I want to use a button to close the browser without warning in Flex. But current solution I use close the browser with the warning on a button click. May I know how to close a browser window without warning? My code is like below:
private function closeWindow():void
urlString = "javascript:window.close();";
request = new URLRequest(urlString);
navigateToURL(request, "_self");
<s:Button id="Close" x="65" y="361" label="Close Window" click="closeWindow()"/>
You can't close browser windows without warning this way due to browser security settings.
When implementing the "Connect to QuickBooks" button in my web application I found that it pops a new window instead of just being redirected, which is very undesired in the long run of this application. Is there any way to keep the button from popping a new window and just redirect in the same tab? Or would that go against Inuit's Do's and Don'ts (1. Don't modify the appearance or behavior of this button. 2. Don't modify the code that implements this button.)
I'm assuming the command to pop a new window is in Intuit's JavaScript anywhere() function but I didn't know if there was a way to prevent it from popping a new window and just make it use the same tab, without changing their code.
Or, if there really isn't anything would it be possible to close the popped up window automatically and resume control of the previously used tab? I tried to look this solution up but didn't find anything really, or at least nothing that worked for me.
Thanks for any help.
I figured out how to close the the window...now it's just a matter of handling the refreshing the page it goes back to to something. I haven't quite figured out how it works yet but I ended up using:
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var parentlocation = window.parent.opener.location.hostname;
var currentlocation = window.location.hostname;
if (parentlocation != currentlocation) {
window.location = "/default.aspx";
else {
window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href;
catch (e) {
window.location = "/default.aspx";
If someone wouldn't mind explaining that code that would be awesome, but nobody has to. I just can't right now so I'll do it later on my own.
I found that it pops a new window instead of just being redirected,
Yep, this is what Intuit wants it to do.
Is there any way to keep the button from popping a new window and just
redirect in the same tab?
Trying to do that is a great way to get Intuit to ban your application/remove it from AppCenter.
Or, if there really isn't anything would it be possible to close the
popped up window automatically and resume control of the previously
used tab?
Of course. In fact, you'll have to if you want to publish on AppCenter.
Simple Javascript - window.close();
Keep in mind that this window only has to be opened once and then never again. It's not like this is going to be a huge inconvenience to your users when they'll only need to do this once in the entire history of ever using your application.
I have a web page that have few dropdowns and when the dropdown item changed it refresh the page and reloads.
so now i am writing script against that page and i have noticed that whenever my scripts select the text from the dropdown my browser get minimized.
my questions, is there any setting to make sure my browser is maximized while running the script?
Here is the code that SelectText from the dropdown:
public void SelectText(By locator, string txt)
IWebElement element = driver.FindElement(locator);
SelectElement selectelement = new SelectElement(element);
I am using
IE 8
Selenium 2 WebDriver
I strongly suspect that the browser is actually being dropped to the bottom of the Z-order, not minimized. That is to say, it's being pushed to the bottom of the stack of open windows on your desktop. If you have other applications running, and they're running maximized, it can appear as though IE has been minimized, but it really isn't. There are certain actions that are known to cause IE to behave this way, but no one has been able to figure out why yet.
Maximizing the IE window won't solve the problem. Nevertheless, you can maximize the IE window using
// WARNING! Untested code written from memory
// without the benefit of an IDE. Not guaranteed
// to be syntactically correct.
for reason I won't bore you with, I'm writing an asp.net application that must open some pages in new browser windows.
I managed to open them within a postback (don't ask why, I just needed to) with this code:
script = String.Format(#"window.open(""{0}"", ""{1}"");", url, target);
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, typeof(Page), "Redirect", script, true);
Now I have new windows each one with a button that should close it. I have simply an onclick="window.close()" (but that prompts me when I'm closing the browser) or window.open('','_self','');window.close() (horrible, I agree but it's the only way I found to avoid the JS prompt)
On firefox it works perfectly but on IE7 (the browser our customers have) after 2-3 times I use that button to close the window I can't open other windows (in both cases, with or without the JS prompt). With the method above it does nothing, and with a click me a new window is opened but hangs on loading (it doesn't even calls the Page_Load).
What could be the cause? How can I solve this?
Thank you.
I forgot to mention that I'm using MS Ajax in most of the pages, and that may be the reason that forces me to use window.open('','_self',''); before window.close()
I don't know if this could cause also the hanging of IE
EDIT: Ignore that, it does still prompt the user - sorry!
For your first issue about closing the window, have you tried:
Not too sure about the hanging issue though, I use window.open() and have never experienced issues in IE7.
I finally came to a solution:
on the attribute assignment there was a return false; missing.
Now it works perfectly with "window.open('','_self','');window.close();return false;".
I'm using hotkeys (Ctrl+key) in my flex application. getting problem when my app is running in IE.
when I press Ctrl+D, im getting 'Add a Favorite' window of IE.
How should I override the default behaviour of the browser? if possible, give me some example.
In your event handler, try
event.returnValue = false;
See this SO thread: event.preventDefault() function not working in IE
All I need to open a new IE Window from within Flex code on click of a link.
P.S I dont want to open a new Browser. I want to open a browser window only that can open a new URL.
Something like clicking on a link in Flex and then open cnnibn.com in a Pop up window.
You should just be able to use:
navigateToURL(new URLRequest('http://www.cnnibn.com'), '_blank');
(make sure you import the relevant packages: "import flash.net.*")
This approach may have issues with some popup blockers, if so then you could have a look at the class here:
One of the following methods will work unless the popup blocker blocks it.
Use navigateToURL
Add the following to the click handler of the button
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("cnnibn.com"), "_blank");
Use ExternalInterface
Add this line to click handler
ExternalInterface.call("openPopup", "cnnibn.com");
And the following to a script tag in the embedding html page
function openPopup(url)
window.open(url, "_blank");