How do I force windows authentication with local development server? -

I'm developing an ASP.NET application which needs Windows Authentication. I have the web.config set up to deny anonymous users and use Windows mode for authentication, but my local development version still lets me pass right through to the site. In order to test different user set-ups, I need to force authorization so I can change users.
How do I set up my system (config files, VS2005 settings, IIS, etc?) to force the authorization window to popup on the site when I'm running on local development server? In other words, how do I get the authentication popup when running the site in Debug mode?

You will also need to configure IIS and have your application point to IIS instead of the local web server
To configure Windows authentication
Start Internet Information Services (IIS).
Right-click your application's virtual directory, and then click Properties.
Click the Directory Security tab.
Under Anonymous access and authentication control, click Edit.
Make sure the Anonymous access check box is not selected and that Integrated Windows > authentication is the only selected check box.
To configure your application to point to IIS
Right click on your web project, and then click Properties
Click the Web tab
Click the "Use Local IIS Web Server" radio button


Enable Windows Auth and disable Forms auth on Admin folder

Just moved a site from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2012 and having difficulty restricting access to the Admin directory. In the older version of IIS, all I needed to do was disable anon access to that folder. In IIS8, I have:
Anonymous Authentication: Disabled
ASP.NET Impersonation: Disabled
Basic Authentication: Disabled
Forms Authentication: Enabled
Windows Authentication: Enabled
This gives me an Alert that says:
Challenge-based and login redirect-based authentication cannot be used simultaneously.
Which I find completely reasonable. However, I am trying to disable "Forms Authentication" and the next Alert says:
This feature has been locked and is read-only
How can I force an ASP.NET site's admin directory (only that directory) to require Windows Authentication?
I believe you just need to make your admin folder it's own application root, then you can do what you want.
From IIS Manager > Sites > {Your Website} > admin folder, right click and choose 'Convert to Application'
Accept the default settings for the application (you can change if you wish)
Click on the IIS Manager > Sites > {Your Website} > admin folder, drill down into Authentication, and choose Disable from the right menu.
An image where admin is not it's own app:
Make it's own app:
If your folder is under the same IIS web app (which apparently is) you can't use 2 different kinds of authentication. You need to have 2 separate IIS apps or to have sub-applications (which I think also implies virtual directories).
In other words, you can't have both Win Auth and Forms Auth enabled at the same time for the same IIS app, with managed pipeline mode set to Integrated, in IIS 7+
Update After searching through my bookmarks:
I tried the ideas from this article, but I could not get it to work:
However it might give you more insight or ideas.
My scenario was simpler, I needed Windows and Forms auth for the entire app.
I also had an admin section and I eventually ended up putting the admin in a totally separate web app, that runs under a subdomain. Both apps were running in IIS 7.5 with integrated mode (admin windows auth enabled and the rest of the app was Forms Auth enabled).

401.2 Error in ASP.Net 2.0 on IIS 7.0 on Windows 2008

My "Hello World" c#.Net application works fine on my local Windows 7. Moving to our server I get 401.2 error.
Here what I have done (following advices in some forums):
Changed the Anonymous authentication use to application pull user
Created a new application pull
Created a new Windows user with access to application folders
Set the authentication of the application pull to that user
Set the application pull for my application to that application pull
Please note that:
I receive the error both from within the server and outside
I receive this error from all the browser I tested: Chrome, IE 9.0 and Firefox
An html file in the same folder is visible
What am I missing?
You don't need to create a new windows user. I know you've said what steps you've done, but I'm going to highlight what I do each time I add a new site.
Set the Identity of the Application Pool to
In the website, set Anonymous Authentication to Enabled. Click
Edit on the right and set the Authentication Credentials to
Application pool identity.
In the website, again, choose Basic Settings on the right. Click
the Connect As.. button and make sure Application User is
Give the appropriate access to the folder on your hard drive(s); i.e
Application Pool name =, the user is IIS
I think your issue is that you haven't given the folder permissions for the Application Pool User. I think you've incorrectly given them to an unneccessary Windows account.
Do you have the correct version of .NET installed on Server? Also you need to register ASP.NET in IIS - c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\framework\v2.0.50727 (or v4.0....)
aspnet_regiis.exe -i
and after restart IIS with iisreset in command line

IIS7 folder permissions for web application

I am using windows authentication without impersonation on my company's intranet website with IIS7.
Under IIS7, what account is used to access the folder which contains my web app using these settings?
Would it be IIS_IUSRS? Or NETWORK SERVICE? Or another I don't know about?
In IIS 7 (not IIS 7.5), sites access files and folders based on the account set on the application pool for the site. By default, in IIS7, this account is NETWORK SERVICE.
Specify an Identity for an Application Pool (IIS 7)
In IIS 7.5 (Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7), the application pools run under the ApplicationPoolIdentity which is created when the application pool starts. If you want to set ACLS for this account, you need to choose IIS AppPool\<yourpoolname> instead of NT Authority\Network Service. has the answer. Setting the iis authentication to appliction pool identity will resolve this.
In IIS Authentication, Anonymous Authentication was set to "Specific User". When I changed it to Application Pool, I can access the site.
To set, click on your website in IIS and double-click "Authentication". Right-click on "Anonymous Authentication" and click "Edit..." option. Switch from "Specific User" to "Application pool identity". Now you should be able to set file and folder permissions using the IIS AppPool\{Your App Pool Name}.
If it's any help to anyone, give permission to "IIS_IUSRS" group.
Note that if you can't find "IIS_IUSRS", try prepending it with your server's name, like "MySexyServer\IIS_IUSRS".
Running IIS 7.5, I had luck adding permissions for the local computer user IUSR. The app pool user didn't work.
Worked for me in 30 seconds, short and sweet:
In IIS Manager (run inetmgr)
Go to ApplicationPool -> Advanced Settings
Set ApplicationPoolIdentity to NetworkService
Go to the file, right click properties, go to security, click edit, click add, enter Network Service (with space, then click 'check names'), and give full control (or just whatever permissions you need)
Working on IIS 7.5 and Windows 7 i couldnt give permission
IUSR and IIS_IUSRS permissions not working for me
I got to problem this way:
-Created console application with C#
-This appliaction using createeventsource like this
if(!System.Diagnostics.EventLog.SourceExists(sourceName)) System.Diagnostics.EventLog.CreateEventSource(sourceName,logName);
-Build solution and get .exe file
-Run exe as administator.This create log file.
NOTE: Dont remember Event viewer must be refresh for see the log.
I hope this solution helps someone :)
Read/Write permission for Web host application using IIS follow following step:-
1)Check the Application pool for the Site
2)Go to Application Pool and Check the Identity of the Site.
3)Explorer the Site and go to the main folder and right-click on that folder.
4)Go to Security Tab and click on the Edit button and then click on the user Identity and below you can see the multiple check box options which you want to provide permission for authenticated users after selecting the check box click on save.

Cassini Modification for Anonymous Access for ASP.NET 3.5

I'm using Cassini to run an ASP.NET app on a machine where I don't have access to IIS. I'm using Cassini for .NET 3.5. My website uses Windows authentication and when run on Cassini
returns an empty string. I'm guess this does this because it is allowing anonymous access to my website. This is documented here:
The fix for the problem is:
Change the authentication mode in the Web.config file to Windows as follows:
<authentication mode="Windows" />
In the Internet Services Manager, right-click the .aspx file or the Web Project folder, and then click Properties.
If you clicked Properties for the Web Project folder, click the Directory Security tab. 3. If you clicked Properties for the .aspx file, click the File Security tab.
Under Anonymous Access and authentication control, click Edit.
In the Authentication methods dialog box, clear the Anonymous Access check box, and then select either the Basic, the Digest or the Integrated (NT Challenge/Response) check box.
Cassini doesn't have a UI to do this, can anyone point me in the right direction to modify to Cassini sourse code such that it doesn't allow Anonymous Access?
I am using the version from this website:
You should be able to accomplish this by simply checking the 'ntlm authentication' box on the web property page of your project.
This will send a flag to the VS dev server to require windows authentication and in conjunction with you auth=windows config you should get what you want.
In solution explorer pane select the Web Project and hit F4. (not right click+properties, thats different) - this will show property pane
In properties Pane then set:
Windows Authentication: Enable
Anonymous Authentication: Disabled
Run your project, Happy Days!

ASP.NET Development Server with Basic Authentication

Anyone aware of how to get the ASP.NET Dev Server to challenge for basic authentication credentials instead of assuming my current login?
If using Cassini then according to paragraph at bottom of this link - Limitations of the Cassini Web Server, you cant.
If using IIS, then update IIS authentication.
in the virtual directory of your site right click on your virtual directory,
select the Directory Security tab
select Edit button next to Anonymous access and authentication control
uncheck allow anonymous and integrated windows authentication
check basic authentication
Not an answer to your question, per se, but consider configuring your web project's properties to "Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an external application", and then hit your server with a browser that's been launched with alternative credentials.
Do you have Integrated Windows authentication checked off under Directory Security in IIS, instead of (or in addition to) Basic?
