How would I go about creating an interactive map using google's API in Wordpress? - wordpress

I'm working on a Wordpress website for a friend and want to put a calendar on a page that when the mouse scrolls over a country for the country to light up and display some information as well as give the user some options to download a pdf about that country.
See to get an idea of what I mean.
Just need to get a sense of what technologies and tools are needed to make something like this work. I know I will need to utilize an API but the hovering and attaching a pdf to each country is new to me.

You could try to use the Google Geochart API for your problem. It allows to create interactive maps and to capture click events. It also allows to color countries individually and to display tooltips. You can find more information and examples here:
I created a plugin for WordPress that uses this API. It integrates all the needed scripts and allows to build a map from the admin panel. You can find more information here:


Adding zip code to search option with theme/wordpress

I am currently trying to use "listingpro" theme which is a listing directory. There is a search function which cities can be used to search for listings within a chosen radius. The admin has to put in the cities for each of the listings and the search results will appear on the map using google maps api.
However, using zipcodes for search options is not an option. I am wondering if there is some way in which I can add searching by zip code feature so when a user types in their zip code the listings within the designated radius will appear on the search page and on the map. Or if there is a tutorial somewhere on how to do this? This is a bit over my head and I am not sure if this is possible with this theme without doing a ton of customizing.
Thank a lot for your input!
According to this page, this is possible with the Google Places API. I assume the theme uses Google Maps API as default, so switching out or adding the the GPAPI would require a fair amount of customization.

How to control the style of labels in StreetViewPanorama?

I need to embed some Google Maps API in a templating system I haven't full control over (CrowdFlower's), but the "host CSS" is breaking the styling of the labels of the streets in StreetViewPanorama, making them difficult to read. E.g. the default styling you get by using Google Street View directly is:
... but what I get is:
You can see that the "Christ Church Ln" label under the bins is barely visible.
Google API's docs show how to style maps but not how to do the same with [StreetViewPanorama.
I have tried "inspecting" the labels to find out the name of the class used by Google and restore it to more readable features but did not manage to find it, probably my skills are not advanced enough.
Can you help? If you want a sandbox to play with, try using my testbed here. Thanks.

Creating google analytics dashboard

I'm creating web site on zend framework and want to place statistic into my admin panel. Is there any js plugin (something like GA api) for getting styled graphs?
You may take a look at this:
and that:
it depends on what you want to display a line graph, a map ...
Check out EmbeddedAnalytics. (Disclosure - I work with them) EmbeddedAnalytics is based on the GA API. To do what you are asking is simple:
Create Account and grant embeddedanalytics access to your GA data.
Define your charts/reports.
Get embedding iframe code.
Embed this code into your site where you want them to show.
Additionally, we are working on creating pre-defined dashboard pages which will allow end-user to embed entire dashboards into a page.

Google maps api marker info in sidebar

I'm currently creating an interactive web map using Google Maps Javascript API version 3. I'm not sure if this is possible but I would like to create a series of map layers consisting of different kml files that could be toggled from the side bar. I would also like to be able to access the individual points within the kmls so that when the user clicks on a particular point, photos, text etc. can be loaded outside the map window...
Any ideas on how to accomplish this? I've been searching for a while and only found ways of configuring the infowindow which I personally find unattractive...
There is a way to load KML into a google maps application natively, there is actually a pretty good example of how this is done here:
One trick I will mention is that since the KML is downloaded to Google's servers in order to be rendered on the map, it must exist on a public facing web server somewhere, Google won't be able to access it from your local machine.
I found this tutorial which seems like it'll do the trick!

adding google map in application

i am develope web application for factory i need to add google map with location of factory
in contact us web page.any help i am just beginging with web development
Easy way here does all the work for you.
Embedding a map into a website or blog
You can embed a simple map, a set of
driving directions, a local search, or
maps created by other users. Here's
Ensure that the map you'd like to embed appears in the current map
Click Link to this page in the top-right corner of the map.
In the box that pops up, copy the HTML under 'Paste HTML to embed in
website,' and paste it into the source
code of your website or blog.
If you'd like to adjust the size of the map before you embed it, just click
Customize and preview embedded map, select your preferred size, and take a
look at the preview map. Once you're happy with what you see, copy the HTML
that appears in the box at the bottom of the window.
Keep in mind that you won't be able to embed Traffic maps, Mapplets, and some
other Maps features.
Google Map API is just javascript. Which can be used in any web technology
follow this link you will get what you are looking for
If your beginning, maybe you should try to learn web development first. Javascript, post/get mechanics, HTML/CSS validation. Tackling Google Maps integration right at the beginning of your learning process might slow down your project evolution. It's my opinion.
To learn google maps api, try to start at this address :
