substitution matrix based on spatial autocorrelation transformation - r

I would like to measure the hamming sequence similarity in which the substitution costs are not based on the substitution rates in the observed sequences but based on the spatial autocorrelation within the study area of the different states (states are thus not related to DNA but something else).
I divided my study area in grid cells of equal size (e.g. 1000m) and measured how often the same "state" is observed in a neighboring cell (Rook-case). Consequently the weight matrix indicates that from state A to A (to move within the same states) has a much higher probability than to go from A to B or B to C or A to C. This already indicates that states have a high spatial autocorrelation.
The problem is, if you want to measure sequence similarity the substitution matrix should be 0 at the diagonal. Therefore I was wondering whether there is a kind of transformation to go from an "autocorrelation matrix" to a substitution matrix, with 0 values along the diagonal. By means of this we would like to account for spatial autocorrelation in the study area in our sequence similarity measure. To do my analysis I am using the package TraMineR.
Example matrix in R for sequences consisting out of four states (A,B,C,D):
Autocorrelation matrix:
A = c(17.50,3.00,1.00,0.05)
B = c(3.00,10.00,2.00,1.00)
C = c(1.00,2.00,30.00,3.00)
D = c(0.05,1.00,3.00,20.00)
subm = rbind(A,B,C,D)
colnames(subm) = c("A","B","C","D")
how to transform this matrix to a substitution matrix?

First, TraMineR computes the Hamming distance, i.e., a dissimilarity, not a similarity.
The simple Hamming distance is just the count of mismatches between two sequences. For example, the Hamming distance between AABBCC and ABBBAC is 2, and between AAAAAA and AAAAAA it is 0 since there are no mismatches.
Generalized Hamming allows to weighting mismatches (not matches!) with substitution costs. For example if the substitution cost between A and B is 1.5, and is 2 between B and C, then the distance would be the weighted sum of mismatches, i.e., 3.5 between the first two sequences. It would still be zero between one sequence and itself.
From what I understand, the shown matrix is not the matrix of substitution costs. It is the matrix of what you call 'spatial autocorrelations', and you look for how you can turn this information into substitutions costs.
The idea is to assign high substitution cost (mismatch weight) when the autocorrelation (a rate in your case) is low, i.e., when there is a low probability to find say state B in the neighborhood of state A, and to assign a low substitution cost when the probability is high. Since your probability matrix is symmetric, a simple solution is to use $1 - p(A|B)$ for all off diagonal terms, and leave 0 on the diagonal for the reason explained above.
sm <- 1 - subm/100
diag(sm) <- 0
For non symmetric probabilities, you could use a similar formula to the one used for deriving the costs from transition rates, i.e., $2 - p(A|B) - p(B|A)$.


k means clustering on matrix

I am trying to cluster a Multidimensional Functional Object with the "kmeans" algorithms. What does it mean: So I don't have anymore a vector per each row or Individual, even more a 3x3 observation matrix per each Individual.For example: Individual = 1 has the following observations:
(x1, x2, x3),(y1,y2,y3),(z1,z2,z3).
The same structure of observations is also given for the other Individuals. So do you know how I can cluster with "kmeans" including all 3 observation vectors -and not only one observation vector how it is normal used for "kmeans" clustering?
Would you do it for each observation vector, f.e. (x1, x2, x3), separately and then combine the Information somehow together? I want to do this with the kmeans() Function in R.
Many thanks for your answers!
Using k-means you interpret each observation as a point in an N-dimensional vector space. Then you minimize the distances between your observations and the cluster centers.
Since, the data is viewed as dots in an N-dim space, the actual arrangement of the values does not matter.
You can, therefore, either tell your k-means routine to use a matrix norm, for example the Frobenius norm, to compute the distances. The other way would be to flatten your observations from 3 by 3 matrices to 1 by 9 vectors. The Frobenius norm of a NxN matrix is equivalent to the euclidean norm of a 1xN^2 vector.
Just give the argument to kmeans() with all the three columns it'll calculate the distances in 3 dimension, if that is what you are looking for.

Calculate Rao's quadratic entropy

Rao QE is a weighted Euclidian distance matrix. I have the vectors for the elements of the d_ijs in a data table dt, one column per element (say there are x of them). p is the final column. nrow = S. The double sums are for the lower left (or upper right since it is symmetric) elements of the distance matrix.
If I only needed an unweighted distance matrix I could simply do dist() over the x columns. How do I weight the d_ijs by the product of p_i and p_j?
And example data set is at with the ps in the column called foodQ.ratio.
You still start with dist for the raw Euclidean distance matrix. Let it be D. As you will read from R - How to get row & column subscripts of matched elements from a distance matrix, a "dist" object is not a real matrix, but a 1D array. So first do D <- as.matrix(D) or D <- dist2mat(D) to convert it to a complete matrix before the following.
Now, let p be the vector of weights, the Rao's QE is just a quadratic form q'Dq / 2:
c(crossprod(p, D %*% p)) / 2
Note, I am not doing everything in the most efficient way. I have performed a symmetric matrix-vector multiplication D %*% p using the full D rather than just its lower triangular part. However, R does not have a routine doing triangular matrix-vector multiplication. So I compute the full version than divide 2.
This doubles computation amount that is necessary; also, making D a full matrix doubles memory costs. But if your problem is small to medium size this is absolutely fine. For large problem, if you are R and C wizard, call BLAS routine dtrmv or even dtpmv for the triangular matrix-vector computation.
I just found this simple paper: Rao's quadratic entropy as a measure of functional diversity based on multiple traits for definition and use of Rao's EQ. It mentions that we can replace Euclidean distance with Mahalanobis distance. In case we want to do this, use my code in Mahalanobis distance of each pair of observations for fast computation of Mahalanobis distance matrix.

Mathematical representation of a set of points in N dimensional space?

Given some x data points in an N dimensional space, I am trying to find a fixed length representation that could describe any subset s of those x points? For example the mean of the s subset could describe that subset, but it is not unique for that subset only, that is to say, other points in the space could yield the same mean therefore mean is not a unique identifier. Could anyone tell me of a unique measure that could describe the points without being number of points dependent?
In short - it is impossible (as you would achieve infinite noiseless compression). You have to either have varied length representation (or fixed length with length being proportional to maximum number of points) or dealing with "collisions" (as your mapping will not be injective). In the first scenario you simply can store coordinates of each point. In the second one you approximate your point clouds with more and more complex descriptors to balance collisions and memory usage, some posibilities are:
storing mean and covariance (so basically perofming maximum likelihood estimation over Gaussian families)
performing some fixed-complexity density estimation like Gaussian Mixture Model or training a generative Neural Network
use set of simple geometrical/algebraical properties such as:
number of points
mean, max, min, median distance between each pair of points
Any subset can be identified by a bit mask of length ceiling(lg(x)), where bit i is 1 if the corresponding element belongs to the subset. There is no fixed-length representation that is not a function of x.
I was wrong. PCA is a good way to perform dimensionality reduction for this problem, but it won't work for some sets.
However, you can almost do it. Where "almost" is formally defined by the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma, which states that for a given large dimension N, there exists a much lower dimension n, and a linear transformation that maps each point from N to n, while keeping the Euclidean distance between every pair of points of the set within some error ε from the original. Such linear transformation is called the JL Transform.
In other words, your problem is only solvable for sets of points where each pair of points are separated by at least ε. For this case, the JL Transform gives you one possible solution. Moreover, there exists a relationship between N, n and ε (see the lemma), such that, for example, if N=100, the JL Transform can map each point to a point in 5D (n=5), an uniquely identify each subset, if and only if, the minimum distance between any pair of points in the original set is at least ~2.8 (i.e. the points are sufficiently different).
Note that n depends only on N and the minimum distance between any pair of points in the original set. It does not depend on the number of points x, so it is a solution to your problem, albeit some constraints.

How the command dist(x,method="binary") calculates the distance matrix?

I have a been trying to figure that out but without much success. I am working with a table with binary data (0s and 1s). I managed to estimate a distance matrix from my data using the R function dist(x,method="binary"), but I am not quite sure how exactly this function estimates the distance matrix. Is it using the Jaccard coefficient J=(M11)/(M10+M01+M11)?
This is easily found in the help page ?dist:
This function computes and returns the distance matrix computed by using the specified distance measure to compute the distances between the rows of a data matrix.
binary: (aka asymmetric binary): The vectors are regarded as binary
bits, so non-zero elements are ‘on’ and zero elements are ‘off’. The
distance is the proportion of bits in which only one is on amongst
those in which at least one is on.
This is equivalent to the Jaccard distance as described in Wikipedia:
An alternate interpretation of the Jaccard distance is as the ratio of the size of the symmetric difference to the union.
In your notation, it is 1 - J = (M01 + M10)/(M01 + M10 + M11).

An "asymmetric" pairwise distance matrix

Suppose there are three sequences to be compared: a, b, and c. Traditionally, the resulting 3-by-3 pairwise distance matrix is symmetric, indicating that the distance from a to b is equal to the distance from b to a.
I am wondering if TraMineR provides some way to produce an asymmetric pairwise distance matrix.
No, TraMineR does not produce 'assymetric' dissimilaries precisely for the reasons stressed in Pat's comment.
The main interest of computing pairwise dissimilarities between sequences is that once we have such dissimilarities we can for instance
measure the discrepancy among sequences, determine neighborhoods, find medoids, ...
run cluster algorithms, self-organizing maps, MDS, ...
make ANOVA-like analysis of the sequences
grow regression trees for the sequences
Inputting a non symmetric dissimilarity matrix in those processes would most probably generate irrelevant outcomes.
It is because of this symmetry requirement that the substitution costs used for computing Optimal Matching distances MUST be symmetrical. It is important to not interpret substitution costs as the cost of switching from one state to the other, but to understand them for what they are, i.e., edit costs. When comparing two sequences, for example
aabcc and aadcc, we can make them equal either by replacing arbitrarily b with d in the first one or d with b in the second one. It would then not make sense not giving the same cost for the two substitutions.
Hope this helps.
