qmake error : could not find a Qt installation of '' - qt

$ qmake
qmake: could not find a Qt installation of ''
I installed Qt Version 4.8.2
Partial File of .profile in my home directory
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
export PATH
$ which qmake
Name - qmake
Type - Link to executable (application/x-executable)
Link Target - qtchooser
Location - /usr/bin
qmake is present in this location
Name - qmake
Type - executable (application/x-executable)
Size - 3.4 MB (3,407,312 bytes)
Location - /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.2/bin
qmake is also present in this location
Name - qmake
Type - executable (application/x-executable)
Size - 11.2 MB (11,157,974 bytes)
Location - /home/username/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.2/bin
How to make qmake work? Which one is the correct path for qmake?

This is really simple. You don't need to modify any environmental variables, you don't need to set up QTDIR. There are only two facts you need to keep in mind:
You must invoke qmake from your desired version of Qt.
There's a 1:1 relationship between a particular installed Qt version and build, and qmake executable.
After the desired qmake was run and generated the makefile, invoking make will build your project using the version of Qt the qmake came from. This will happen in spite of any environmental variable settings etc.
So, all you need to know is which Qt installation you want to use, and its path. This should be obvious since you installed Qt yourself. There lies the bin/qmake that you need.
You can select the desired qmake just as you would select a particular binary to run. The process is not any different just because it is qmake and not, say gzip:
by explicitly typing out the path to the executable,
by using a shell alias,
by putting the desired Qt's bin folder onto the PATH.
Only you know where you installed your desired version of Qt - there are at least three paths in your question. Thus it's impossible to tell which qmake are you to invoke. Obviously one of them - the one picked up by which qmake - doesn't work.
You need to invoke the one that came with the version of Qt that you installed.
That's really all there's to it.

I think the source code is in this location:
and installation directory is at:
you need to add the installation directory to your PATH, however if you have an other version (like the one in /usr/bin) you need to use /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.2/bin/qmake to compile Qt project using this version.
My solution is to add this code to your .profile file:
export QTDIR="/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.2"
export PATH="$QTDIR/bin:$PATH"
alias qmake-4.8="$QTDIR/bin/qmake"
after that use qmake-4.8 instead of qmake


QMAKE_QMAKE with symbolic link to qmake

I need to get path of folder with my qt in pro file.
I used QMAKE_QMAKE and everything worked.
But now I created a symbolic link to qmake in ~/.local/bin to make it easier to call qmake.
qmake-linux -> /home/andrei/Qt/Qt-v5.13.0/Linux/bin/qmake*
And now I ran into the problem that qmake, launched by a symbolic link, contains in the variable QMAKE_QMAKE not the path to the executable file, but the path to the symbolic link.
Info: creating stash file /home/andrei/worker/githubworker/github-worker/build/.qmake.stash
Project MESSAGE: QT_DIR = /home/andrei/.local/bin
Maybe it is important: I build qt from sources.
Maybe there are ways to get qmake paths or folders with qt?
The directory where the qmake executable is located can be retrieved with $$[QT_HOST_BINS]. This is a qmake property.
Call qmake -query to see a list of available properties.

Unable to customise the build directory for Qt Creator/qmake

I've got problem trying to specify the build directory (the directory that is to store all the files prior to copying them to the DESTDIR path).
I've got the following values in my .pro file:
DESTDIR = E:/Development/project/build/core/debug
OUT_PWD = E:/Development/project/build/core/debug
Now, all the files eventually end up in that location, however during build, the compiler is always using the "E:/Development/build/MinGW_32bit-Debug/src/core" folder (note the missing project path). This is annoying, because I want to use the /Project/build directory as this location (which is not tracked in my git repo).
Ideally, I'd like this path to be: E:\Development\project\build\src\core\debug.
The reason I want to do this is that the build process has the same location to include the compiled libs from (it's a subdirs project).
I've had a look in the Tools > Options > Build & Run > General settings, and the default build directory is: build/build-%{CurrentProject:Name}-%{CurrentKit:FileSystemName}-%{CurrentBuild:Name}
I've had a look in my project.pro.user file, and found the following line:
<value type="QString" key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.BuildDirectory">E:/Development/build/MinGW_32bit-Debug</value>
However I'm unable to change this value. If I edit this line in the file directly, as soon as I open Qt Creator again, the change has reverted back.
Is this a Qt Creator thing, or is it a qmake thing? Would I better off using a different build system such as CMake?
The build directory is "specified" by starting qmake or cmake in the build directory. There's no point to setting it in the .pro file itself.
Qt Creator stores the build directories for a project in the .user file. Any changes made to this file outside of Qt Creator, while the project is open in the Creator, will be lost. Creator loads the file when opening the project, or creates a new one if it doesn't exist.
When the Creator starts the build by invoking qmake or cmake, it starts that process in the build directory. That's also how you should be building the project manually from the command line.
Finally, it makes very little sense to override the destinations of the intermediate build results. They are somewhere within the build directory, and that's all that matters. You're not using these files directly for anything anyway.
The customary way to build a qmake project:
mkdir project-build
cd project-build
qmake ~/project-src
make -j
The build folder should not be within the source tree!
I've recently started keeping them in $TEMP / %TEMP%: manually purging the stale builds of all sort of test projects got old after a while :)

How to add source files to an external project in CMake?

I want to integrate SQLite into my project using ExternalProject_Add.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8)
# Download, configure, build and install SQLite
#--Download step--------------
URL http://www.sqlite.org/2014/sqlite-autoconf-3080704.tar.gz
URL_HASH SHA1=70ca0b8884a6b145b7f777724670566e2b4f3cde
#--Update/Patch step----------
#--Configure step-------------
CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" # How to add sqlite3.c to the target here?
#--Build step-----------------
BUILD_COMMAND "cmake --build ."
#--Install step---------------
The build command would use the native compiler to build all source files added to the target SQLite. However, there are non. How can I add the only source file sqlite3.c to the external project within the CONFIGURE_COMMAND?
ExternalProject_Add assumes that the project you want to pull in already ships with a (possibly complex, possibly non-CMake-based) working build system.
You have two possibilities here:
You can stick with the amalgamated autoconf version of sqlite that you are currently using. In that case the CONFIGURE_COMMAND would invoke configure and the BUILD_COMMAND would invoke make. Note that this approach will not be portable to platforms that do not have autoconf installed.
You can switch to the bare-source amalgamated version of sqlite and provide your own CMakeLists.txt for building. Since sqlite can be built with a minimum of configuration and the amalgamation only consists of a single source and header file, this is not as hard as it may sound. In this case you can simply invoke cmake for configuation and building.
Note however that you cannot provide this information in-line with ExternalProject_Add. You will need an external build script, whether that is CMake, autoconf or something else.
Building on the correct answer above, this is what I came up with. Instead of adding a second file to my repository, it gets generated from the existing CMake file. Since the source directory of the external project gets cleaned on build, the generated file must be stored in a temporary location and copied into the source directory in a later step of the external project, in this case the update command.
# SQLite
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8)
# Add CMake project file
file(WRITE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/temp/CMakeLists.txt
"cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8)\n"
"set(PROJECT_NAME sqlite)\n"
"add_library(sqlite3 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/source/sqlite3.c)\n"
"install(TARGETS sqlite3 DESTINATION lib)\n"
"install(FILES sqlite3.h DESTINATION include)\n")
# Download, configure, build and install.
#--Download step--------------
URL http://www.sqlite.org/2014/sqlite-autoconf-3080704.tar.gz
URL_HASH SHA1=70ca0b8884a6b145b7f777724670566e2b4f3cde
#--Update/Patch step----------
#--Configure step-------------
#--Build step-----------------
#--Install step---------------

QtDesigner 5.2.1 - Ubuntu-13.10. qtchooser configuration files not found

I've just installed the Qt5.2.1 (/opt/qt-5.2.1/5.2.1/gcc64) on my Ubuntu 13.10. I previuosly installed a Qt5.1 in my home directory.
When call designer, an error raised
designer: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/designer
I've seen that this target points to a qtchooser program. In the docs it's used for to switch between different Qt versions. Very usefull as this configuration can be applied system wide.
I would like to configure it but based on the qtchooser manpage , the configuration files should be located at
/etc/xdg/qtchooser/.conf*. In Ubuntu 13.10 there's no such directory and no information about the file names and their internal structure but a line for the binaries path and one line for the library path, a default conf file that would contain the default path?
I created the desired qtchooser directory with a default.conf file containing my lib and bin path. Nothing changed when I ran qtchooser --list-version, always the same list is displayed:
qtchooser --list-versions
outputs :
jeby6372#mercure:/opt$ qtchooser --list-versions
I don't understand where these informations are stored so that I could manage the swap beetween my 2 versions.
Or at least , is it possible to disconnect qtchooser without removing the Qt products?
Any Idea?
In Ubuntu 13.10, the configuration files are stored here:
I simply added new conf file, copying from one existing (e.g. qt521.conf) edited changed the path to the new QT5.2.1, configured qtchooser to use the new conf file with
export QT_SELECT=qt521
and now I can call qmake using the QT5.2.1 environment.

Copy file to destination directory in Qt Creator

I want to copy a data file from a directory in my source tree to the directory of the linked app so it's available at runtime, on Windows only. There appear to be two suggested techniques: use a post target dependency to issue a DOS copy command (Including resource files in Qt Creator build directory) or use an install step (Copy a file to the build directory after compiling project with Qt), but I cannot make either work in the way I would like.
The former requires me to use qmake path variables to generate my source and destination paths, but they contain backslash path separators, which the DOS copy command cannot handle.
The install solution forces other users of my project to set up a post build step in Qt Creator before it will work (one per configuration, in fact) and I would like to avoid this, as I want to make my project work with a default Qt Creator installation.
Is there any way to do this apparently simple task that can be wholly defined in the .pro file for the project? For example, is there a way to expand qmake path variables in a platform specific way?
Though these commands run ONLY after the executable is ACTUALLY linked, this solution doesn't require an external batch file. Note: this a Windows-only solution:
From our .pri file:
win32 {
# Copy the appropriate dll files into the target destination directory.
QMAKE_TBB_LIBDIR = $$quote($$PWD/MySource/MyLibs/$${PLATFORM_NAME}/vc9)
QMAKE_POST_LINK = copy /y $${replace(QMAKE_TBB_LIBDIR, /, \\)}\\*.dll > $${replace($$quote(DESTDIR), /, \\)}
This places a command in the Makefile that copies all the .dll files in MyLibs/x64 or MyLibs/Win32 into the destination directory.
However, if the executable did not need to be linked, then the .dlls are NOT copied.
The post build batch file would not have this limitation.
