Enable Windows Auth and disable Forms auth on Admin folder - asp.net

Just moved a site from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2012 and having difficulty restricting access to the Admin directory. In the older version of IIS, all I needed to do was disable anon access to that folder. In IIS8, I have:
Anonymous Authentication: Disabled
ASP.NET Impersonation: Disabled
Basic Authentication: Disabled
Forms Authentication: Enabled
Windows Authentication: Enabled
This gives me an Alert that says:
Challenge-based and login redirect-based authentication cannot be used simultaneously.
Which I find completely reasonable. However, I am trying to disable "Forms Authentication" and the next Alert says:
This feature has been locked and is read-only
How can I force an ASP.NET site's admin directory (only that directory) to require Windows Authentication?

I believe you just need to make your admin folder it's own application root, then you can do what you want.
From IIS Manager > Sites > {Your Website} > admin folder, right click and choose 'Convert to Application'
Accept the default settings for the application (you can change if you wish)
Click on the IIS Manager > Sites > {Your Website} > admin folder, drill down into Authentication, and choose Disable from the right menu.
An image where admin is not it's own app:
Make it's own app:

If your folder is under the same IIS web app (which apparently is) you can't use 2 different kinds of authentication. You need to have 2 separate IIS apps or to have sub-applications (which I think also implies virtual directories).
In other words, you can't have both Win Auth and Forms Auth enabled at the same time for the same IIS app, with managed pipeline mode set to Integrated, in IIS 7+
Update After searching through my bookmarks:
I tried the ideas from this article, but I could not get it to work: http://mvolo.com/iis-70-twolevel-authentication-with-forms-authentication-and-windows-authentication/
However it might give you more insight or ideas.
My scenario was simpler, I needed Windows and Forms auth for the entire app.
I also had an admin section and I eventually ended up putting the admin in a totally separate web app, that runs under a subdomain. Both apps were running in IIS 7.5 with integrated mode (admin windows auth enabled and the rest of the app was Forms Auth enabled).


WIndows Authentication not working

Newly installed IIS on a clean windows Server 2008 R2. Installed all security option. Then for the default web site authentication, enabled windows authentication and disabled all others. Then when access the default page iisstart.htm, it should give me a popup for authentication message.
but when I access the test page like: http://localhost/iisstart.htm, there is no popup. same as enabled Anonymous Authentication.
How to fix it?
I think your webservice is accessing files via your app pool identity, remove this user from the security access list on the file.
If you go to "localhost", then IE will see this as part of the "Intranet Zone". In the "Intranet Zone", IE will by default automatically send your current credentials to sites that use "Windows Authentication".
The result is that everything is probably working correctly.
First of all make sure you check if the app pool user can access the files of the website (NTFS security settings). See: IIS7 Permissions Overview - ApplicationPoolIdentity
After that (and double checking that only Windows Authentication is enabled in IIS) take into account that your URL must not contain dots! You can make an extra binding (see: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc731692(v=ws.10).aspx) that contains only letters and numbers and then add that binding to your local hosts file (open a text editor as administrator and then edit the file hosts in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) to check.

Asp.net Internet explorer prompts a credential window

I just uploaded a project to my hosting, is a asp.net mvc project with authentication.
Just when i enter the web internet explorer prompts a credential windows. If I cancel, the web works correctly. The web works correctly also in local using the visual studio server.
More information:
"Allow Anonymous Access" is checked and the "Basic Authentication" too, but the promt is shown with Basic authentication checked or not.
Also I uploaded a very basic mvc application with authentication and the prompt is not showing, so it does'nt seem's to be an IIS configuration problem.
Also the prompt is showing in both Internet Explorer and firefox, but isn't in Chrome.
Do you have any clues?
It sounds like you have set the authentication mode to Windows? Can you check the Web.config file. If you are intent is to use Forms authentication, you should change it accordingly
Most likely is that you need to allow anonymous access in the IIS configuration manager. Even if your web.config specifies Forms Authentication (or Authentication is set to "None") if IIS is set to disallow anonymous access, then users will be prompted by IIS before the ASP.Net authentication mechanism kicks in.
I see this behavior if the "Allow Anonymous Access" is checked and the "Windows Authentication" is also checked.
This is all under the "Directory Security" task in the properties for your web site in the IIS manager.
See info below about IIS:
IIS Authentication
Anonymous authentication gives users access to the public areas of your Web site without prompting them for a user name or password....
Basic(uncheck this)
IIS implements Basic authentication, which is part of the HTTP 1.0 specification, using Windows user accounts. When using Basic authentication, the browser prompts the user for a user name and password. This information is then transmitted across HTTP where it is encoded using Base64 encoding. Although most Web servers, proxy servers, and Web browsers support Basic authentication, it is inherently insecure. Because it is easy to decode Base64 encoded data, Basic authentication is essentially sending the password as plain text.
For this to work only anonymous access should be checked in IIS. Otherwise the browser will try to authenticate if possible.
If you are serving "static content" with your site, the default webroot from which the application is configured under needs these settings as well. (Usually "Anonymous" as only-checked-box).

How do I force windows authentication with local asp.net development server?

I'm developing an ASP.NET application which needs Windows Authentication. I have the web.config set up to deny anonymous users and use Windows mode for authentication, but my local development version still lets me pass right through to the site. In order to test different user set-ups, I need to force authorization so I can change users.
How do I set up my system (config files, VS2005 settings, IIS, etc?) to force the authorization window to popup on the site when I'm running on local asp.net development server? In other words, how do I get the authentication popup when running the site in Debug mode?
You will also need to configure IIS and have your application point to IIS instead of the local web server
To configure Windows authentication
Start Internet Information Services (IIS).
Right-click your application's virtual directory, and then click Properties.
Click the Directory Security tab.
Under Anonymous access and authentication control, click Edit.
Make sure the Anonymous access check box is not selected and that Integrated Windows > authentication is the only selected check box.
To configure your application to point to IIS
Right click on your web project, and then click Properties
Click the Web tab
Click the "Use Local IIS Web Server" radio button

ASP.NET Development Server with Basic Authentication

Anyone aware of how to get the ASP.NET Dev Server to challenge for basic authentication credentials instead of assuming my current login?
If using Cassini then according to paragraph at bottom of this link - Limitations of the Cassini Web Server, you cant.
If using IIS, then update IIS authentication.
in the virtual directory of your site right click on your virtual directory,
select the Directory Security tab
select Edit button next to Anonymous access and authentication control
uncheck allow anonymous and integrated windows authentication
check basic authentication
Not an answer to your question, per se, but consider configuring your web project's properties to "Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an external application", and then hit your server with a browser that's been launched with alternative credentials.
Do you have Integrated Windows authentication checked off under Directory Security in IIS, instead of (or in addition to) Basic?

authentication mode=Forms - so why am I getting a Windows Login prompt?

I have authentication mode set to forms in my asp.net web.config but am still getting a windows login prompt when i browse to the website.
Could authentication mode be set elsewhere, in IIS for example? My site runs on IIS 6.
This could be because the permissions on the folder that is being served is not allowed to be accessed by the user running the web site
I have had issues where the authentication was set to forms and the directory security was set to allow anonymous, but some resources (images in my particular case) did not have the proper permissions to allow the anonymous user to read them.
The effect is that the user was prompted to login so that the graphics could be displayed, after which the form was displayed and the user logged in (again) with the intended form.
Sounds like windows permissions problem.
Windows permissions will always override anything that you have set up in aspnet.
I would start by looking at "anonymous access" permissions in IIS admin, then work your way through the file system.
You have configured anonymous access in IIS Administrator, but the IIS user does not have permission to access the filesystem, defaulting to the login dialog to authenticate as Windows user.
As it happens a colleague updated my machine to .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 whilst I was away. So I compiled my project and released onto the server which does not have SP1 installed and the above happened.
I've installed SP1 on the server and it's working fine now.
Thanks for all your input.
Just to clarify : the login popped up because the application was unable to load a file due to the problem described in the following: Link
