Foundation basics, scss, js and bower components - css

Can I compile scss from project folder created with foundation new project with sass?
Why js folder had only app.js file, should I move files from bower_components/foundation/jsto (root)/js or link to their folder?
Should user css settings includes in app.css or custom file that includes app.css?
In bootstrap sass files collected in one folder, why in foundation scss folder had only app.scss and other files in bower components.

When you install Foundation this way, you use the SCSS folder created that contains the _settings.scss & app.scss. The app.scss is what you tend to use as your base SCSS file to compile from so you'd include all your other SCSS files to this one. You can move this file to elsewhere if you please but move the config.rb with it and make sure the add_import_path works from where you move it to.
You don't need to move the files, everything in bower_components should never be touched or moved, they are there so they can be upgraded when necessary, you shouldn't have to touch base Foundation files.
I said before you should use that, but you could include the app.scss into a custom scss file but it's better to have control of the Foundation imports in 1 file, in my opinion.
For the same reason i mentioned in 2, so you don't touch them and Bower can easily update them if you require.


How to compile file sass to file css in one the main file css on the vuejs project

I am setup the project of the vuejs on of the my goals in the end of the project is to compile files scss which is the main file with name style.scss- from input to output in the file main file style.css to Load in the vuejs.
Also all files .scss should include with #importfor examples: #import "variables";and so on
in the main file style.scss.
I read about it.enter link description here
My project is as in the picture below.
Any idea how to sole it?
My dear friend, if I have understood your meaning correctly, I would like to try to offer you some solutions.
In order to use SCSS in a project and compile it automatically in the background, we can do the following steps:
1. Install node-sass
To get the compiler, we’re going to install the node-sass package.
Go to your terminal, navigate to the project folder and type in the following:
npm i node-sass
2. Create an SCSS folder
Create a new folder called scss in your project. After doing so, copy and paste all the CSS files from your css (or stylesheets) folder to your new scss folder.
Rename the extensions on all the newly pasted css files with .scss
You should end up with a scss folder which looks exactly like your css folder but with the files ending with .scss.
3. Add a script in package.json
In your package.json file, locate scripts and add the following piece of code inside it:
"scss": "node-sass --watch scss -o css"
If your css folder is named something other than css, then replace the word css with the folder name.
Similarly, if your scss folder is named something other scss, then replace scss with the correct folder name.
Setting context in the overall package.json file, the script will be placed like this:
“name”: “example-project”,
“version”: “0.4.2”,
“scripts”: {
“start”: “node ./bin/www”,
“scss”: “node-sass — watch scss -o css”
"dependencies": {
"express": "~4.16.0",
"express-favicon": "^2.0.1",
4. Run the compiler
Get back into terminal and run the following commandL
npm run scss
Now you’ll notice any changes you make in your scss files will automatically be reflected in the css files.
if you have any new idea about Compile SASS to CSS you can check another steps with this link.

Use webpack to compile .scss files without js

Is it possible to use webpack to compile a directory of scss files to a directory of css files?
I don't want to use the sass command line tool because it's part of an angular project and with the help of custom builders I can run the webpack script with only ng build
- src
- themes
- theme-dark.scss
- theme-light.scss
- dist
- themes
- theme-light.css
- theme-dark.css
Hower I think this is currently not possible because webpack seems to need the scss imported in javascript and not in single files and writes the generated files to js and not css.
Is that what I want even possible with webpack or do I need another tool?
You can use Sass compiler to compile scss to css with a single command. Exactly the use-case you are looking for.
sass --watch src/themes:dist/themes
watch will compile on a file change (optional)

How to compile SASS .scss files in most basic method (without framework)

I installed Bootstrap CSS with SASS from the following repo:
I ran the command "bower install bootstrap-sass" on the command line and this successfully installed the folder bower_components on my project folder. (Incidentally - I have nothing else present yet, I want to learn to bootstrap the CSS compiling first).
OK, here's what I want to accomplish:
I want to be able to add .scss files to the folder I create called resources/assets/sass/
I want to provision/manage so that .scss files I add to this directory are in turn compiled to public/build/css/that_file_name.css
More practically, I would like to compile all of the .scss files into one large .css file.
My question(s) are:
What does the compiling?
How do I instruct it to compile the .scss files in the folder above in the public/build/css/ folder?
Must I configure new .scss files or can I set it so as to just add them to that sass folder?
Bonus, how do I tell it to minify the output file, or not (so I can experiment with both ways)?
What does the compiling?
Compiling Sass files transforms stylesheets with Sass-specific syntax like selector nesting and mixins into normal CSS that can be parsed by browsers.
How do I instruct it to compile the .scss files in the folder above in the public/build/css/ folder?
Since you're already using Bower which is a Node.js package, I assume that you have no problem using the Node.js package node-sass instead of the original Ruby version.
First, install the package using npm i -D node-sass. Then, create a new script inside your project's package.json:
"compile-sass": "node-sass resources/assets/sass/main.scss public/build/css/main.css"
main.scss is now your entry point where you import Bootstrap and your other stylesheets.
// I don't know whether this path is correct
// Just find out the location of "_bootstrap.scss" and then create the relative path
#import "../../../bower_components/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss";
/* Your custom SCSS */
Finally, to actually run the compilation, execute npm run compile-sass in your terminal.
Must I configure new .scss files or can I set it so as to just add them to that sass folder?
Since you never tell node-sass to "compile everything inside this folder" and instead use an entry point file (main.js), when you want to include a new file you simply add an #import directive with a relative path to it.
Bonus, how do I tell it to minify the output file, or not (so I can experiment with both ways)?
To minify the resulting main.css file, I recommend csso. You can install its CLI package using npm i -D csso-cli and then add another script to your package.json:
"minify-css": "csso public/build/css/main.css public/build/css/main.min.css"
You can then run that script using npm run minify-css. The minified file will be outputted as main.min.css.
For all the question asked, the answer can be found above. But if you are just looking to compile .scss file to .css using command line, use below,
sass source/stylesheets/index.scss build/stylesheets/index.css
Make sure you have "node JS/npm" and Sass compiler installed.
If not, use this to install Node.js and npm -
And use this to install Sass -
Enjoy ;)

Setting up Sass

I've built my portfolio site off of Github Pages. Now that I'm starting portfolio 2.0, I want to use Sass.
I've used Sass in the past but didn't have to set it up directly. So far I've installed Sass using gem install sass and have my file setup, but am not sure how to compile it properly.
File Structure:
Styles.css content:
#import 'scss/_banner';
Am I missing the compiling step somewhere? It is even possible to use Sass on Github Pages?
For my solution I replaced scss/_banner.scss with styles.scss, opting to not create partial files for a single page application.
Then all you have to do is run $ sass --watch css/styles.scss:css/styles.css in the terminal and your CSS will be compiled each time you save your Sass file. This command points your computer to which file to compile and to where.
Thanks to #dommmm for directing me to the solution with the youtube video in the question comments.

SASS and Zurb Foundation - confusing installation instructions

I decided to use the Sass version of Foundation4 as the CSS one is virtually impossible to edit efficiently now.
I followed the instructions here:
These advised me to install the gem (no problem) then install compass then create a project, which I did in wwwroot.
All good so far. It then goes on to advise me to "download the files from Github (grab the scss/ and js/ directories) and put them into your project directory"
Now why in the name of a fish on a bicycle would the instructions advise me to do this when the previous step on the command line (compass create -r zurb-foundation --using foundation) creates a folder already in the root directory for my project - albeit named differently - that contain similar if not identical files? There's already a "javascripts" folder with "foundation" and "vendor" subfolders that contain largely the same files - although some are different sizes.
Am I missing something? The included "index.html" file reference the "javascripts" folder so why am I meant to be including "js" from the github? This is very confusing when you're new to the technology!
After following the installation instructions I now have "foundation.scss" and "app.scss" files which seem to be largely the same apart from one (app.scss) has lots commented out. Which one am I meant to use?
It seems to me that the instructions are basically out of date. It appears that I don't need "js" from github but I do need "scss". The contents of this scss folder look like they need to go into the "sass" folder created when the project is made and the "foundation.scss" file can be deleted as "app.scss" is a copy of it.
I have no idea where the base "app.scss" file is hoping to "#import foundation" from as there is no "foundation" folder created on installation/creation of project. Maybe I'm missing something but it's all very confusing. Could someone please clarify what I need to start with and what I can delete/ignore?
When you install the gem, all the proper Foundation files are installed for you in the gem cache. Compass will pull all the F4 SCSS files into your project via the #import directive from foundation.scss.
The project docs in the Github repo show the latest Compass instructions for building your F4 project.
It sounds like you are mixing the Standalone instructions into the Compass ones.
If you have run this:
[sudo] gem install compass
cd path/to/where-you-want-your-project
run compass create <project-name> -r zurb-foundation --using foundation
You don't need Github or the Standalone instructions.
The steps below outline the manual steps of building an F4 project. I think you're stuck on STEP 4, so focus on that part.
Download for easy access these two archives:
Foundation Vanilla:
Foundation Master:
CD into your www root directory:
Create this file:
require 'zurb-foundation'
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "css"
sass_dir = "scss"
images_dir = "img"
javascripts_dir = "js"
output_style = :expanded
relative_assets = true
line_comments = true
Switch output_style = :compact or :compressed and line_comments = false for Production (when going live).
Copy/Move index.html from Foundation Vanilla into your root www directory.
Edit line 11 and change foundation.css to app.css in the style tag.
Create this directory and file:
Create app.scss - This is your site/app stylesheet and we'll import Normalize and F4 in it.
Copy this into it:
// Global Foundation Settings
// #import "settings";
// Comment out this import if you don't want to use normalize
#import "normalize";
// Comment out this import if you are customizing you imports below
#import "foundation";
// Your own SCSS here...
If you want to override some F4 SaSS variables you will need the _settings.scss file. For now I would skip this step and leave it commented out until you are more familiar with F4.
Create this directory (files automatically written here):
app.css - will be written here from /scss/app.scss by Compass. Normalize and all the F4 CSS will be inside it, plus any of your own CSS you've added.
This happens automatically, you don't need to do anything except have the required gems installed and your Compass config file from STEP 2.
Create this directory and copy/move these files into it:
Copy/Move /js/foundation.min.js from the Foundation Vanilla download here.
If you need your own app.js create/place it here and link to it last in your footer.
Copy/Move /js/vendor/custom.modernizr.js from the Foundation Vanilla download into here.
Copy/Move /js/vendor/zepto.js and /js/vendor/jquery.js from the Foundation Vanilla download here.
Later, when you feel more comfortable, you can cherry pick individual Foundation JS files from Foundation Master and concatenate them into a smaller lib here as foundation.min.js.
That should do it.
Check out this file in my www repo, as it shows a working F4 setup:
You can also poke around there for how to integrate Grunt.js for automated build of the SCSS and JS with concatenation and minification:
Without being as adept as #jhauraw, I did notice something else.
I installed FOundation through the Compass app. Being a novice with Compass, I too was looking for the "foundation" folder that would contain all the various Foundation SCSS files. And when I looked at the _settings.scss file that was present, it appeared that everything was commented out. What I know understand (still as a novice towards Compass) is that the "foundation" file lives within a resource library within Compass. When needed, these files are imported when generating the CSS file. The _settings.scss file with all the commented out fields is an override file. So if you remove the comments for a particular variable or mixin, it will override the originals hidden in the Compass library. The compiled CSS seems to contain everything that's needed.
