
I'm pretty sure R is telling me that one of the fields I'm trying to multiply is not numeric. However, I have checked all my fields, and they are numeric. I have even tried running a line as.numeric(score.avail) but that doesn't help. I also ran the following to remove NA's in the fields (before the Map function above).
for(col in score.avail){
points[ & (data.source == "average" |
data.source == "averageWeighted"), (col) := 0]}
The thing that stumps me is that this expression has worked with no issues before.
I did some more digging by separating out each component of my original function. I'm getting odd output when running points[score.avail]. Previously when I ran this, it would return just the columns for all of my rows. Now, however, I'm getting none of the rows in my original data frame -- rather, it is imputing the column names in the 'score.avail' list as rows and filling in NA's everywhere (this is clearly the source of my problem).
I think this is because I'm using the object I'm pointing to is a data.table with keyvars set. Previously with this function, I had been pointing to a data frame.
Off to try a few more things.
Another Update
I was able to solve my problem by copying the 'points' object using However, I will leave the question open to see if anyone knows how to reset the data table key vars so that the function I specified above will work.
I was able to solve my problem by copying the 'points' object using Apparently classifying the object as a data.table was causing my headaches.

Why does R mix up numerical with categorial variables?

I am confused. I input a .csv file in R and want to fit a linear multivariate regression model.
However, R declares all my obvious numeric variables to be factors and my categorial variables to be integers. Therefore, I cannot fit the model.
Does anyone know how to resolve this?
I know this is probably so basic. But I really need to know this. Elsewhere, I found only posts concerning how to declare factors. But this does not apply here.
Any suggestions very much appreciated!
The easiest way, imo, to handle this is to just tell R what type of data your columns contain when you read them into the workspace. For example, if you have a csv file where the first column should be characters, columns 2-21 should be numeric, and column 22 should be a factor, here's how I would read that csv file into the workspace:
Data <- read.csv("MyData.csv", colClasses=c("character", rep("numeric", 20), "factor"))
Sometimes (with certain versions of R, as Andrew points out) float entries in a CSV are long enough that it thinks they are strings and not floats. In this case, you can do the following
data <- read.csv("filename.csv")
data$some.column <- as.numeric(as.character(data$some.column))
Or you could pass stringsAsFactors=F to the read.csv call, and just apply as.numeric in the next line. That might be a bad idea though if you have a lot of data.
It's a little harder to say what's going on with the categorical variables. You might want to try just treating those as strings and see how that works. Sometimes R will treat factor vectors as being of numeric type, so this is a good first sanity check. If that doesn't work, you can also see if the regression functions in question will let you declare how the variables should be treated.
It is hard to tell without a sample of your data file and the commands that you have been using to try and work with the data, but here are some general problems that can lead to what you describe (though there could be other possibilities as well).
The read.csv and read.table (which is called by read.csv) function will try and guess the types of data when they are not told what each column should be (the colClasses argument). If everything looks like a number then it will convert to a number, but if it sees anything in the first lines that does not look like part of a number then it will read it in as character and convert to a factor. Some of the common reasons why what you think should be a number but R sees something non-numeric include: a finger slip results in a letter somewhere in the column; similar looking substitutions, O for 0 or l for 1; a comma where one is not expected, many European files use , where R expects . (but there are options to tell R what you want here) or if you use read.table without setting sep when it really is a comma separated file.
If you have a categorical variable represented by integers, then R will convert it to integers unless you tell it to make a factor. If you use as.numeric on a factor then it will return the integers used to represent the factor internally. How to convert a factor with labels that are numbers to a numeric is a question (and answer) in the FAQ.
If this does not point you in the right direction then give us a sample of your data and what commands you are using.

R: partimat function doesn't recognize my classes

I am a relatively novice r user and am attempting to use the partimat() function within the klaR package to plot decision boundaries for a linear discriminant analysis but I keep encountering the same error. I have tried inputing the arguments multiple different ways according to the manual, but keep getting the following error:
Error in partimat.default(x, grouping, ...) :
at least two classes required
Here is an example of the input I've given:
where my data table is loaded in under the name "sources1" with columns 3 through 19 containing the explanatory variables and column 2 containing the classes. I have also tried doing it by entering the formula like so:
with these being the column heading.
I have successfully run an LDA on this same data set without issue so I'm not quite sure what is wrong.
From the source code of the partimat.default function getAnywhere(partimat.default) it states
if (nlevels(grouping) < 2)
stop("at least two classes required")
Therefore maybe you haven't defined your grouping column as a factor variable. If you try summary(sources1[,2]) what do you get? If it's not a factor, try
sources1[,2] <- as.factor(sources1[,2])
Or in method 2 try removing the "sources1$"on each of your variable names in the formula as you specify the data frame in which to look for these variable names in the data argument. I think you are effectively specifying the dataframe twice and it might be looking, for instance, for
Rather than
Without further error messages or a reproducible example (i.e. include some data in your post) it's hard to say really.
