:hover behavior across mobile devices - css

While developing the mobile navigation menu for a site I am redesigning, I discovered that a number of mobile browsers trigger the CSS :hover event through a tap, including Chrome, FlashFox, and the default browser on Android 4.x, as well as Safari on iOS 7. Is this behavior wide spread enough to rely on? I'm assuming issues might arise with Android 2.x phones.
I'm wondering if anyone's had any experience with this and if this behavior is safe to rely on for my navigation menu. Also is there any kind of spec that defines this behavior, or did it just kind of appear? From what I've seen it appears to perform pretty uniformly across devices.
I've done mobile navigation menus before with JavaScript, but this would be a nice alternative.
I know there are a couple questions that deal with this topic on stackoverflow, but they are pretty old, and I couldn't find any question dealing specifically with what I wanted to know.
EDIT: To clarify, the site is being developed with responsive design, and I'm not simply trying to use the desktop style navigation bar with :hover. The menu is formatted for mobile, and the :hover would replace the need to write JavaScript to reveal sub-menus when a menu option is tapped.

Some say use :hover, others say use :active. I say use both (in one rule) and the device will use the one (or both) that works on that device.
I find it works, anyway.
Hope this helps.


bootstrap css not working in chrome

In joomla i create a page.
I create a responsive fixed position categories menus below banner.
I create a sticky button for.
Mobile view
On drop-down menu category display.
In chrome i check mobile view layout on monitor,
this work, but in my mobile check in chrome,
menus not work.
I update a version of chrome in mobile they work.
I want this work on old version of chrome...how to solve this.
Please help
Basically, to do the backward compatibility is difficult.
One option is to use common components that can be compatible with both older and new versions.
Otherwise, you may need to accept the difference between different browsers as a condition.
The following reference provides necessary information to create Cross-Browser apps. This may help you.

CSS hover suddenly works on mobile browsers?

This is really odd. I'm not complaining that something works, but it is very surprising ..
On my website I had the usual css :hover for the navigation to reveal sublinks. But on the mobile browsers this needed some js help to make it work (as you can see from those many posts about "css hover not working on mobile browsers")
I made a simple script to fix the hover problem. But today as I was rewriting the code, since I noticed that it was not fully working as intended, I removed the entire mobileDetect.js which was handling the mobile hover. And now it works, without any additional scripts.
I tested it with chrome and safari on my ipad and iphone. It works as intended... did I misse out a big mobile browser update or something?
I use Jquery from google, no framework and standard HTML5.
Here is the site : (easy-sailing.ch) "EVENTS" and "AUSBILDUNG" are the mentioned navigations with sublinks.
I am just wondering if this is some odd anomaly and therefor should put my script back in or just enjoy the good news? :S
as far as i remember it has always been working...
...it is just not needed because there's no cursor and hover happens usually when you click (touch in this case) and you'll leave the page before noticing hover.
on android i can observe it when i touch+slide up or down.
I have fixed this for me by removing :hover selectors/rules at runtime https://github.com/kof/remove-hover

Overcoming cross-browser issues designing UI elements

I'm currently changing the look of select elements on my page and I noticed that almost every browser displays all the effects differently. That is not so bad alone but I also noticed that some browsers do not support some effects at all, for example Chrome does not support background image, rounded corners and probably something else I've not yet noticed.
I have seen some pretty impressive drop down menus on some websites where everything has been custom made, starting from the glows to the appearance of the arrow button and so on.
How is it done? Is it done with some Javascript/jQuery plugin?
Can anyone point me to some good resources?
I would suggest you go down the path of a jquery plugin. Doing a search for "jquery select box" returns a number of useful results, eg:
I have tried out a number of these before, and some are more flexible than others.
One that I really like that is not in that list is Chosen, although it doesn't fully support IE7 and 8.

How does one overcome the trials and tribulations of Webkit zoom-related issues?

Webkit is an awful renderer in my opinion. As a web designer/developer, I take into account how my design looks at every magnification. Webkit handles this extremely poorly. Margins, padding, and borders all get rendered extremely poorly across various magnifications and there is no CSS you can use that is "cross-zoom" compliant in WebKit. Zoom in and out of any webpage in IE, Firefox, Opera and it is consistent. Take a look at this site, for instance:
Try using the carousel at the bottom at different magnifications in IE or Firefox. Works fine, right? Now try the same thing in Chrome or Safari. BOOM! A developer's nightmare! Please, if anyone knows of any tricks of the trade to get Webkit to behave with something that even Trident is able to successfully do I'd like to hear it. I've heard of a jQuery zoom plugin, but that is sort of a last resort. I've looked everywhere for the issue but no one even mentions Webkit zoom issues. It's like it's taboo or something. Personally I think it's one of the biggest blunders of the modern browser era, especially when such a (otherwise) great browser like Chrome is giving me more trouble with presentation issues than IE7.
EDIT: I feel I should be more general and use an example where it is obvious only HTML and CSS are implemented.
Webkit forces a line-break with the top menu w/ zoom tests, but other browsers don't. It is a major issue with the engine and if there are any concrete solutions I'd like to hear them. If there isn't then I think this issue should be addressed and resolved immediately; it is an eyesore to users and a nightmare for developers. The fact that it isn't addressed anywhere on the net is troublesome.
This isn't answering how to fix WebKit zoom issues in general, but it should help with your specific problem.
You're using jCarousel.
Even the simple demo shows the same problems you describe.
So, that plugin is simply broken when it comes to zooming with WebKit browsers.
You could either ask the author of the plugin for advice, or find a different carousel plugin.
For instance, this one doesn't seem to have any problems when you zoom in using a WebKit browser:
http://www.thomaslanciaux.pro/jquery/jquery_carousel.htm (look at the "dispItems" demo)

Changing the scrollbars' style

Is possible to change scrollbars' style for all browsers? If it is, how?
It is possible in Internet Explorer using a number of non-standard scrollbar-* CSS properties. See this page for a handy generator tool.
Other than that, it is possible only using custom JavaScript-powered scrollbar solutions. The jScrollPane jQuery plugin looks very nice and easy to install. Here is an example page.
Styling and programming scrollbars are not addressed by standards at this time, but some vendors have extensions to address this problem in desktop web browsers. The jScrollPane jQuery plugin is an excellent choice if you want to use custom scrollbars.
Vendor Extensions
Internet Explorer (starting with version 8) has extensions to CSS and the DOM allowing you to specify color only of the different parts of a scrollbar.
An updated link to the Microsoft documentation is this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff974092(v=VS.85).aspx. You'll want to just look at all the properties starting with "-ms-scrollbar".
WebKit (e.g. Safari and Chrome) has a CSS pseudo-element for styling scrollbars which allows you to apply any CSS property to it. To learn more see this Surfin' Safari blog post: http://webkit.org/blog/363/styling-scrollbars/
width: 13px;
height: 13px;
Mozilla (e.g. Firefox) and Opera do not seem to have any support for styling scrollbars.
Custom Scrollbars
Regarding the jScrollPane jQuery plugin is an excellent choice, if you want custom scrollbars. It is pretty comprehensive in addressing expected functionality of scrollbars and keeps you from rolling your own.
It is important to realize jScrollPane replaces the browser's native scrollbars, and you might not find the "touch and responsiveness" of those custom scrollbars to be as good as "the real thing." But then again, it might be good enough if you value form over function.
This is a more recent link to the jScrollPane documentation: http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/
Nope. IE allows you to set colours for some constituent parts of the scrollbar. Opera allows a few but not all of those styles.
Scrollbar colour styling is of increasing irrelevance as UIs move towards complex image-based scrollbar theming. In IE, setting any of the colours reverts the rendering back to a Windows 2000-style simple-3D scrollbar instead of any swishy user theme. Windows Vista/7 (Aero) users probably won't thank you for that.
You can of course make your own ersatz-scrollbars out of <div>s and style them how you like. But the result almost always behaves worse than real scrollbars, since you're trying to replicate a complex UI element whose expected behaviour is different for each OS. You can spend a lot of time reproducing paging behaviour, keyboard up/down and the mouse wheel, but it'll never quite feel as smooth a real OS scrollbar.
You can style scrollbars for all browsers with a little bit of Javascript. But at present time there is no way to style them using just CSS alone as a cross-browser solution.
This article will help if you decide to use Javascript.
