Opening and closing windows using Titanium Alloy - titanium-alloy

I know how to open windows in Alloy, but I am worried about the effect on performance of opening lots of windows. In Classic titanium, you had to manage this carefully to avoid memory leaks, but i've seen very little on this for Alloy. Is this handled somehow by Alloy behind the scenes - can I just keep opening windows to my heart's content?
So if I have index.js opening category.js, which then opens product.js, but there is a button to open index.js - how do I handle that?

Try this:
Simply closing the window does not free up any memory that has
references open from within the menu or any child views/function of
the window. It is common to create a cleanup method and publicly
expose this from the controller. You then make sure that anything you
created or referenced inside this controller has been nulled, removed
or reset - within this function. Add an event listener to the window
inside the controller to handle the close event and then have it call
the clean-up function. Finally removing that event listener as well.
Some things to check for in your clean-up function Event Listener -
use Remove Event Listener once they are nbo longer required For tables
simply use table.setData([]); nothing more complicated than that If
you use setTimeout or setInterval you must always clear(thing) each of
these There are more but these are the highlights.


Using QT 4.7 - dialog is busy loading a BIG thing; how to disable all controls?

[EDIT] - wasn't getting to the disable code the way I thought I was; works fine with any of the solutions below.
I have a modeless QT dialog, in which all kinds of user settings can be manipulated. In addition, it can save and load large data sets, which can take several seconds. Lots going on in the main window underneath (realtime app) and that's fine, and interaction there is okay, but in the dialog itself, I need to block user interaction.
Essentially, during the load, I don't want the user to be able to change / affect any of the controls in the modeless dialog (and there are a lot of them.)
Rather than disable each one individually (or even that way if that's the only way), is there a straightforward means I can use to disable input to the dialog entirely until the load is complete?
There's a progress bar in it that shows what's going on, too, which is constantly updated by the load process, so that needs to keep on working.
I tried this...
On dialog open:
QDialog *window = this;
Then around load:
...which compiles fine, and runs without complaint, but the window did not disable.
I also tried:
...that doesn't seem to do anything either.
I tried this too:
QList<QWidget*> list = window->findChildren<QWidget *>();
foreach(QWidget *qw, list)
QList<QWidget*> list = window->findChildren<QWidget *>();
foreach(QWidget *qw, list)
..also does nothing.
Based on Qt documentation (
Disabling a widget implicitly disables all its children. Enabling
respectively enables all child widgets unless they have been
explicitly disabled.
So your snippets are essentially doing same thing in different ways so that doesn't seem to be a problem and modality of dialog shouldn't have any effect on this as well. How are you loading / saving the data? If you are doing it in e.g. click slot then you are basically blocking the UI event loop which means that UI doesn't have cycles to react to your changes. If you want to isolate UI from background action so it will properly react even that you are doing heavy lifting in the background and you should consider using QRunnable or QTread to offload the work away from UI thread.

FlexMonkey Issue with TitleWindow Popups

We are currently testing parts of our application that open in popup windows. These windows are subclasses of TitleWindow. The issue we now run into is that the popups seems to be registered multiple times and that tests are sometimes executed on popups that have already been closed (or so it seems).
I thought this had to do with the way we closed and removed our popups, but I can't really spot any problems there. After looking into the FlexMonkey source code, I saw that there is an explicit check for "TitleWindow" in the ADDED_TO_STAGE handler, after which the popup is added as an application window. But the popup never seems to be removed from the "_windows" collection. As a result, when you open the tree view in FlexMonkey, there are several instances of the same popup window class. This probably also explains why our tests sometimes do not seem to run (visually), but execute and verify correctly, as they are ran on a hidden instance of a popup. I would expect the MonkeyAutomationManager to also listen to REMOVED_FROM_STAGE events and remove the popup when it is closed.
Am I missing something here or is this an (known) issue?
My guess is that it isn't an issue, it's simply that your code isn't properly cleaning the object and removing it from the display list. You also need to remember that garbage collection does not run right after you remove something from the stage. It could be possible that your window, even if it has been removed from the stage is in fact still listening and responding to events.

Qt: How to initialize dialog widgets?

I would like to know what the established procedure is for initializing the controls within a Qt custom dialog box. In the code I am writing, the dialog would present a QListView containing directories from an object passed (by reference) to the dialog class during construction. When the dialog is displayed, I obviously want the list to display the directories currently configured in the object.
Where should this be done though? Perhaps in the overridden showEvent() method?
Background: I used to do a lot of MFC programming back in the day, and would have done this sort of stuff in the OnCreate method, or some such, once the window object had been created.
Thankfully Qt doesn't require you to do any hooking to find the moment to create things (unless you want to). If you look over the Qt examples for dialogs, most do all the constructing in the constructor:
The tab dialog example--for instance--doesn't do "on-demand" initializing of tabs. Although you could wire something up via the currentChanged signal:
Wizard-style dialogs have initializePage and cleanupPage methods:
But by and large, you can just use the constructor. I guess the main exception would be if find yourself allocating the dialog at a much earlier time from when you actually display it (via exec), and you don't want to bear the performance burden for some part of that until it's actually shown. Such cases should be rare and probably the easiest thing to do is just add your own function that you call (like finalizeCreationBeforeExec).

Programmatically close an AIR application

I would like to know the correct way to close an AIR application programmatically.
In my Spark WindowedApplication I have:
this.addEventListener( Event.CLOSING, shutdownApp );
and of course an implementation of the shutdownApp method (which basically tidies up temporary files).
This works fine for the top-right close button of the window. However I also have functionality which needs to shutdown the application. Within the code I have called:
However this doesn't trigger the Event.CLOSING method, and so my temporary files are not cleared up. Should I not be calling nativeApplication.exit ? If so, what should I call instead? I'd rather not have to call my shutdownApp method before the NativeApplication.exit() as this doesn't feel quite so elegant.
Can anyone shed any light on the correct way of doing this?
I know this question has been answered and accepted, but thought I'd share, I use.
The documentation looks a bit ambiguous on this and I would have the same interpretation that you did. Did you try the close or exit methods on the WindowedApplication?
Something like this, with FlexGlobals and topLevelApplication:
(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as WindowedApplication).close();
(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as WindowedApplication).exit();
Just give an answer here because I searched for a related question and was not able to find sth.
I wanted to do something similar and close an AIR application when the native close button of the document window (spark.components.Window) is pressed thought that the spark WindowedApplication container (the applications main window) is still active to hold and manage the native menu (at application startup it is also used to display a splash screen. It has to stay open since if it is closed the native menu won't show up or be accessible anymore so its visible property is just set to false).
My main problem was the window closing event. Registering it with ActionScript like
this.addEventListener(Event.Closing, windowClosed);
does not work: No closing event was dispatched.
The only way was to register an event handler directly in the s:Window element at start of the MXML file. I just throw in the closing attribute:
The event was dispatched then and in window1_closingHandler-function I called
That works for me and shuts down the whole application.

Flex 3 - Force all controls to render at start

When I try to access the hidden TABs of my tab navigator control in action script, it returns a null error. But it works OK if I just activate the control in the user interface once. Obviously the control is not created until I use it. How do I make all the tabs automatically created by default ?
<mx:TabNavigator creationPolicy="all"/>
That should do it. Deferred instanciation is a feature, but sometimes it is a hassle.
The Flex framework is optimizing creation be default (creationPolicy="auto") so if you have a configuration dialog with a lot of tabs, for example, and the most useful tab is the first one, your application does not spend time and memory initializing the tabs that the user never sees.
This makes a lot of difference when dialogs like this never release, and is a good default to go with.
One thing to look at is using a private variable in your dialog/form instead of pushing the data to the control on the hidden page. This style treats the whole form as if it were a component, which it sort of is. To repeat: the MXML form/dialog/canvas is a class, and it can have data and methods in addition to containing other components.
On a side note, I've run into the deferred-loading policy in a multi-state application, and circumvented it by forcing all elements to be included and invisible in the initial state. Something to consider, but only as a hack.
