Changing the scrollbars' style - css

Is possible to change scrollbars' style for all browsers? If it is, how?

It is possible in Internet Explorer using a number of non-standard scrollbar-* CSS properties. See this page for a handy generator tool.
Other than that, it is possible only using custom JavaScript-powered scrollbar solutions. The jScrollPane jQuery plugin looks very nice and easy to install. Here is an example page.

Styling and programming scrollbars are not addressed by standards at this time, but some vendors have extensions to address this problem in desktop web browsers. The jScrollPane jQuery plugin is an excellent choice if you want to use custom scrollbars.
Vendor Extensions
Internet Explorer (starting with version 8) has extensions to CSS and the DOM allowing you to specify color only of the different parts of a scrollbar.
An updated link to the Microsoft documentation is this: You'll want to just look at all the properties starting with "-ms-scrollbar".
WebKit (e.g. Safari and Chrome) has a CSS pseudo-element for styling scrollbars which allows you to apply any CSS property to it. To learn more see this Surfin' Safari blog post:
width: 13px;
height: 13px;
Mozilla (e.g. Firefox) and Opera do not seem to have any support for styling scrollbars.
Custom Scrollbars
Regarding the jScrollPane jQuery plugin is an excellent choice, if you want custom scrollbars. It is pretty comprehensive in addressing expected functionality of scrollbars and keeps you from rolling your own.
It is important to realize jScrollPane replaces the browser's native scrollbars, and you might not find the "touch and responsiveness" of those custom scrollbars to be as good as "the real thing." But then again, it might be good enough if you value form over function.
This is a more recent link to the jScrollPane documentation:

Nope. IE allows you to set colours for some constituent parts of the scrollbar. Opera allows a few but not all of those styles.
Scrollbar colour styling is of increasing irrelevance as UIs move towards complex image-based scrollbar theming. In IE, setting any of the colours reverts the rendering back to a Windows 2000-style simple-3D scrollbar instead of any swishy user theme. Windows Vista/7 (Aero) users probably won't thank you for that.
You can of course make your own ersatz-scrollbars out of <div>s and style them how you like. But the result almost always behaves worse than real scrollbars, since you're trying to replicate a complex UI element whose expected behaviour is different for each OS. You can spend a lot of time reproducing paging behaviour, keyboard up/down and the mouse wheel, but it'll never quite feel as smooth a real OS scrollbar.

You can style scrollbars for all browsers with a little bit of Javascript. But at present time there is no way to style them using just CSS alone as a cross-browser solution.
This article will help if you decide to use Javascript.


Is it still not possible to have div scrollbar style in Gecko(Firefox)?

I have a requirement to change css from did scrollbars. I know it is possible doing so for IE, Safari, Chrome but as far as I researched for Firefox it was not possible.
I wondering if it is currently available (such a basic studip feature right?) for Firefox without using third party implementation
Unfortunately, as of this writing there's no way to use CSS to customize Firefox scrollbars.

:hover behavior across mobile devices

While developing the mobile navigation menu for a site I am redesigning, I discovered that a number of mobile browsers trigger the CSS :hover event through a tap, including Chrome, FlashFox, and the default browser on Android 4.x, as well as Safari on iOS 7. Is this behavior wide spread enough to rely on? I'm assuming issues might arise with Android 2.x phones.
I'm wondering if anyone's had any experience with this and if this behavior is safe to rely on for my navigation menu. Also is there any kind of spec that defines this behavior, or did it just kind of appear? From what I've seen it appears to perform pretty uniformly across devices.
I've done mobile navigation menus before with JavaScript, but this would be a nice alternative.
I know there are a couple questions that deal with this topic on stackoverflow, but they are pretty old, and I couldn't find any question dealing specifically with what I wanted to know.
EDIT: To clarify, the site is being developed with responsive design, and I'm not simply trying to use the desktop style navigation bar with :hover. The menu is formatted for mobile, and the :hover would replace the need to write JavaScript to reveal sub-menus when a menu option is tapped.
Some say use :hover, others say use :active. I say use both (in one rule) and the device will use the one (or both) that works on that device.
I find it works, anyway.
Hope this helps.

Safari doesn't seem to like certain styles on their select tags

Safari does not allow padding even if applied as !important. You can see this here.
I was wondering if anyone has found a work around for this?
Note: I am not looking for plug-ins, as the site is much too complex for them so that they do not meet my needs.
I believe Webkit browsers (Safari and Chrome) use the OS's native controls rather than rendering menus themselves, so CSS doesn't apply to them. If you want more control in a cross-browser fashion, use a plugin like Select2

change scrollbar design

anyone know how to re-design scrollbar slider for IE ??not just a color but perform too..
Googling will lead you to a variety of articles on this, including "10 jQuery Custom Scrollbar Plugins".
In general, a redesign requires JavaScript to control the scrolling of an overflowed container.
The best way to do it would be disabling the browser scroll bar and using a javascript solution instead. This, of course, would effect all browsers instead of just IE.
If you want to go that route, I highly recommend jScrollPane.
After installing just add this to your css:
html, body {overflow: hidden;}
jScrollPAne is great because you can style it easily with CSS or custom images. You can also easily adjust the scrolling speed and other behaviors.
While the extensions mentioned here are useful most of the time , I find that they are not on parity with native scrollbars.
For example a container with dynamic content or on resize will not trigger scrollbar resize which I find is huge limitation.(HTML5 Mutation Observers will probably make this easier in the future.)
For now I prefer scrollbar styling ,which has all the native functionality.
The downside is that is supported only by Webkit - Chrome and Safari browsers.
Still I consider that is a good trade-of... lately I notice Google is using the same technique for their apps (Gmail, G+, Reader, etc.)

CSS - Rounded Select, Checkbox and Radiobutton

Is there any way, how to make rounded HTML <select>, without using any javascript?
I have this insane design and I have absolutely no idea how to do it only with CSS.
The same problem is with checkbox and radiobutton. Does anybody know how to make them rounded?
I need solution that works for IE6+, Firefox 2+, Opera 9+ ...
alt text
No. Form styling is very problematic, there are no guarantees that any styling will work. Simple borders and background colours/images generally work OK in most browsers. I believe Safari will let you style very little. Check this page for more detailed info.
Honestly, the best solution is to use javascript. jQuery click menu is a great solution I used recently to mimic a select box (used JS to set a value on a hidden field when an element in the menu was selected).
I'm sure there are other solutions around too if you search.
Now the long answer: Internet Explorer does not lend itself well to being styled. You will be able to set a background image for the left-hand side (the text content) that has rounded corners, but the drop-down arrow will be fixed as the default browser. You'll also find that the mousedown and mouseover states for the control will be fixed as the default style.
I think that in many cases, the ideal preferred design needs to be a little pragmatic about limitations in browser standards support. Specifically, the problem that IE6 doesn't support a fair number and IE7 is only slightly more compliant.
Sorry for the bad news.
please see this site for radiobutton and checkbox
No, Whit out javascript or jQuery you can not do this. But if you need with jQuery try this link. It contains the HTML select box with rounded corners by jQuery.
