Extend fluid layout to one side - css

Image I have a Layout with a fixed width column that is centered on the screen. This Layout has a header bar that for simplicity's sake has a fixed height.
Is it possible to have that header bar stay in place but make it seem like it extends all the way to the edge of the window on one side?
Let's say the header bar has a blue background and is 50px high. So the area to the right of column should also show a bar that has a blue background and a 50px height.

The only working solution I found was to use JS.
Get the window width, the header width and absolute position a super wide div so that it matches the end of the header. Then add a resize event handler (preferrably debounced) to adjust the position if needed.
This is not the solution I was hoping for. Any alternative (CSS) solutions are very welcome.


Scale content responsively within an absolutely-positioned, responsive outer container

I have a project that involves having a sidebar that floats over an image. The sidebar is set to position: absolute to keep it over the image and to help it scale along with it when the screen size changes.
Here is a codepen that basically recreates what I'm working on: https://codepen.io/gojiHime/pen/JmYqaz
The issue I'm having is with controlling the size of the contents within the wrapper container. I want the preview div to scale along with the wrapper container. Currently, it does not work as expected in that the preview div does not start scaling as the width and height change for wrapper and for thumbs-inner. The thumbs-inner div scales correctly for the most part, but the bottom of div is cut off so you can't see the bottom of the scroll bar in smaller screens.
I know I set overflow: hidden on wrapper but without it the content in preview would extend outside of it as the height of wrapper changed.
So, I'm looking for ideas on how to fix the aforementioned issues. wrapper must stay absolutely positioned and the thumbs-inner div needs to have a vertical scrolling feature, so I can't do anything with those. I don't think setting a height makes sense for wrapper since it needs to scale responsively in height and width.
EDIT: Not sure how much this will help but this is a screenshot of what the layout of everything should look like: enter image description here
The Kraftmaid logo, full-size thumbnail and the text below it (which are in the .preview div in the codepen) have to be visible at all times when changing the screensize.
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but generally for responsive layouts you would want to avoid fixed dimensions, such as specific widths set in x number of pixels.
This shows your code with responsive layouts for .wrapper and .thumbs-inner (note that I haven't addressed any content issues within those two divs since I have no idea what your intended layout is):
Note that:
I've switched the two layout divs to use box-sizing: border-box; which will allow you to use pixels for margin and padding but still use percentages for width.
I've removed width from .wrapper and switched to percentage based absolute left and right declarations - if you modify these values, the layout should still work.
I've added borders to make the layout more obvious.

How to overlay div on top of responsive carousel

I am trying to position a logo just above the nav overlaying a responsive carousel. The trouble is, depending on the window size, the logo doesn't stay anchored to the nav. I don't know how to even approach this problem. Here is the project I am currently working on. Is there even a way to accomplish this?
The problem is that your logo (I assume you meant the transparent white round logo) is absolute positioned to the top of the browser, AND you're trying to make its position move with the resizing carousel. Try moving the logo inside the #slider1_container and absolute position, bottom:0 (instead of top:0)
This will force it to stick to the bottom of the carousel, regardless of the height of the slider, so it will appear to move with it.
Then, you've got the issue of resizing the logo to shrink with the window as well. If you set the logo's width to a percentage, and its height to auto, with a max-width set to whatever the greatest size you want to allow it to become, then that should manage that.

Force element scrollbar to the top using CSS

I have a container on my site that is 100% of the screen width and has its own scrollbar using overflow: auto. The standard scrollbar does not display on my site and I use this instead because there is another layer behind the main layer of my site that also has its own scrollbar (you can view my site here and click a blog post to see what I mean).
I have a blue bar that I want to be fixed to the top of the screen. This is easy enough in terms of positioning in that way with position: fixed however the width of the bar needs to be 100% of the screen width and I'm finding that the bar will overlap the scrollbar that is applied to its parent container.
Here is a jsFiddle showing what I mean: http://jsfiddle.net/xUTR2/1/
I've thought about just offsetting the bar to the left based on the width of the scrollbar, but then I decided that I couldn't rely on estimating the width of the scrollbar across different browsers, and that would leave a gap if there were no scrollbar.
Is there an obvious way to force the scrollbar to render ontop?
As I can't comment yet, im forced to give an answer.
If im correct you would like to get the top blue bar in a fixed position as in visible while scrolling down.
personally i would make seperate containers
something like
<div id='page'>
<div id='bluebar'></div>
<div id='content'></div>
Demo can be found here ( http://limpid.nl/lab/css/fixed/header )
you can do this by jquery easily, at some event.
$("body").load(function () {
$('scrollable container').css('overflow-y', 'auto');
try keeping the blue bar and other page content in separate containers, i think it will solve the problem for you.
This is impossible to achieve in a clean/robust kind of way because anything you position as fixed is done so within the context of the main browser (and within any scrollbar it has), but because you removed the main body scrollbar (and you must because you cannot z-index position on top of it) it doesn't think anything is there, yet you have this div below it so the only options you have are to use fixed margin and height for the two elements or use some javascript method to determine the correct width of your top div.

Complex layout with absolute positioning

I have to make a website that have this layout:
There are 4 blocks: green (the footer), blue (the sidebar), red (the main container), and orange (the content).
I'm finding some difficulties to center the elements. The red block have a fixed width and height (980x680) , the sidebar and the footer should remain in their place, and if I have a bigger screen they still have to fill the full width and the full height.
Do you think is it possible to accomplish this result?
How about something like this: http://www.sidekick.com.au/files/stackoverflow/div-positioning/
The height of the blue sidedbar is the only thing that needs work. Currently it is set to a static height, or the height of whatever is inside it.
You can try this out... http://pixelsvsbytes.com/blog/2012/02/this-css-layout-grid-is-no-holy-grail/ or this one http://www.davidjrush.com/blog/2009/01/css-sticky-footer/

css liquid layout with div overflow inside

I'm having trouble in design layout css with div element.
Basically my main page layout design is look like the following picture :
The red box is the browser screen area.
The black box is the content area where the data will included / or loaded via ajax.
The green box is the data list which is the response result and contain about hundred rows inside. The data list contain header div and rows divs.
What i intend to do is set the overflow on the blue area which is the data rows so the scrollbar will appear on the right side of the blue box not on the right side of the red or black box.
Then when the browser area (red) resized all the div inside will also resized to the best size.
I've managed to make the scroll bar appear on the blue box when the data inside is overflow by set css overflow : auto /scroll for blue box div. But the problem is the overflow : auto properties seems only work when i set a certain height for the blue box div let's say about 400px. When i resize the browser the blue box div keeps stay with 400px height.
How to make it auto resize? Thanks in advance for any help.
You need to fix the heights of the HEADER, "Table Heading Row", FOOTER and the "subfooter" row
from there you can calculate the top and bottom position offsets for the middle box, which should be absolutely positioned, the becasue it's positioned you will also need to absolutely position the two bottom footers, in my example I have wrapped them two rows and positioned them as one, this may seem excess but there are in fact a lot of your containers which are no longer required (though I didn't weed them out)
also your float code is too excessive, you don't need to relatively position every float to left: 0.0% so I chopped all tham out, you only need top relatively position something if you want to do absolute positioning inside it.. except for the body element which is all we need to use for this style layout (note I did change the end of your HTML slightly)
refiddle: HERE
and btw, I think this one those internal rows would be better as an actual <table>, it seems like rows of Data to me ;) - and the whole thing would likely mean a lot less code..
What your looking for is a positioned div for the blue box.
position: relative;
top : 100px; // height of header - Top stays 100px away from header thus grows on resize!
bottom : 0px; // Bottom sticks to bottom
left : 0px; // Left sticks to left
right : 0px; // Right sticks to right
