Every time I use a redirect from an URL alias i receive the foloowing report of:
Oops, looks like this request tried to create an infinite loop. We do not allow such things here. We are a professional website!
Ive tried clearing all the cache and ran cron.
I've tried searching everywhere and can't seem to fix it. Thank you kindly for your support.
It seems to be you have an issue with your Redirect module.
If you edit a node you will see that it somehow creates a redirect which is the same as the pages existing URL alias.
Seems to be related to this post.
Try to delete redirections and clear the cache again.
I was changing the structure of my wordpress page making some changes to names of the pages. I renamed the pages e.g.
location > gallery
howtogethere > location
Now, I think, wordpress seems to be smart and whats to catch everything that goes to location and forwards it to gallery. The problem is, there is a new page location. When I try to access location via domain.com/location I get redirected to gallery.
The question is where are those redirects stored and how can I delete them?
Check the permalinks below Page title and if that is not changed to your changed page name change that and your problem is solved!
It is very possible that this is a cache issue. You can try deleting the cache in your browser, or you can try visiting your page from a browser that has never visited your page before.
It is also possible that it is a server side cache issue. I do not know if WordPress caches things like this, but if they do you can assume it will start working as expected eventually.
You can try to clear cache also install that plugin to manage and create redirects:
My website showing 404 page not found again and and again . how to solve that? After permalink changes ,
it's working well for sometimes then again showing same error.
Steps I tried:
permalink changes
.htaccess edit
clear caches
made .htaccess file as read only..
But I need permanent solution . Please help..
As you're writing that you've already made the .htaccess read-only, I assume that it doesn't change when the problem occurs?
It sounds like something is messing with the wordpress rewrites. Maybe you could add a filter to rewrite_rules_array, use debug_backtrace() and log that to a file to track down the code that is changing the rewrites.
First of all please make sure mod_Rewrite is enabled on your server and working.
Please check your error log files and post the errors in your question, it will help us to detect the issue.
I have a problem with a Wordpress based website. Something is creating strange URLs. I know about those URLs, because Google Webmaster Developer try to Crawl them and the Crawler gets a 404 error (Not found). I have that problem in different websites:
In the first one the URLs looks like spam:
In the other website the URLs make sense based on the content, but they are not valid URLs:
In other website, it's creating URLs that looks like valid, but with a ".html" in the final
If you try to access those URLs, you will get a 404 error. Curiously, when you look the "Linked By" tan in Google Developer Tools, you will see that is linked by another strange URL o there is no linked from. And that URLs are not in the sitemap, I checked it.
Thank you!
the first one is a trojan without a doubt. Quite usually, you'll find them in index.php, footer.php, header.php . If in doubt, check with an online tool like Sucuri
Once you isolate it, it's very important to know how you have it. While most people thinks they have been "hacked", in most cases you uploaded it by yourself from your own computer, so be sure to scan it thoroughly.
About the other cases, sounds more like an htaccess issue, but based on the first case, quite probably it's caused by this trojan as well. Ask your host to check the site, it's in their best interest to do it so. But assuming it's just htaccess, try this: go to Settings --> Permalinks and change the permalinks structure to anything else than what you have now. Don't hit the submit button yet. In the meanwhile, BACKUP your htaccess file and then delete it. Hit submit on the permalinks page an a new .htaccess file will be created. Try your site now. If it works, it was just a simple htaccess issue. If not, something else, going from a trojan to a server misconfiguration to anything in between
Maybe the domain was used before and you are seeing past valid urls which are now 404, or maybe these are incorrect, inbound spammy links which you would want to be 404. Duff links can be found anywhere on the internet and so no reason to think your site is generating them.
so I'm working on a wordpress site (found at nsuited.com) and my problem is that the checkout is causing a redirect loop. I have searched the internet for this problem and it mostly seemed to be related to forcing ssl or using an https wordpress plugin. I am doing neither, and everything was running fine until randomly the redirect started occurring. There's way too much code to post it all, but if there is anything specific you'd like to see let me know. I have tried changing the woocommerce checkout page, which then allowed me to access the checkout page as a page itself but I could not actually checkout from it. If I try to go to whatever page is set to checkout, BAM redirect loop again. I'm at a huge loss and have not been able to find any significant leads from debugging. Please help :(
EDIT: Also pertinent information - I recently moved my installation from a subfolder to root, though the checkout page was working since I moved installations
Problem solved.
I had tried this before without succes:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M');
to the file "wp-config.php". When I added it initially, I put it at the end to no avail. Put it as the very first line of code for glory.
We have an RSS feed (or we should have) via wordpress but it is just giving using a 404 Page Not Found on load - http://www.warrenaccess.co.uk/feed/rss2
We have tried changing back to default theme and deactivating all plugins to see if we could find an issue but it still didn't work.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
My hunch is that you don't actually have any blog posts, but you are using WP as a pseudo-CMS. From having looked at the feed and network conditions (CDN / cloud hosting can sometimes ignore feed content), things are working as they should.
Your 404 does provide some useful information about the feed:
<lastBuildDate>Fri, 11 May 2012 10:14:42 +0000</lastBuildDate>
Which is awhile ago, relatively speaking. I'm guessing that your site content is all based on pages, which don't and shouldn't actually show up in RSS feeds.
To fix the problem, you'd have to make some blog posts or try this plugin or its variant:
Edit: turns out WP syndication setting was set to show -1 posts. Fixed by setting it > 0.
I was using custom post type for my primary website content, so to include more post types use this in your functions file:
function customfeed_request( $request ) {
if ( isset($request['feed']) && !isset($request['post_type']) ) {
$request['post_type'] = array('post', 'my_custom_post_type');
return $request;
add_filter('request', 'customfeed_request');
I spent a lot of time fixing this; I hope this helps someone.
The scenario: when Permalinks is off, I can access the RSS Feed url "/?feed=rss2" without error, but enabling the Permalinks the above returns the feed content and after this, an 404 error code. It is possible see the error code response under network browser inspection tools, like "Web Developer" plugin of Chrome.
Well, the feed client does not understand this error code and raises an exception, breaking the consumption page.
I traced the problem to the WP Super Cache. I think the cache does not generate the feed response content, but it tries to get the cache file and it donĀ“t exist, resulting in error 404.
The simple solution, disable feed cache in "Advanced" topic of the "WP Super Cache Settings", checking "Feeds (is_feed)" options and save.
Perhaps your issue is in WP Super Cache.
I just had a similar issue happen to me but perhaps the cause could be a bit different. I made a custom RSS feed. I was getting the page 404 error.
The reason is that I was not doing a flush rewrite (https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/flush_rewrite_rules). Can do this by going to settings > permalinks and then just updating it. Then feed is available.
Was the solution for me anyhow.
have you checked your .htaccess
Turn it off by renaming it to something jibberish
If that doesn't help check your wp-config.php
What are we suppose to do if the product URLs are returning 404 i.e. www .abc .com/product /name/feed/ Rest everything is fine on web but only product feed URLs are 404. Also can it cause any performance issues and rank my website down?