Non-conformable arrays in R - r

y <- matrix(c(7, 9, -5, 0, 2, 6), ncol = 1)
try <- t(y)
tryy <- try %*% y
i <- solve(tryy)
h <- y %*% i %*% try
uniroot(as.vector(solve(((1-x) * diag(6)) + h)), c(-Inf, Inf))
Error in (1 - x) * diag(6) : non-conformable arrays
The purpose of this command uniroot(as.vector(solve(((1-x) * diag(6)) + h)), c(-Inf, Inf)) is to solve the characteristics equation det[(1-λ)I+h] = 0
where, λ=eigenvalues , I=identity matrix , h=hat matrix=y(y'y)^(-1)y'
here λ is unknown ,we have to solve for it.
I am not understanding where is the problem here? I have tried as:
This is not non-conformable. But why is not working inside the uniroot function?

Your question is a bit confusing, so I have to make a couple of assumptions. If you want the eigenvalues of h, then the characteristic equation is:
det(h - I*λ) = 0
det[(1-λ)I+h] = 0
So I used the former.
Given the above, the short answer is: do it this way.
f <- function(lambda) det(h -lambda*diag(6))
F <- Vectorize(f)
# [1] 0 1
# or, much more simply
# [1] 1.000000e+00 2.220446e-16 0.000000e+00 -2.731318e-18 -6.876381e-18 -7.365903e-17
So h has 2 eigenvalues, 0 and 1. Note that the built-in function eigen(...) finds 6 roots, but 5 of them are within the machine tolerance of 0.
The question about why your code fails is a bit more involved.
First, your code:
tryy <- try %*% y
is the dot product of y with itself (so, a scalar), returned as a matrix with one element. When you "invert" that using solve(...)
i <- solve(tryy)
you simply take the reciprocal, so i is also a matrix with 1 element. I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind.
Second, uniroot(...) does not work this way. The first argument must be a function; you've passed an expression which depends on x, which in turn is undefined. You could try:
f <- function(x) det(h-x*diag(6))
but this wouldn't work either because (a) uniroot(...) works on a finite interval, (b) it requires that the function f(...) have different sign at the ends of the interval, and (c) in any event it would return only one root (the smaller one).
So you could use uniroot.all(...) in package rootSolve. uniroot.all(...) also requires a function as it's first argument, but there's a twist: the function must be "vectorized". This means that if you pass a vector of lambda values, f(...) should return a vector of the same length. Fortunately in R there is an easy way to "vectorize" a given function, as in:
F <- Vectorize(f).
Even this has it's limits. uniroot.all(...) also requires a finite interval, so we have to guess what that is, and also it evaluates F on n sub-intervals. So if your interval does not contain all the roots, or if the sub-intervals are not small enough, you will not find all the roots.
Using the built-in eigen(...) function is definitely the best option.


Integration of a function with while loop in R

I want to integrate a function involving while loop in R. I have pasted here an MWE. Could anyone please guide about how to get rid of warning messages when integrating such a function?
Thank You
myfun <- function(X, a, b, kmin, kmax){
term <- 0
k <- 1
while(k < kmax | term < 10000){
term <- term + a * b * X^k
k <- k+1
fx <- exp(X) * term
a <- 5
b <- 4
kmax <- 20
integrate(myfun, lower = 0, upper = 10, a = a, b = b, kmax = kmax)
Produces a warning, accessed via warnings():
In while (k < kmax | term < 10000) { ... :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
From the integrate() documentation:
f must accept a vector of inputs and produce a vector of function evaluations at those points.
This is the crux of the problem here, which you can see by running myfun(c(1, 2), a, b, kmin, kmax) and reproducing a similar warning. What's happening is that integrate() wants to pass a vector of inputs to myfun in X; this means that inside your while loop, term will become a vector as well. This creates a problem when the while loop kicks back to the evaluation stage, because now the condition k < kmax | term < 10000 has a vector structure as well (since term does), which while doesn't like.
This warning is very good in this case, because it strongly suggests that integrate() isn't doing what you want it to do. Your goal here isn't to get rid of the warning messages; the function as written simply won't work with integrate() due to the while loop structure.
Your choices for how to proceed are to either (1) rewrite the function in a way that doesn't use a while loop, or (2) just hard-code some numeric integration yourself, perhaps with a for loop. The best way to use R is to vectorize everything and to avoid things like while and for when at all possible.
Finally, I'll note that there seems to be some problem with the underlying function, since myfun(0.5, a, b, kmin, kmax) does not converge (note the problem with the mathematics when the supplied X term is less than 1), so you won't be able to integrate it on the interval [0, 10] no matter what you do.

Nested integration for incomplete convolution of gauss densities

Let g(x) = 1/(2*pi) exp ( - x^2 / 2) be the density of the normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. In some calculation on paper appeared integrals of the form
where c>0 is a positive number.
Since I could not evaluate this by hand, I had the idea to approximate and plot it. I tried this in R, because R provides the dnorm function and a function to do integrals.
You see that I need to integrate numerically n times, where n shall be chosed by the call of a plot function. My code has an for-loop to create those "incomplete" convolutions iterativly.
For example even with n=3 and c=1 this gives me an error. n=2 (thus it's one integration) works.
N = 3
ngauss <- function(x) dnorm(x , mean = 0, sd = 1)
convoluts <- list()
convoluts[[1]] <- ngauss
for (i in 2:N) {
h <- function(y) {
g <- function(z) {ngauss(y-z)*convoluts[[i-1]](z)}
return(integrate(g, lower = -1, upper = 1)$value)
h <- Vectorize(h)
convoluts[[i]] <- h
What I get is:
Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion /
I understand that this is a hard computation, but for "small" n something similar should possible.
Maybe someone can help me to fix my code or provide a recommendation how I can implement this in a better way. Another language that is more appropriate for this would be also okay.
The issue appears to be in how integrate deals with variables in different environments. In particular, it doesn't really deal with i correctly in each iteration. Instead using
h <- evalq(function(y) {
g <- function(z) {ngauss(y - z) * convoluts[[i - 1]](z)}
integrate(g, lower = -1, upper = 1)$value
}, list(i = i))
does the job and, say, setting N <- 6 quickly gives
# [1] 0.03423872
As your integration is simply the pdf of a sum of N independent standard normals (which then follows N(0, N)), we may also verify this approach by setting lower = -Inf and upper = Inf. Then with N <- 4 we have
dnorm(0, sd = sqrt(N))
# [1] 0.1994711
# [1] 0.1994711
So, for practical purposes, when c = Inf, you are way better off using dnorm rather than manual computations.

Optimization - Limits and simple constraint

I have a rather simple optimization question and while I'm fairly decent with R, optimization is something I haven't done a lot.
my.function <- function(parameters){
x <- parameters[1]
y <- parameters[2]
z <- parameters[3]
((10*x^2) - ((y/2) * (z/4)))^2
result <- optim(c(7,10,18),fn = my.function, method = 'L-BFGS-B',
lower = c(2,7,7),
upper = c(15,20,20))
#[1] 2.205169 19.546621 19.902243
This is a made up version of the problem I'm working on, so please forgive it if its purpose makes no sense. I have limits in place using the 'L-BFGS-B' method but I need to add a constraint and I'm unsure how to do it. My rules that I'm trying to implement are as follows:
x must be between 2 and 15
y must be between 7 and 20
z must be between 7 and 20
z <= y
It's the last one I don't know how to implement. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Add a large number to the objective function if the constraint is violated, i.e. change the last line of my.function to:
((10*x^2) - ((y/2) * (z/4)))^2 + ifelse(y > z, 10^5, 0)
The result in this case is the following which does satisfy the constraint. Also, since the objective is non-negative its value cannot be less than 0 so we have achieved the minimum to numeric tolerance.
## [1] 2.223537 19.776462 20.000000
## [1] 1.256682e-11

R - function input and optimization

I usually have trouble inputing functions in R but they are always simple functions that I manage to work it out. However now I have a very complicated problem at hand that requires functions that has unknowns, summation and a matrix. And I am clueless where to begin. (This is not my homework question, just trying to work out something using a different method, hoping it works)
So I want to input a function:
A=∑i=1 N exp ^ [ ∑j=1 M Matrix ij * unknownj ]
and then minimize the function:
B= log A - ∑j=1 M unknown j * C j
so my goal is to find the j unknown parameters that minimizes function B.
But this is very complicated. You do not have to give me an answer directly. You can use another example to answer my question indirectly. Any help/tips/guidance is appreciated.
Let's see if we can break the problem into smaller things:
Let's name some variables first:
Let Q be an matrix with N rows and M columns
Let x be a (column) vector of length M (for a moment, think it's not an "unknown")
Let C be a (column) vector of length M
Notice that both A and B will be "scalars" (or, in R parlance, 1x1 vectors).
Hint: In R, you can do matrix multiplication using the %*% operator. See Quick-R: Matrix algebra.
Working on function A
Q %*% x is the product inside the sum which is inside the exponential function, so:
A <- function (Q, x) {
y <- Q %*% x # This will be a (column) vector of length `N`
return(sum(exp(y)) # This will be a scalar (more precisely, a 1x1 vector)
Not so hard, is it?
Working on function B
B <- function(Q, C, x) {
y <- sum(x * C) # or, since both x and C are column vectors:
# y <- t(x) %*% C
a <- A(Q, x)
return(log(a) - y)
So, that's how you would input the functions.
As for the optimization, I suggest you take a look to the optimx package; you'll need to supply starting values for vector x.

To find the distance between two roots in R

Suppose I have a function f(x) that is well defined on an interval I. I want to find the greatest and smallest roots of f(x), then taking the difference of them. What is a good way to program it?
To be precise, f can at worst be a rational function like (1+x)/(1-x). It should be a (high degree) polynomial most of the times. I only need to know the result numerically to some precision.
I am thinking about the following:
Convert f(x) into a form recognizable by R. (I can do)
Use R to list all roots of f(x) on I (I found the uniroot function only give me one root)
Use R to to find the maximum and minimum elements in the list (should be possible once I converted it to a vector)
Taking the difference of the two roots. (should be trivial)
I am stuck on step (2) and I do not know what to do. My professor give a brutal force solution, suggesting me to do:
Divide interval I into one million pieces.
Evaluate f on each end points, find the end points where f>=0.
Choose the maximum and minimum elements from the set formed in step 2.
Take the difference between them.
I feel this way is not very efficient and might not work for all f in general, but I am having trouble to implement it even for quadratics. I do not know how to do step (2) as well. So I want to ask for a hint or some toy examples.
At this point I am trying to implement the following code:
for(i in 1:100){
root_intervals <- function(f, interval, n = 1e6) {
xvals <- seq(interval[1], interval[2], length = n)
yvals <- f(xvals)
ypos <- yvals > 0
x1 <- which(tail(ypos, -1) != head(ypos, -1))
x2 <- x1 + 1
## so all the zeroes we can see are between x1 and x2
return(cbind(xvals[x1], xvals[x2]))
at here everything is okay, but when I try to extract the roots to Y[i,1], Y[i,2] by
Y[i,1]=(ri<-root intervals(function(x)(x/(a*x+b))^{9/2}*(1/((1-a)+a*(1-a)/b*x))^4-0.235505, c(0,40),n=1e6)[1]
I found I cannot evaluate it anymore. R keep telling me
Error: unexpected symbol in:
Y[i,1]=(ri<-root intervals"
and I got stuck. I really appreciate everyone's help as I am feeling lost.
I checked the function's expression many times using the plot function and it has no grammar mistakes. Also I believe it is well defined for all X in the interval.
This should give you a good start on the brute force solution. You're right, it's not elegant, but for relatively simple univariate functions, evaluating 1 million points is trivial.
root_intervals <- function(f, interval, n = 1e6) {
xvals <- seq(interval[1], interval[2], length = n)
yvals <- f(xvals)
ypos <- yvals > 0
x1 <- which(ypos[-1] != head(ypos, -1))
x2 <- x1 + 1
## so all the zeroes we can see are between x1 and x2
return(cbind(xvals[x1], xvals[x2]))
This function returns a two column matrix of x values, where the function changes sign between column 1 and column 2:
f1 <- function (x) 0.05 * x^5 - 2 * x^4 + x^3 - x^2 + 1
> (ri <- root_intervals(f1, c(-10, 10), n = 1e6))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -0.6372706 -0.6372506
[2,] 0.8182708 0.8182908
> f1(ri)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -3.045326e-05 6.163467e-05
[2,] 2.218895e-05 -5.579081e-05
Wolfram Alpha confirms results on the specified interval.
The top and bottom rows will be the min and max intervals found. These intervals (over which the function changes sign) are precisely what uniroot wants for it's interval, so you could use it to solve for the (more) exact roots. Of course, if the function changes sign twice within one interval (or any even number of times), it won't be picked up, so choose a big n!
Response to edited question:
Looks like your trying to define a bunch of functions, but your edits have syntax errors. Here's what I think you're trying to do: (this first part might take some more work to work right)
my_funs <- list()
for(i in 1:100){
my_funs[[i]] <- function(x){(x/(a*x+b))^{9/2}*(1/((1-a)+a*(1-a)/b*x))^4-0.235505}
Here's using the root_intervals on the first of your generated functions.
> root_intervals(my_funs[[1]], interval = c(0, 40))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.8581609 0.8582009
[2,] 11.4401314 11.4401714
Notice the output, a matrix, with the roots of the function being between the first and second columns. Being a matrix, you can't assign it to a vector. If you want a single root, use uniroot using each row to set the upper and lower bounds. This is left as an exercise to the reader.
