how to uninstall an recipe from AppCatlog Tab in Cloudify-V2.7 WebUI - recipe

I have installed an recipe through Cloudify-V2.7 WebUI, how to uninstall that recipe from Cloudify-V2.7 WebUI.
Thanks in Advance.

You should have an uninstall option under applications tab.


How to install the module in alfresco?

Help install the eisenvault-esign module.
I tried to install files
in the "\amps" folder
in the "\amps_share" folder
But when you start apply_amps.bat module is not installed.
Alfresco version 5.2
Below is the execution process.
When you run you need to pass in the -force flag because the module you are trying to install overwrites shipped libraries as indicated by your console screenshot.
You should also file an issue with the owner of that project to ask them to adjust their AMPs so that they can be installed without the force flag.

The term 'Add-migration' is not recognized - VS2017 and EntityFrameworkCore

I am posting this question just in case the solution I found would help someone else out. While working in Visual Studio 2017 rc4 each time I tried to run the Add-Migration command in the Package Manager console I get the following error:
The term 'Add-migration' is not recognized...
The solution that worked for me after trying a whole raft of other solutions posted, was to:
right click on my project
select Manage Nuget Packages
select the browse tab
thick Include prerelease check box
install the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
N.b that aspnetcore project in visual studio 2017 do not seem to have the project.json file.
You just need to initialize the powershell module. I believe this is a bug, but it's pretty easy to work around. All you need to do is find the init.ps1 file and dot source it.
Just type this into the package manager console:
Now the version might be different for you, depending on which one you have installed. Make sure you dot source the same version that is in your project.
Hi There
This is almost an normal problem in Microsoft, and they pointing out the same solution:
Microsoft Docs - Getting Started with EF Core on ASP.NET Core with a New database
For me above dosn't solve my problem, but this line first does:
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
PM> add-migration InitialCreate
/Cheers, Jan
Make sure that the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools package is installed. If it's not, then add it from NuGet or simply type the following in the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
Installing the above package worked for me.
If your are using VS 2019 and core version 3.1
Just install the : Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools from Manage NuGet Packages
this solved my problem.
I have had the same problem with a project created with VS2017 version 15.9.4 and .Net Core 2.1.
I have fixed it by adding Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools to dependences of my project.
On project select Manage Nuget Packages
Browse and Search Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
Install it on your project
Then you can open Package Manager Console and use commands :
Download the latest .net Core 2.0 from the link below and it will fix your issue:
I reinstalled package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools and issue got fixed for me.
It works for me.
Close all VIsual Studio instances.
Open VS.
Open Package Manager console, let it be initialized.
Now open the project and try Add-Migration.
For me, I had to copy the folder from
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder
You have to add this to your CSPROJ file. This will most likely be fixed when the Core 2.0 is released. This stems from an issue where you can not install this package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.DotNet using the NUGET tools due to version requirements.
Then using CMD/PowerTools in the project directory you can issue the following commands:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
dotnet ef database update
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.DotNet" Version="1.0.1" />
I had the issue with VS2019 Enterprise on a .NET MVC 5 project with EF6.3.0. I was pulling my hair out and crushed for time. I was trying everything. In desperation, here's what I did that finally worked, FWIW.
Open VS2019
Let it completely finish all background processes on load (lower
left-hand corner animated icon)
Close Package Manager Console
Right-click Project, select "Manage NuGet Packages"
Check "Include Pre-Release"
Choose "Browse" Tab Update EntityFramework to V6.4.0-preview2-19525-03
Close VS2019 Open VS2019 Select from Menu:
Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Console which opens
the PM console
At THIS point, FINALLY, add-migration "MyReferencePoint" worked!
Hope this helps someone.
we get the same error when "add-migration", i try one solution which is update Package Manager by using follow step
In Visual Studio, from the "Tools" menu choose the "Extensions and Updates" option.
From the dialog that appears, expand the "Updates" node from the tree at the left side.
Select the "Visual Studio Gallery" option from the tree.
Finally, look for the Package Manager update in the list of updates at the right side of the dialog and click the "Update" button beside it.
it is approx 5 - 10 MB update, after update complete try Get-Help Add-Migration

Sylius commerce symfony 2

I need help about sylius commerce installation, acctualy
somewhere in the middle of instalation I get an error:
Running git clone failed with 1
and all commands I did before was just :
composer create-project sylius/sylius-standard -s dev
I dont know where to look for solution, so please if anyone could help me I will be very thankful.
I can't reproduce this problem on my Linux machine, but it could be a problem on your system with Git.
Try installing a newer version of git (make sure to link the 'git' command to the new version):

No documentation available in Qt Creator

When I hit F1 while the cursor marks a classname in the source code, I get the message on the right side of my IDE: "No documentation available."
How can I fix this?
I run Qt on Linux Mint 17.1 and I'm just getting familiar with Linux :-)
Thank you.
As #WCoder suggested, run:
rm -fr ~/.local/share/QtProject* ~/.config/QtProject*
In addition, install Qt, the latest version of which is 5.5.1 at the time of writing this post:
In Qt Creator, go to Tools → Options → Help → Documentation and add all the *.qch files in ~/Qt5.5.1/Docs/Qt-5.5 and the one in ~/Qt5.5.1/QtWebView/1.1/ (assuming you installed Qt into your home directory, ~/ ).
I had a strange problem (freeze after start QtCreator) and I got it fixed after remove the diretory ~/.config/QtProject
May be this is a problem too: ~/.local/share/QtProject
You can reload the help files with the qtcreator options.
In case QtCreator was installed from a system repository via sudo apt install qtcreator then one will need sudo apt install qt5-doc to get IDE's integrated help files.

How to install the QT module in my home directory?

I need to install QT in my home directory. How can I install QT? I have tried to install and use that module with one example. While running that program it showed me that can't locate in #INC. Can anyone give me
solution to solve this problem. I need proper url to download the QT and tutorial for QT.
Thanks in Advance.
Just apt-get install libqt-perl if you're on Linux.
