migration of oracle apps form personilization - oracle-apps

Can we migrate a particular sequence of form personalization
eg: I have 10 , 20 , 30 ,40 ,50 Form personalization in XX instance
and I want to migrate only 10,20,40 to another instance YY
Thanks in Advance,

It's not possible to migrate individual rules unless untill they fall under different level (form/function)


Drupal WebForm Conditionals

I need to build a webform where one of the questions asks the user to pick a date from a list of 5 dates. Each of the 5 dates only allows 10 attendees. How can I track the number of people that have registered for each date and limit the number of attendees? Thanks for any help.
Go for some custom solution. I.e. create some content type with 5 integer fields where you will keep count of attendees per day.
Then hook that webform (hook_form_alter()) and add another submission handler function, like described here:
Drupal 7 Webform submit hook
In that function (submit handler) read the form values increase counter if it has free space or shoot some message that no more places remained.

Google App Maker Many-to-Many relations

I have a Google App Maker project where I have a Many-To-Many Relation between 2 tables A and B.
I can build a page for table A where I have a table of related B records and add new ones using a dialog.
However, this approach enables me to create new B records and associate them to an A record but how can I make the user able to select an existing B record and associate it to an A record via UI?
I will need to have it work both ways (Select A records from B record page as well).
I was to accomplish this by creating a separate dialog for selecting existing records which would show all available B records in a table widget with a SELECT button on each row. clicking the button will add the record to the B related records of the A record. However, I know there has to be an automatic way built by Google that will be less work and better design.
Thanks and I appreciate your help.
Your solution is a good one, another solution, depending on the number of existing records, is to use the multi-select widget. (You can bind the items to B's datasource, and values to the relation on a record in A. But as I mentioned, this only works well if the number of items in B is small.)
Making this easier is something we've been looking in to, the main challenge is the correct UI in this case depends a lot on the kind of app you're writing.
It took me a while to figure out the bindings for a multi-select but I think I am right in saying that they are
Datasource: inherited: A
Values: #datasource.item.B
Option: #datasource.B.items
With this that Values are/is what you are updating in A(ie. A.B), but the Options you are updating it with are listed in B(ie. B.items).
Devin Taylor is right in his assertion that if you have a lot of records it may not work so well.

teradata role name max length 30 is too short for Ad group name

I am working on a Teradata (TD) and Active Directory (AD) sync script for a Teradata LDAP integration project. Soon we realize that many long AD group names was truncated in TD role names because of TD's max length of 30 characters for a role name.
I am wondering if there is a work around for this issue?
I can maintain a mapping text file of AD role name to AD ground name or a table as a look up method.
Any other suggestions?
Great appreciated!
The easist way to fix this issue is to use the latest Views to look for role names. The old names such as dbc.RoleMember has the limitation of 30 characters.
select *
from dbc.roleMembersV
where RoleName like '%TERA%TEST%'
order by roleName asc

ga:visits showing zero when ga:pageviews, ga:visitors show values?

I have a top profileid and a filtered profileid.
the filtered profileid uses a path starting with /xxx/yyy/
now in site I have 2 view pages -
1) top profile + my filter of /xxx/yyy/
2) sub profile
both pages show the same number and values for pages
but when I do a view of "ga:pageviews, ga:visitors, ga:visits"
I get different values only for visits (sometimes 0 on #1)
examples of output
70 5 1
40 8 0 <--how can I get a zero?
70 5 6
40 8 8
so hitting the top profile and adding my filter to the call gives me invalid visits.
using the same code for profile #2 I get correct numbers.
looking inside google admin, profile 2 only has the 1 filter and it matches the same as what I am doing in code. also the pages match up so this does not make sense to me.
how is it possible to get numbers but have no visits?
is there a way to get an individual listing of the data that it is using to output to my filtered request?
I think I figured this out. doing the filter inside google as a separate profile will retag the first page to a session count, whereas if I query the top profile and filter on my end I will get very low session starts because most people hit the home page or login page which counts as their session start.
it seems I cannot use the metric sessions or visits along with my filtering to a sub section.

ASP.NET webforms physical site structure with dynamic site map

I am having a little difficulty trying to wrap my head around site structures.
I have quite a large asp.net site, for which:
Admins can see a user list, Each user can have many accounts, and for each account can have many items.
I can picture this as a breadcrumb trail of editing a particular item.
User List > Mr Bob > Accounts > BOB77 > Items > Item32 > Edit
User List = All the users
Mr Bob = A user the administrator has selected from the User List
Accounts = A list of the user's accounts
12BOB = The administrator has selected the account named 12BOB
Items = A list of the items an account contains
Item32 = The item that the administrator selected
Edit = The action that the administrator wants to do
I can picture how this would look like if it was using ASP.NET MVC with the URL, but I am unsure how to map this out using Webforms, and in the physical filesystem.
This is what I have thought up about how I am guessing the physical structure would look like. Will this have to use session variables to achieve what I am trying to do?
/Users/User/Edit.aspx <- for editing a user
/Users/User/View.aspx <- for viewing a user
/Users/User/Accounts/Default.aspx <- for viewing all accounts
/Users/User/Accounts/Account/View.aspx <- for viewing an account
/Users/User/Accounts/Account/Edit.aspx <- for editing an account
/Users/User/Accounts/Account/Items/Default.aspx <- for viewing all items in an account
/Users/User/Accounts/Account/Items/Item/Edit.aspx <- for editing an item
Where can I read more about this kind of setup in a web application? Or, can someone point me in the direction of an available project that has this kind of layout?
This seems simple, but when you want to lay out the logical structure and you're considering every element to the structure, it becomes very unclear.
This is the url format I came up with. This uses query strings instead of Session variables.
Query strings are used as parameters.
Using this format I was able to make a sitemap provider which interpreted the values of the querystring and replaced the names of nodes for that page.
I hope this helps you, if you are in a similar situation to what I was.
