Why does Akamai take up to 7 minutes to purge a URL? - http

When I purge a URL with the Akamai Luna Control Center tool it says it will take up to 7 minutes. In my tests it takes between 1-180 seconds over 95% of the time.
Why does it take so long? What is the architecture behind Akamai in this regard? Surely there are many edge servers but you can make a multitude of requests to purge all edge servers within seconds so I don't think it is a technical reason.
I am thinking maybe they add your request to a queue and the queue gets run every N seconds and also can only handle X items. So you may get queued up.
Anyways, that is just speculation, does anyone know the real reason why?

Removing the file from 180,000 servers is definitely time consuming. Akamai is currently working on "Fast Invalidate" for purging, which should bring the time down to seconds instead of minutes. It's available in Beta right now, for anyone who's interested.
Currently, the CCU V2 API is down to less than 4 minutes in most cases. I've just written a getting started guide for the CCU API:

The answer is pretty simple. Your purge has to be executed on thousands and thousands of machines.


Is it realistic for a dedicated server to send out many requests per second?

Is it appropriate for a (dedicated) web server to be sending many requests out to other servers every second (naturally with permission from said server)?
I'm asking this purely to save myself spending a long time implementing an idea that won't work, as I hope that people will have some more insight into this than me.
I'm developing a solution which will allow clients to monitor the status of their server. I need to constantly (24/7) obtain more recent logs from these servers. Unfortunately, I am limited to getting the last 150 entries to their logs. This means that for busy clients I will need to poll their servers more.
I'm trying to make my solution scalable so that if it gets a number of customers, I won't need to concern myself with rewriting it, so my benchmark is 1000 clients, as I think this is a realistic upper limit.
If I have 1000 clients, and I need to poll their servers every, let's give it a number, two minutes, I'm going to be sending requests off to more than 8 servers every second. The returned result will be on average about 15,000 characters, however it could go more or less.
Bearing in mind this server will also need to cope with clients visiting it to see their server information, and thus will need to be lag-free.
Some optimisations I've been considering, which I would probably need to implement relatively early on:
Only asking for 50 log items. If we find one already stored (They are returned in chronological order), we can terminate. If not, we throw out another request for the other 100. This should cut down traffic by around 3/5ths.
Detecting which servers get more traffic and requesting their logs less commonly (i.e. if a server only gets 10 logged events every hour, we don't want to keep asking for 150 every few minutes)
I'm basically asking if sending out this many requests per second is considered a bad thing and whether my future host might start asking questions or trying to throttle my server. I'm aiming to go shared for the first few customers, then if it gets popular enough, move to a dedicated server.
I know this has a slight degree of opinion enabled, so I fear that it might be a candidate for closure, but I do feel that there is a definite degree of factuality required in the answer that should make it an okay question.
I'm not sure if there's a networking SE or if this might be more appropriate on SuperUser or something, but it feels right on SO. Drop me a comment ASAP if it's not appropriate here and I'll delete it and post to a suggested new location instead.
You might want to read about the C10K Problem. The article compares several I/O strategies. A certain number of threads that each handle several connections using nonblocking I/O is the best approach imho.
Regarding your specific project I think it is a bad idea to poll for a limited number of log items. When there is a peak in log activity you will miss potentially critical data, especially when you apply your optimizations.
It would be way better if the clients you are monitoring pushed their new log items to your server. That way you won't miss something important.
I am not familiar with the performance of ASP.NET so I can't answer if a single dedicated server is enough. Especially because I do not know what the specs of your server are. Using a reasonable strong server it should be possible. If it turns out to be not enough you should distribute your project across multiple servers.

Long running-time script in PHP causes NGINX server to get very busy

I'll try to be very specific on this - it won't be easy, so please try to follow.
We have a script that runs with PHP on NGINX - PHP-fpm FastCGI.
This script gets information from the user trying to access it, and runs some algorithm on real-time. It cannot be a scheduled process running in the background.
Sometimes, it even takes for the page between 5-12 seconds to load - and it's ok.
Generally, we collect data from the user and make several outgoing request to third-party servers, collect the data, analyse it and return a response for the user .
The problem is,
There are many users running this script, and the server gets very busy - since they're all active connection on the server, waiting for a response.
We have 2 servers running under 1 load balancer, and that's not enough.
Sometimes the servers have more the 1,500 active connections at a time. You can imagine how these servers respond at that timeframe.
I'm looking for a solution.
We can add more and more servers to the LB, but it just sounds absurd that it's the only solution there is.
We ran over that script and optimized it to the maximum, I can promise you that -
There is no real solution for the long-time running of that script, since it depends on 3rd party servers that take time to respond to us on live traffic.
Is there a solution you can think of, to keep this script as it is -
but somehow to lower the impact of these active connection on the overall servers' functioning?
Sometimes, they just simply stop to respond.
Thank you very much for reading!
3 months old question, I know, but I cant help it thinking that:
In case you're sure that the sum of the network work for all requests to the third-party servers plus the corresponding processing of the responses inside your PHP script is much lower than the limits of your hardware.
Your PHP script is then likely inefficiently busy-looping until all responses come back from the third-party servers
If I were dealing with such an issue I'd do:
Stop using your custom external C++ curl thing, as the PHP script is busy-waiting for it anyways.
Google and read up on non-busy-looping usage of PHP's curl-multi implementation
Hope this makes sense.
My advice is to set limited timeouts for requests and to use asynchronous requests for each third-party request.
For example, for your page you have to display results of 5 third-party requests. It means, that inside script you call cURL or file_get_contents 5 times, but script becomes frozen for each timeout from third party. Step by step. It means, that if for each request you have to wait 10 seconds for the response - you'll have 50 seconds in total.
User calls the script -> script wait to end -> server is loaded for 50 seconds
Now, if each request to third party will be sent asynchronously - it will reduce script's load time to the maximum request delay. So, you'll have few smaller scripts, that will live shorter life - and it will decrease load on the server.
User calls the script -> script is loaded -> requests are sent -> there are no scripts that are waiting for the response and consuming resources of your server
May the AJAX be with you! ;)
This is a very old question, but since I had a similar problem I can share my solution. Long running scripts impact various parts of the system and cause stresses in webservers (in active connects), php-fpm and mysql/other databases. These tend to cause a number of knock on effects such as other requests starting to fail.
Firstly make sure you have netdata (https://github.com/netdata/netdata) installed on the server. If you are running many instances you might find having a Grafana/Prometheus setup is worth it too.
Next make sure it can see the PHP FPM process, Mysql and Nginx. There are many many things Netdata shows, but for this problem, my key metrics were:
Connections (mysql_local.connections) - is the database full of connections
PHP-FPM Active Connections (phpfpm_local.connections) - is PHP failing to keep up
PHP-FPM Request Duration (phpfpm_local.request_duration) - Is the time to process going thru the roof?
Disk Utilization Time (disk_util.sda) - this shows if the disk cannot keep up (100% = bad under load)
Users Open Files (users.files)
Make sure that you have sufficient file handles (https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-increase-the-maximum-number-of-open-files/), and the disk is not fully occupied. Both of these will block you from making stuff work, so make them big on the troublesome server.
Next check Nginx has enough resources in nginx.conf:
worker_processes auto;
worker_rlimit_nofile 30000;
events {
worker_connections 768;
This will give you time to work out what is going wrong.
Next look at php-fpm (/etc/php/7.2/fpm/pool.d/www.conf):
set pm.max_spare_servers high such as 100
set pm.max_requests = 500 - just in case you have a script that doesn't free itself properly.
Then watch. The problem for me was every request blocks an incoming connection. More requests to the same script will block more connections. The machine can be operating fine, but a single slow script doing a curl hit or a slow SQL statement will take that connection for its entire duration, so 30 seconds = 1 less php process to handle incoming requests. Eventually you hit 500, and you run out. If you can increase the number of FPM processes to match the frequency of slow script requests to the number seconds they run for. So if the script takes 2 seconds, and gets hit 2 times a second, you will need a constant 4 additional fpm worker threads chewed up doing nothing.
If you can do that, stop there - the extra effort beyond that is probably not worth it. If it still feels like it will be an issue - create a second php-fpm instance on the box and send all requests for the slow script to that new instance. This allows you to fail those requests discretely in the case of too much run time. This will give you the power to do two important things:
Control the amount of resources devoted to the slow script
Mean that all other scripts are never blocked by the slow script and (assuming the OS limits are high enough) never affected by resource limits.
Hope that helps someone struggling under load!

How many requests per second should my asp(class) app handle

I'm profiling a asp(classic) web service. The web service makes database calls, reads/writes to files, and processes xml. On a windows server 2003 box(2.7ghz, 4 core, 4gb ram) how many requests per second should I be able to handle before things start to fail.
I'm building a tool to test this, but I'm looking for a number of requests per second to shoot for.
I know this is fairly vague, but please give the best estimate you can. If you need more information, please ask.
95% of the performance of any data-driven app is dependent on the database: 1) the way you do your calls, 2) the indexes, 3) the hardware under the database (disk subsystem in particular).
I have seen a machine, like you are describing, handle 40 requests per second (2500/minute), but numbers like 10 per second (600/minute) are more common. I would expect even lower if you are running your DB on the same machine, and even lower still if that DB is SQLExpress or MSAccess.
Also, at capacity, your app will probably not fail, but IIS will Queue requests, once it is saturated, and may timeout some of those requests if it can't service them before the timeout expires.
Btw, instead of building a tool to test your app, you may want to look into using a test tool such as Microsoft WCAT. It is pretty smooth and easy to use.
How fast should it be? Fast enough.
How fast is fast enough? That's a question that only you and your users can answer. If your service is horrifically inefficient and keeps up with demand, it's fast enough. If your service is assembly-optimized, lightning-fast, and overwhelmed with requests, it's not fast enough.
If the server is handling its actual workload, then don't worry about how fast it "should" be. When the server is having trouble, or when you anticipate that it soon will, then you should look at improving the code or upgrading the hardware. Remember Knuth's Law – premature optimization is the root of all evil. Any work you do now to make it faster may never pay off, and you may be forced to make compromises with flexivility or maintainability. Remember, too, an older adage – if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Yes I would also say 10 per second is a good benchmark. For a high performance app you would want to get more than this, but if you have no specific goal you should generally be able to get at least 10 requests per sec for a general web page with a bunch of database queries.

ASP.Net Web Farm Monitoring

I am looking for suggestions on doing some simple monitoring of an ASP.Net web farm as close to real-time as possible. The objectives of this question are to:
Identify the best way to monitor several Windows Server production boxes during short (minutes long) period of ridiculous load
Receive near-real-time feedback on a few key metrics about each box. These are simple metrics available via WMI such as CPU, Memory and Disk Paging. I am defining my time constraints as soon as possible with 120 seconds delayed being the absolute upper limit.
Monitor whether any given box is up (with "up" being defined as responding web requests in a reasonable amount of time)
Here are more details, things I've tried, etc.
I am not interested in logging. We have logging solutions in place.
I have looked at solutions such as ELMAH which don't provide much in the way of hardware monitoring and are not visible across an entire web farm.
ASP.Net Health Monitoring is too broad, focuses too much on logging and is not acceptable for deep analysis.
We are on Amazon Web Services and we have looked into CloudWatch. It looks great but messages in the forum indicate that the metrics are often a few minutes behind, with one thread citing 2 minutes as the absolute soonest you could expect to receive the feedback. This would be good to have for later analysis but does not help us real-time
Stuff like JetBrains profiler is good for testing but again, not helpful during real-time monitoring.
The closest out-of-box solution I've seen is Nagios which is free and appears to measure key indicators on any kind of box, including Windows. However, it appears to require a Linux box to run itself on and a good deal of manual configuration. I'd prefer to not spend my time mining config files and then be up a creek when it fails in production since Linux is not my main (or even secondary) environment.
Are there any out-of-box solutions that I am missing? Obviously a windows-based solution that is easy to setup is ideal. I don't require many bells and whistles.
In the absence of an out-of-box solution, it seems easy for me to write something simple to handle what I need. I've been thinking a simple client-server setup where the server requests a few WMI metrics from each client over http and sticks them in a database. We could then monitor the metrics via a query or a dashboard or something. If the client doesn't respond, it's effectively down.
Any problems with this, best practices, or other ideas?
Thanks for any help/feedback.
UPDATE: We looked into Cloudwatch a bit more and we may focus on trying it out. This forum post is the most official thing I can find. In it, an Amazon representative says that the offical delay window for data is 4 minutes. However, the user says that 2 minute old data is always reliable and 1 minute is sometimes reliable. We're going to try it out and hope it is enough for our needs.
Used Quest software and it seemed to be a good monitoring solution. Here is a link.
Also performance monitoring of Windows may also help.

Is more than 100 active connection to SQL server db not normal in an ASP.NET website?

While tracing the active connection on my db i found that some times the connections exceeds 100, is that normal?
and after few minutes it return back to 20 or 25 active connection
more details about my problem
Traffic on the site is around 200 visitor per day.
Why i am asking? because the default MaxPool in the asp.net connection string is 100
Also i am using Connection in the website IIS
That really depends on your site and your traffic. I've seen a site peek out at over 350 active connections to SQL during its peak time. That was for roughly 7,000 concurent web users, on two web servers, plus various backend processes.
Some additional information that we need to give you a better answer:
How many Web Processes hit your sql
server? For example are you using web
gardens? Do you have multiple servers
how many if you do? This is important because then you can calculate how many connections you can have by figuring out how many worker threads per process you have configured. Assume worse case, each thread is running which would add a connection to the pool.
Are you using connection pooling? If so your going to see the connections stick around after the user's request ends. By default its enabled.
How many concurent users do you have?
But, I think your going after this wrong, your having an issue with no free connections available in your pool. The first thing I'd look for is any leaked connections (connections being held open for longer then they should). For example passing a data reader up to the Web Page, could be a sign of this.
Next thing is to evaluate the default settings. Maybee you should run a web garden which should give you more connections, or increase the number of connections available.
The last thing I would do is try to opitmize queries like in your last question. Let's say you cut those queries in half, all you've done is bought yourself more time until more users come onto the system, and your right back here, only this time you might not be able to optimize that query yet again.
You're leaving out some details making it difficult to answer correctly but...
It depends, really. If you're not using connection pooling then each time a page is hit that requires access to the database a new connection is going to be opened. So sure, it could be perfectly normal.
I would also look into caching. Cache pages, cache query results, etc. You might be surprised how many times you go back to the database to get a list of US States...
