How to install previous version of Aptana - aptana

I don't like the 3.6 version at all. It has too many bugs and it's too slow compared with the previous versions, so I'd like to install to a previous version and wait till they fix the problems. I can't downgrade the installation, so no, not an option.
I know that in this web: there is a list of old versions, but this are VERY old, I'd like to download at least the 3.4.2 version or newer (like 3.5), but I can't see any link from wich I can download it. Can anyone give me a link or way to get previous versions of aptana?

Oh yes, oh yes, finally I found them:
Linux 32 bits
Linux 64 bits
Can't get the plugin, sorry.

You could find Aptana 3.4.2 as Eclipse plugin at the following URL:
When you are installing it from the zip, make sure you un-tick "Group Items by Category"


Issue with MinTTY/MSYS2/bash and sbt showing control characters / no rich text output

A recent update (of either MinTTY/MSYS2/bash or sbt) started breaking the output of sbt such that control characters are appearing instead of displaying rich text output in the terminal:
From the image you can see that rich text does still work as can be seen from my prompt line, but sbt started showing control characters like ←[0m[.
I'm on windows 11 and it was working perfectly fine last week, and my TERM terminal setting is set to xterm.
After some searching, I found these two posts:
both suggesting that I should try setting my TERM to cygwin but this did not solve the issue.
How can I isolate where the issue is happening? I highly suspect it's an internal sbt update because the version it's indicating is 1.6.0 but the version I installed was 1.4.4 last year. I just tried uninstalling it and installing 1.6.2 via the installer but the issue still persists.
Does anyone have a solution to this issue? Is it a general thing that affects certain CLIs? From the links above it looks like it used to impact gradle as well.
Looks like it was MinTTY or MSYS2 because an update of those fixed the issue.
Working version of MSYS2:
$ cat /proc/version
MINGW64_NT-10.0-19044 version 3.3.5-341.x86_64 (#WIN-MG5BEJ9M9JD) (gcc version 11.3.0 (GCC) ) 2022-07-08 09:41 UTC
and MinTTY:

Fresh ubuntu 18.04 and awesome-wm gnome-control-center is dead

Fresh install of ubuntu 18.04 then standard apt-install of awesome with awesome-extra.
Awesome --version returns
awesome v4.2 (Human after all)
• Compiled against Lua 5.3.3 (running with Lua 5.3)
• D-Bus support: ✔
• execinfo support: ✔
• xcb-randr version: 1.5
• LGI version: 0.9.2
gnome-control-center sound -v
** (gnome-control-center:14812): DEBUG: 14:27:19.737: Enabling debugging
** (gnome-control-center:14812): DEBUG: 14:27:19.850: No extra argument
** (gnome-control-center:14812): WARNING **: 14:27:19.850: Could not find settings panel "sound"
Basically there is no settings whatsoever.
Anyone can suggest what went wrong?
Everything else works just fine, I have sound, keyboard, multiple displays. I just lost control over settings, cannot mute sound, cannot dim a screen, cannot lock my laptop.
Previous ubuntu (16.04) had unity-control-center and it was working just fine (but with older version of awesome I think)
gnome-control center can be run by tricking it into thinking it is in a gnome desktop
env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center
or by editing the .desktop files for each control app.
for example
find the line OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity; add awesomewm
I reached to Awesome irc channel to figure out what might be wrong. Explanation I was given (I am not quoting, I am answering as I understand the problem) is that nowadays gnome is more and more strict over it's architecture. So in the past you could replace window manager on gnome with another tool and retain whatever underlying solution was (mentioned control panel, sound widgets and etc). But nowadays gnome has approach all or nothing.
So real solution to my problem is, because sound and screen is working and I am only missing settings-control over them, is to install widgets and/or tools. For example pavucontrol was mentioned as good tool for a sound and bind key shortcuts to control brightness.
Previous iteration of Ubuntu worked, because exactly it was running unity, not gnome.

Getting the latest version of R with Linux Mint

When I run apt install r-base it provides me with a slightly out-dated version of R. When I tried to look up how to get a newer version, much of what I found did something to the file /etc/apt/source.list. The content of this file is
#deb cdrom:[Linux Mint 18.3 _Sylvia_ - Release amd64 20171124]/ xenial contrib $
Most instructions suggest appending something like
deb wheezy-cran3/
But none of the various suggestions I've read have worked--presumably either because they were for non-Mint distros or they were for outdated versions of Mint. I tried taking something that I found, like trusty/
and editing it with the codename that I found elsewhere which seems to be the most recent, hence making it sylvia/
But when I ran the update it couldn't find the repo, presumably because places that have Trusty don't necessarily have Sylvia--although maybe it didn't work for some other reason. (And I notice the UK address which probably is bad for me to be using in America, but I don't really get how I'm supposed to find an address that will have the right files.)
Since I see a number of times when this question has been asked and solutions always seem to be short-lived, applying only so long as that particular version is hosted by that particular address and is the latest version--can I ask something where the answer might have a little more longevity: In general, how do you find the right thing to add to your /etc/apt/source.list file to make this work? How do you find the right repo source (same thing as a mirror?), the current codename, and so on? (It would also be nice to have a generalized procedure for how to solve this, because I basically ran into the same problem on my old computer with a 32-bit architecture, and would like to have R running on that too without having to ask the question a second time--but presumably the specific thing and place I'll have to download for that is different.)

atom editor has been automatic close on window 10?

I used to Atom editor for coding Golang, PHP,...
When I am coding, sometimes it is automatic close. I install it on Window 10.
Maybe when I switch tab or move mouse but I don't know why so.
Version: 1.18.0 (before, it is older version but It also so)
Atom : 1.18.0
Electron: 1.3.15
Chrome : 52.0.2743.82
Node : 6.5.0
Do you have any more information? Anything special you did when installing? Have you followed the suggestions in the Debugging document? Also, could you give the following information?
Which version of Atom are you using?
Can you reproduce the issue after completely exiting Atom and restarting using atom --safe?

building brackets was "Done, without errors" in Debian Wheezy, but

i was trying to build "brackets sprint 40" from source code (by following #jasonsanjose instructions look #4816 and the official wiki's page here) in my 32bit Wheezy, Using CEF3 (Verion 3.1547.1406_linux32_release with glibc 2.13) and everything was OK .
when i ran grunt build and grunt installer the output was: Running "build" task
Running "build-linux" task
Done, without errors.
and when i installed .deb package and executed it in the terminal , this error has been thrown:brackets: libcef_dll/wrapper/ int CefExecuteProcess(const CefMainArgs&, CefRefPtr): Assertion `false' failed.
I did rebuild it many times, but the problem persist.
And this is where i stopped, i don't know where the problem lies.
some help will be appreciated, thank you in advance.
There's a duplicate of this question with longer discussion posted here -
Note: This problem shouldn't affect a "vanilla" brackets-shell build on Linux -- it's specific to a hack some people have developed to support an older version of Debian than Brackets officially supports. This requires swapping in a newer version of the CEF library, which is not always easy to do since they are not usually backwards-compatible.
