Why does the vector gets expanded in the loop - r

My requirement is to select a window of size 5 from the 'data' variable and use it in further processing. (please see following code). However, the length of 'sub_data' increases for each iteration. What am I doing wrong?
next_one<-function(data) {
for(k in 10:length(data)) {
I call the function as follows:
dat=read.csv("file name");
#assume there is a column called 'Value'

Add parentheses:
#[1] 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
#[1] 15 16 17 18 19 20
And read help("Syntax") to learn about operator precedence.


Show only even numbers from a data set

I am trying to extract only the even numbers from the "cars" data set.
I know I need to create a new function.
I have come this far:
Is.even = function(x) x %% 2 == 0
When I enter in:
It gives me back a logical response. I want to only display the actual even numbers in integer form and hide the odd numbers.
What am I doing wrong?
Apart from #neilfws' suggestion, if you pass your values as a vector you can also use Filter
Filter(Is.even, cars[, 1])
#[1] 4 4 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 16 16 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 22 24 24 24 24

R: counting amount of patterns of numbers [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm fairly new here and also fairly new to R so apologies if anything is unclear.
Basically, I have a csv table of numbers for each person, 1 number for each week for 38 weeks.
For example, Anthony has number 6 in week 1, 12 in week 2 and so on, these numbers are fairly random and range from 1-20.
I have taken the numbers from the table and saved them into a string, hence Anthonys string when printed would look like
"6 12 18 7 17 4 16 11 20 15 3 5 19 10 8 9 1 14 13 19 11 16 18 4 17 7 6 12 14 1 10 13 20 15 3 5 8 9"
What I'm trying to do with this is find/count the amount of times a number between 1 and 10 occurs in groups of 3 consecutively and then groups of 4 consecutively and possibly 5.
For example, in this string 8, 9 and 1 occur consecutively and then 3, 5, 8 and 9 occur consecutively, meaning the amount of occurrences is 2.
I've tried using str_count from the stringr package and also tried a few different functions located here - Count the number of overlapping substrings within a string
I can't seem to find a method/function to get this to output what I want (a simple count of the number of occurrences).
If anyone could provide any insight/help it would be greatly appreciated.
It would be easier to keep these as numbers. Here I use scan() to turn your string into a vector of values indicating if each number is less than 10 or not then I call rle() on it to calculate run lenths
x <- "6 12 18 7 17 4 16 11 20 15 3 5 19 10 8 9 1 14 13 19 11 16 18 4 17 7 6 12 14 1 10 13 20 15 3 5 8 9"
rr <- rle(scan(text=x)<10)
Now I can mangle this into a data.frame and see which runs were longer than 2
subset(as.data.frame(unclass(rr)), values==T & lengths>2)
# lengths values
# 9 3 TRUE
# 17 4 TRUE
So we can see that we had a run of 3 and a run of 4.
I could clean this up by defining a function to turn the rle into a data.frame more easily and track the starting indexes
as.data.frame.rle <- function(x) {
data.frame(unclass(x), start=head(cumsum(c(0,rr$lengths))+1,-1))
and can then run
subset(as.data.frame(rle(scan(text=x)<10)), values==T & lengths>2)
# lengths values start
# 9 3 TRUE 15
# 17 4 TRUE 35
so we can see those runs start at positions 15 and 35.

How to use apply function instead of for loop if you have multiple if conditions to be excecuted

1st DF:
V1 V2 V3 V4
1 1 6 11 16
2 2 7 12 17
3 3 8 13 18
4 4 9 14 19
5 5 10 15 20
names(t.d) <- c("ID","A","B","C")
t.d$FinalTime <- c("7/30/2009 08:18:35","9/30/2009 19:18:35","11/30/2009 21:18:35","13/30/2009 20:18:35","15/30/2009 04:18:35")
t.d$InitTime <- c("6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35")
ID A B C FinalTime InitTime
1 1 6 11 16 7/30/2009 08:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
2 2 7 12 17 9/30/2009 19:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
3 3 8 13 18 11/30/2009 21:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
4 4 9 14 19 13/30/2009 20:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
5 5 10 15 20 15/30/2009 04:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
2nd DF:
> s.d
F D E Time
1 10 19 28 6/30/2009 08:18:35
2 11 20 29 8/30/2009 19:18:35
3 12 21 30 9/30/2009 21:18:35
4 13 22 31 01/30/2009 20:18:35
5 14 23 32 10/30/2009 04:18:35
6 15 24 33 11/30/2009 04:18:35
7 16 25 34 12/30/2009 04:18:35
8 17 26 35 13/30/2009 04:18:35
9 18 27 36 15/30/2009 04:18:35
Output to be:
From DF "t.d" I have to calculate the time interval for each row between "FinalTime" and "InitTime" (InitTime will always be less than FinalTime).
Another DF "temp" from "s.d" has to be formed having data only within the above time interval, and then the most recent values of "F","D","E" have to be taken and attached to the 'ith' row of "t.d" from which the time interval was calculated.
Also we have to see if the newly formed DF "temp" has the following conditions true:
here 'j' represents value for each row:
if(temp$F[j] < 35.5) + (temp$D[j] >= 100) >= 1)
temp$Flag <- 1
} else{
temp$Flag <- 0
Originally I have 3 million rows in the dataframe and 20 columns in each DF.
I have solved the above problem using "for loop" but it obviously takes 2 to 3 days as there are a lot of rows.
(Also if I have to add new columns to the resultant DF if multiple conditions get satisfied on each row?)
Can anybody suggest a different technique? Like using apply functions?
My suggestion is:
use lapply over row indices
handle in the function call your if branches
return either your dataframe or NULL
combine everything with rbind
by replacing lapply with mclapply from the 'parallel' package, your code gets executed in parallel.
resultList <- lapply(1:nrow(t.d), function(i){
do stuff
resultDF <- do.call(rbind, resultList)

looping over the name of the columns in R for creating new columns

I am trying to use the loop over the column names of the existing dataframe and then create new columns based on one of the old column.Here is my sample data:
x1 x2 D
10 NA 1
12 NA 1
17 NA 1
7 10 0
9 20 0
10 13 0
Now, I am trying to use for loop to generate two variables x1.imp and x2.imp that have values related to D=0 when D=1 and values related to D=1 when D=0(Here I actually don't need for loop but for my original dataset with large cols (variables), I really need the loop) based on the following condition:
for (i in names(sample[,1:2])){
sample$i.imp<-with (sample, ifelse (D==1, i[D==0],i[D==1]))
Error in i + 1 : non-numeric argument to binary operator
However, the following works, but it doesn't give the names of new cols as imp.x2 and imp.x3
for(i in sample[,1:2]){
1 7
2 9
3 10
4 10
5 12
6 17
1 10
2 12
3 13
4 NA
5 NA
6 NA
Note that I already know the solution without loop [here]. I want with loop.
Expected output:
x1 x2 D x1.impt x2.imp
10 NA 1 7 10
12 NA 1 9 20
17 NA 1 10 13
7 10 0 10 NA
9 20 0 12 NA
10 13 0 17 NA
I would greatly appreciate your valuable input in this regard.
This is nuts, but since you are asking for it... Your code with minimum changes would be:
for (i in colnames(sample)[1:2]){
sample[[paste0(i, '.impt')]] <- with(sample, ifelse(D==1, get(i)[D==0],get(i)[D==1]))
A few comments:
replaced names(sample[,1:2]) with the more elegant colnames(sample)[1:2]
the $ is for interactive usage. Instead, when programming, i.e. when the column name is to be interpreted, you need to use [ or [[, hence I replaced sample$i.imp with sample[[paste0(i, '.impt')]]
inside with, i[D==0] will not give you x1[D==0] when i is "x1", hence the need to dereference it using get.
you should not name your data.frame sample as it is also the name of a pretty common function
This should work,
test <- sample[,"D"] == 1
for (.name in names(sample)[1:2]){
newvar <- paste(.name, "impt", sep=".")
sample[[newvar]] <- ifelse(test, sample[!test, .name],
sample[test, .name])

Creating a numerical variable order

I have a set of data with 3 columns: index column (with no name), colour, colour of seed, and germination time.
How do I create a numerical variable called 'order' with values 1 to 22 (the number of data sets)?
I don't know if I get you right, but simplest way would be:
> order <- c(1:22)
> order
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
No, if you run:
you will get:
[1] "integer"
but you can easily get every element of object order (especially in a loop)
for(i in 1:length(order)){
