TwitteR (R's Twitter API)- unable to acquire tweets when specifying geocode - r

I'm currently using the TwitteR package in R. I'm able to acquire tweets without specifying the geocode, however when I specify the geocode, I get an error message which I give below:
#setup permission using relevant API keys in setup_twitter_oauth
searchTwitter("dog") #this line works
searchTwitter("dog", geocode = '40.714997,-73.91623, 10mi') #this line doesn't work
#returns "Error in twInterfaceObj$doAPICall(cmd, params, "GET", ...) : client error: (403) Forbidden"
The geocode I included is in New York City (I just chose a place with a high population density).

Works for me if I remove the space in the geocode argument:
searchTwitter("dog", geocode = '40.714997,-73.91623,10mi')


twitteR packaging throwing error when trying to search for tweets by geocode

I am trying to collect tweets based on a geolocation using the searchTwitter function.
geocode = ="40.6687,74.1143,1mi" text = "" count = 200 bList<- searchTwitter(text, n=count, geocode=geocode)
When I run this code, I get an error stating "200 tweets were requested but the API can only return 0". I am not looking for tweets more than 7 days old and have no whitespace in my geocode, which were solutions to previously asked questions about this function.
Why am I getting this error and how can I fix it?
I have tried looking at similar problems online but I cannot figure out why there is an error.

R googleway bug in geocoding with address

I have some problem with the google_geocode function in googleway package. At first I've just tried it with a simple address:
key <- MyKey
df <- google_geocode(address = "5 Rue J-F Kennedy 8332 Luxembourg",
key = key,
simplify = TRUE)
And got the following message:
Error in value[[3L]](cond) :
There was an error downloading results. Please manually check the following URL is valid by entering it into a browswer. If valid, please file a bug report citing this URL (note: your API key has been removed, so you will need to add that back in)
I'd pasted it to my browser, and it was OK. Any idea?

How to get lat long for indian cities in R?

I am trying to get lat long for Indian cities through ggmap package. Below is the code I have tried but it results in an error.
I created a vector with sample cities
mycities1<- c("Hyderabad","Chennai","Bangalore","Cochin","ARNHEM","London")
This is throwing out NA values though my city names are class of character.
Warning message: geocode failed with status OVER_QUERY_LIMIT, location
= "Hyderabad
Please change the source argument to dsk.
geocode(as.character(mycities1[1]), source = "dsk")
This is due to recent google-API changes.
There is also a current github-issue (or several actually) which adresses that problem.
geocode failed with status OVER_QUERY_LIMIT, location = "XXX" --> you
have not registered a correct and billing-enabled Google Maps API key
using register_google() (ggmap v2.7,903). Enabling billing is a
specific step after (!) adding your credit card information.

How can I avoid Twitter API rate limits when returning a user's followers?

I have seen a few posts about this, but I have not been able to use any of the suggested code for the way I have my program set up. I am not very good at R but I need this information for a Political Science class. Could someone please help me figure out a way to avoid receiving the error message "Warning message: In twInterfaceObj$doAPICall(cmd, params, method, ...) : Rate limit encountered & retry limit reached - returning partial results." Thank you in advance! The code I am running is below:
# install and load packages
# Establish the connection (do this once)
#setup Twitter
setup_twitter_oauth('Consumer Key - XXXXXXXXXX', Consumer Secret -
#store the user
user <- getUser('JackPosobiec')
#return a list of followers
Posobiecfollowers <- user$getFollowers(n=NULL)
#save followers in a data set
followers.df = ldply(followers, function(t) t$toDataFrame())
write.csv(followers.df, file = "JackPosobiecfollowersfile.csv")

Valid client and signature using ggmap package in R

I am using ggmap package in R software in order to geocode a list of addresses. The counting is over 2500 - Googles diary quota for free users.
I have been searched about it and I found out that it is possible to geocode 100 thousand addresses per day if you have an account. I decided to open an account and I received a message that I have 60 trial days and they gave a 300 dollars credit. Despite this, I didnt discover where I can find the "client" and "signature" options that ggmap requires.
If someone can tell me where I can find it, please let me know!
My aim is to make Google searches by the address. If address is not recognized, then I make it searches for the local using the zip code. Here is what I am doing:
getGeoData <- function(location, api_key){
location <- gsub(' ','+',location)
geo_data <- getURL(paste("",location,sprintf("&key=%s",api_key), sep=""))
geo_data <- fromJSON(geo_data)
} else return(geo_data$results[[1]]$geometry$location)
New error:
getGeoData(basefinal$cep[6793], "MY KEY")[[2]]
Error in getGeoData(basefinal$cep[6793], "MY KEY")[[2]] :
subscript out of bounds
