Could not find a base address that matches scheme https for the endpoint -

<binding name="DataSoap" maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
<security mode="Transport" />
<binding name="CustomBinding_GetData">
<binaryMessageEncoding />
<httpsTransport maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" maxBufferSize="2147483647" />
<endpoint address="https://localhost/MyApp.Web/Webservice/Data.asmx"
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="DataSoap"
contract="ServiceReference1.DataSoap" name="DataSoap" />
<endpoint address="https://localhost/MyApp.Web/Webservice/GetData.svc"
binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="CustomBinding_GetData"
contract="GetData.GetData" name="CustomBinding_GetData" />
Hello every one, above is my silverlight applications ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file. The site is configured to be accessed over https. From the above file, i would imagine i have everything configured correctly. I can browser to my service from local development environment successfully but after deploying the application in my QA environment, browing to the service gives me the error below.
Could not find a base address that matches scheme https for the endpoint with binding CustomBinding. Registered base address schemes are [http].
Any i dea why http is still being picked as the registered base address schemes only QA but not in my local development environment?.
#Brian, thanks for the reply, let me give you more information just in case it gives a much clear picture.
The site is configured for SSL, but the SSL certificate is installed on a load balancer which i have no access to.
Now from the error message, it would seem like i have to configure Host Headers and Secure Site Bindings in IIS, but can i really do this from IIS when the SSL certificate is installed and managed from the load balancer?
IT looks like the https binding are what is missing because i can reproduce the exact same error message from my development machine if i temporarily remove the https binding i created following this link.
So would i be right to think that i need that https binding on the load balancer rather than in IIS because the site has no SSL certificate of its own in IIS?

I ran into this problem. Basically, the URL identity associated with the certificate doesn't match the URL of the website from which it comes ... at least that was my problem.
I was able to work around this client-side security check by specifically setting (in code) the System.ServiceModel.EndPointIdentity to the URL I was connecting to.
There's a CreateDNSIdentity() function to which you give the URL of the website you're hitting.
Here's a link to the MS documentation:
I'm not sure how you'd configure this without using code.
String sFullURL = "http://MyDNSServer:8001/SomeService"
String sDNS = "MyDNSServer";
System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress Endpoint;
System.ServiceModel.EndpointIdentity Identity = default (System.ServiceModel.EndpointIdentity);
Identity = System.ServiceModel.EndpointIdentity.CreateDnsIdentity(sDNS);
EndPoint = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(new Uri(sFullURL), Identity);
OK, so imagine you had a web service and the public address for this web service was IP https:// The certificate below would pass the client-side cert verification check and you would not get an error. But if this certificate shown in the picture below is deployed on public URL https:// XZYCorp:8001/MyService, you'll get that error. So you either need to override the client side cert verification check or change the cert on the LB.


Consume SOAP based web service with https

I'm integrating af ASP.NET application, which must consume a 3rd party SOAP web service, which can only be accessed by HTTPS. I add a service reference i VS2012 with the HTTPS URL and VS find the service just fine. But when I use the proxy that VS create to use the web service, it uses regular HTTP.
I suspect that I should alter the binding in the web.config, but I can't seem to figure out what to do. How do I set up the web service to use HTTPS?
You need to make sure that the binding the client uses has security mode="Transport" set up (and that the client binding matches the server binding), something like this for example:
<binding name="yourClientSecureBinding">
<security mode="Transport">
<transport clientCredentialType="None"/>
and that the client indeed accesses the httpS:// address of the web service:
<endpoint bindingConfiguration="yourClientSecureBinding"
... />
You are not providing any code, so for starters have a look at these posts: here (Microsoft developer network - Transport Security with an Anonymous Client) and here (Https with BasicHTTPBinding).

Calling webservice from windows service

I have a windows service project that references an webservice. When I run this service locally on my machine via VS it works fine and when I call the web method I get the results I want.
Today I deployed this to a test server and when I call the web method it fails because the it is trying to connect to the local host webservice and not the one on the server. The error I get is "Unable to Connect to remote server --> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it:"
My service has a app.config file and the web service settings are correctly pointing at the webservice url. I know the url is correct as when I put it into IE it resolves to the webservice. Also the properties of the webservices are correct.
Any suggestions on how the service is getting hold of localhost would be greatly appreciated.
Could be a windows security issue. Are you calling the process/web method as an elevated? Also, is Windows Firewall Service Running? If so is there an exception for the IP/port/app process? Is RPC running? Check credentials and those listed above.
I would recommend that you store your proxy's address using the standard WCF configuration. Here's an example.
<binding name="WSHttpBinding_IService1" />
<endpoint address="http://yourServerIP:51717/Service1.svc" binding="wsHttpBinding"
bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_IService1" contract="ServiceReference1.IService1"
Resolved this today at work with the following lines of code.
webservice ws = new webservice()
ws.Url = (new xxxx.Properties.Settings()).WS;
ws.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
Thanks for all your help guys

WCF - More than one endpoint configuration for that contract was found - Error

We have working ASP.Net web application with WCF. wcf service hosted as a windows service. All is fine. Then we made a change so that service contract will have different namespace (From Namespace1.IserviceContract to Namespace2.IserviceContract). After the change we deployed to the server and getting following error when we try to instantiate the service object.
System.InvalidOperationException: An endpoint configuration section for contract 'Namespace2.IserviceContract' could not be loaded because more than one endpoint configuration for that contract was found. Please indicate the preferred endpoint configuration section by name.
Generated: Fri, 06 Jul 2012 21:02:56 GMT
System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: An endpoint configuration section for contract 'Namespace2.IserviceContract' could not be loaded because more than one endpoint configuration for that contract was found. Please indicate the preferred endpoint configuration section by name.
at System.ServiceModel.Description.ConfigLoader.LookupChannel(String configurationName, String contractName, Boolean wildcard)
at System.ServiceModel.Description.ConfigLoader.LoadChannelBehaviors(ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint, String configurationName)
at System.ServiceModel.ChannelFactory.ApplyConfiguration(String configurationName, Configuration configuration)
at System.ServiceModel.ChannelFactory.ApplyConfiguration(String configurationName)
at System.ServiceModel.ChannelFactory.InitializeEndpoint(String configurationName, EndpointAddress address)
at System.ServiceModel.ChannelFactory`1..ctor(String endpointConfigurationName, EndpointAddress remoteAddress)
at System.ServiceModel.EndpointTrait`1.CreateSimplexFactory()
at System.ServiceModel.EndpointTrait`1.CreateChannelFactory()
at System.ServiceModel.ClientBase`1.CreateChannelFactoryRef(EndpointTrait`1 endpointTrait)
at System.ServiceModel.ClientBase`1.InitializeChannelFactoryRef()
at System.ServiceModel.ClientBase`1..ctor()
at TestApplication.ManagementWrapper.VerifyAuthentication(Int32 appId, String Token)
at TestApplication.VerifyAuthentication(String tokenstring)
we did a research about this issue and found that this type if exception shows up if we have two client endpoints defined in our web.config file. however we are certain that we have only one client endpoint defined. More over this exception shows up only in the server. local works fine. here is our service model:
<binding name="NetTcpBinding_Management" closeTimeout="00:01:00" openTimeout="00:01:00" receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:01:00" transactionFlow="false" transferMode="Buffered" transactionProtocol="OleTransactions" hostNameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard" listenBacklog="10" maxBufferPoolSize="4194304" maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxConnections="10" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
<readerQuotas maxDepth="32" maxStringContentLength="2147483647" maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxBytesPerRead="32768" maxNameTableCharCount="2147483647" />
<reliableSession ordered="true" inactivityTimeout="00:10:00" enabled="false" />
<security mode="None" />
<endpoint address="net.tcp://servername:9010/Management/service/ManagementService" binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="NetTcpBinding_Management" contract="Namespace2.IserviceContract" name="NetTcpBinding_IserviceContract" />
we also tried to restart IIS and application pool. Still getting the same exception.
Try searching your web.config for another that is using the web address as your ManagementService. Also, search the web.config for any reference to the old namespace (contract="Namespace1.IserviceContract"). Don't forget to check for extra .config files. That little gotcha has burned me before.
Whatever protocol is being called like basic, net.tcp or wshttp, that address should be in web config file remove other addresses from client section in app.config file, in my case i am calling the service as htp://machinename:700/test.svc but in the client section there were addresses with net.tcp and wshttp configurations, removed those addresses and issue is fixed for me.
Please right click on svc file of your wcf service and click on View markup.
then modify namespace there also. It should work fine then.
If everything in your web.config appears to be correct, this error can be caused by another application on the same server. I spent several days troubleshooting a similar issue.
In my case, the environment had a large number of WCF services deployed as web applications in IIS under a single website as follows.
/Root Website
One of the child services was mistakenly deployed to the root website physical folder rather than to it's own physical folder. This bad deployment contained a client endpoint definition that was common to all of the services and caused all of the child services to break. Apparently, the same client endpoint cannot be used by the parent website and a child web application.
Removing the client endpoint from the root website fixed the issue for me.

Making WCF service work

I'm using Visual Studio Express 2010, I've created WCF service called OperatorService.svc. Two files were added to my App_Code IOperatorService.cs and OperatorService.cs.
My web.config was updated with
<service name="OperatorService">
<endpoint address=""
contract="IOperatorService" />
<binding name="SecurityByTransport">
<security mode="Transport">
<transport clientCredentialType="None" />
Now when i'm trying to access this service online, get an error to create EndPoint but i can't figure our how to create EndPoint especially when WCF address is SSL HTTPS: enabled website.
Can someone help meh?
The endpoint address, if you are IIS hosting, should be either left empty or a relative address.
WCF services can have base addresses. A base address defines a core part of the address space that the service can listen on and endpoints are defined relative to that base address. If you leave the address empty then the endpoint listens on the base address.
When you are self hosting you can specify a base address in a couple of different ways: in the ServiceHost constructor or in the config file. However, if you are IIS hosting then the base address is already a given - it is the location of the .svc file
As far as HTTPS goes, if you say that you are using transport security then the base address will automatically map to HTTPS as long as that is enabled as a protocol in web application in IIS manager. However, if you are using the Visual Studio Web Development Server (aka Cassini) then that does not support SSL
Launch the WCF config tool (SvcConfigEditor.exe, it is a available in the menu of Visual Studio, otherwise the path should be C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Bin) and open your config file, it is GUI tool to help you make a correct config.
The error in the config file is an incomplete endpoint element, you need to specify some attributes on the endpoint to make it work. The easiest way is to use the config tool, but of course it can be hand written. MSDN has a reference on the syntax.

WCF Service support file jsdebug fails to load

I have a WCF service that gets called from client side JavaScript. The call fails with a Service is null JavaScript error. WebDevelopment helper trace shows that the calls to load the jsdebug support file results in a 404 (file not found) error.
Restarting IIS or clearing out the Temp ASP.Net files or setting batch="false" on the compilation tag in web.config does not resolve the problem
From the browser
https://Myserver/MyApp/Services/MyService.svc displays the service metadata
https://Myserver/MyApp/Services/MyService.svc/jsdebug results in a 404.
The issue seems to be with the https protocol. With http /jsdebug downloads the supporting JS file.
Any ideas?
Figured it out!
Here is the services configuration section from web.config
Look at the bindingConfiguration attribute on the endpoint. The value "webBinding" points to the binding name="webBinding" tag in the bindings and that is what tells the service to use Transport level security it HTTPS. In my case the attribute value was empty causing the webservice request to the /js or /jsdebug file over HTTPS to fail and throw a 404 error.
<service name="MyService">
<endpoint address="" behaviorConfiguration="MyServiceAspNetAjaxBehavior" binding="webHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="webBinding" contract="Services.MyService" />
<binding name="webBinding">
<security mode="Transport">
Note that the bindingConfiguration attribute should be empty ("") if the service is accessed via http instead of https (when testing on local machine with no certs)
Hope this helps someone.
If you still get the same error after all your possible work done. Just add a "AJAX Enabled WCF-Service".
For me the issue was the following; we added MVC to a solution with routing. Our WCF services were not being ignored. I resolved this by adding the following rule (where "WCF" is the folder we keep our services in).
Hope that saves somebody a few hours.
