R: Error in .Primitive, non-numeric argument to binary operator - r

I did some reading on similar SO questions, but couldn't figure out how to resolve my error.
I have written the following string of code:
points[paste0(score.avail,"_pts")] <-
Map('*', points[score.avail], mget(paste0(score.avail,'_m')) )
Essentially, I have a list of columns in the 'points' data frame, defined by 'score.avail'. I am multiplying each of the columns by a respective constant, defined as the paste0(score.avail, '_m') expression. It appends new fields based on the multiplication, given by paste0(score.avail, "_pts") expression.
I have used this function before in a similar setup with no issues. However, I am now getting the following error:
Error in .Primitive("*")(dots[[1L]][[1L]], dots[[2L]][[1L]]) :
non-numeric argument to binary operator
I'm pretty sure R is telling me that one of the fields I'm trying to multiply is not numeric. However, I have checked all my fields, and they are numeric. I have even tried running a line as.numeric(score.avail) but that doesn't help. I also ran the following to remove NA's in the fields (before the Map function above).
for(col in score.avail){
points[is.na(get(col)) & (data.source == "average" |
data.source == "averageWeighted"), (col) := 0]}
The thing that stumps me is that this expression has worked with no issues before.
I did some more digging by separating out each component of my original function. I'm getting odd output when running points[score.avail]. Previously when I ran this, it would return just the columns for all of my rows. Now, however, I'm getting none of the rows in my original data frame -- rather, it is imputing the column names in the 'score.avail' list as rows and filling in NA's everywhere (this is clearly the source of my problem).
I think this is because I'm using the object I'm pointing to is a data.table with keyvars set. Previously with this function, I had been pointing to a data frame.
Off to try a few more things.
Another Update
I was able to solve my problem by copying the 'points' object using as.data.frame(). However, I will leave the question open to see if anyone knows how to reset the data table key vars so that the function I specified above will work.

I was able to solve my problem by copying the 'points' object using as.data.frame(). Apparently classifying the object as a data.table was causing my headaches.


Individual variables from the top row of my dataframe are not recognized as objects

I am really new to "R" and stackoverflow here a beginner question it seems so simple that I can not find the answer in the net...
I loaded my data:
df<- read.csv2("HOR.csv", na="NA",header = TRUE)
Now I would like to get an overview from individual variables of my df.
I use
and that works...
But when I try this with individual variables/columns, I get an error
Object not found
eg. the console says:
Error in summary(PSumme) : Object 'PSumme' not found
It is a very basic question but i can not do any type of analysis since it seems that R does not recognize any of my columns as objects, I get the same error when I try adding or subtracting columns with each others or trying to change variables e.g.:
PSumme * -1
I have already tried tibble and other commands to turn the columns heads into variables and it seems to work but the variables are not treated as objects.
Bests and ty for your time!

Using For Loop in R to loop through a dataframe

I have a function called Produce_Output. It takes an X variable and a Y variable then in R carries out some calculations, SQL data retrievals, saves a plot to a file location etc. the function itself doesn't produce anything but triggers other actions.
I want to run this function through a data frame which has been setup for it. The dataframe has 8464 obs and 2 variables. I would like to use the function and pass each 2 variables to the function an observation at a time.
calling the function as follows
for (Data_To_Process) {
Produce_Output(TableA$Column1, TableA$Column2)
I get the following error
Error in $<-.data.frame(*tmp*, "OND", value = c(3379L, 3121L,
1699L, : replacement has 8464 rows, data has 3
I read a post on here about the data having NULLs, I've checked that and it doesn't. I also don't understand what it replacing what with. I just want it to process the first row, then the next... then the next... as I said the function has no output but triggers other procedures using the two values inserted. Any help would be appreciated.
Rui Barradas - You are perfectly correct that was the issue. I was aware of the index method for the loop but had only access to instances where one column was being used so didn't understand how to reference other columns in the syntax. Thanks for your help
"You are passing the entire columns, not rows. It could be something like for(i in 1:nrow(TableA)){Produce_Output(TableA$Column1[i], TableA$Column2[i])}"

Error in col2rgb(d) : invalid color name in tweenr

I'm getting this error a lot in using tweenr in RStudio on mac but I'm unable to replicate it using dummy dataset. My dataset is a list of data frames with I want to apply tween_states. Works fine on dummy data, but always return Error in col2rgb(d) : invalid color name and recognise my first character column as a 'color' whenever I use real data.
Hard to be sure, but I think you are passing too many columns to the tweenr function.
The data you send to the tweenr function should be trimmed column wise to only contain the columns used as argument names and one additional column of values that will be tweened
Getting the same issue! I fixed it by making sure the first column only has numbers, no strings. For whatever reason the first column is interpreted as colors if it contains strings. I didn't need to trim any columns down as the other poster suggested.

Converting Data Type from data.table package in R

this might be a dumb/obvious question but unfortunately I haven't had much luck finding information about it online so I thought I'd ask it here. Basically, I'm working with the data.table package in R and I have imported a data set into R where, in a particular column, the values can be both numeric values and character values (and even blank/empty values), and I want to be able to obtain a value from that column and use it for calculations.
The thing about the data.table package though is that when you import a file using the fread() function it automatically sets all values in that file as a character data type, so this can cause a few issues since this means that all numbers are automatically character types as well. I have worked around this slightly by using the as.numeric() function so that if a value obtained from that column is a number then it can be easily converted to numeric type and used in calculations. However, since the column also contains other characters (specifically, it can also have \N or N as values) and since it can also contain blank/empty values, then this means the as.numeric() function will show up with an error. For example, I initially wrote an IF loop to detect whether a column cell had a character value or a numeric value as follows:
if( as.numeric(..{Reference to column cell from file here}...) == NA ) {
x <- 0
(where x is just some variable), but it did not work and instead gave the output:
Error in if ((as.numeric(.... :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : NAs introduced by coercion
(I should note that is.numeric() also did not work since all values in a data.table data set are automatically character values so this function always gives FALSE regardless of it's actual data type).
So clearly I need a better function or method to work around this. Is there a function capable of reading a 'character' value from a column and being able to detect whether that value is truly a numeric type or character type (or even neither, in the case of an empty cell)? Thanks in advance

convert period in stata to NA in r

I have a dataset in stata and I want to take it to R, but there are some missing values in state and they are represented using a period. I want to get the data into R which I do by loading the foreign package and then I use read.table() function. How do I convert the periods in state which are genuinely missing to NA in R?
If i understand you correctly, you first load the Foreign-Package for loading a .dta-File, correct?
Then you would read in your Data by using:
myRFile <- read.dta(file="someStataFile.dta")
You are asking for a way that the missing operator from Stata, often denoted by a dot ., is converted to the missing operator in R, NA, also correct?
One thing to know here is, that Stata handles missing values "behind the scenes" in multiple ways. There are actually about 27 different missing operators in Stata, which are usually not distinguishable for the user. You do not need to know them for you problem though, because read.dta() handles them itself.
To learn how you can tackle a simple problem like this yourself in the future, you always need to check the help file for your function first:
Here you see, that the function handles the extensive missing-data types from Stata automatically and correctly.
If you want to have information about which type of missing operator was recognized, you can set the argument missing.type=TRUE, by using:
myRFile <- read.dta(file="someStataFile.dta", missing.type=TRUE)
Then, according to the help file, the following will happen:
If missing.type is TRUE a separate list is created with the same
variable names as the loaded data. For string variables the list value
is NULL. For other variables the value is NA where the observation is
not missing and 0–26 when the observation is missing. This is attached
as the "missing" attribute of the returned value.
