Is there any way to run Jubula tests from console? - console

I want to run prewritten Jubula tests (possibly on remote machine) from console and receive output in logfile. Is there any way to do it? I haven't found any information about that nor in Google neither in Jubula help.

Sure there is!
You need to call the testexec.exe (It's placed in "jubula_install"/jubula/ folder)
It has a LOT of parameters and many of them is mandatory. See them below:
Thus I'd recommend you writing batch files for your favorite configurations.


How to modify the target folder for generated pact files while doing Contract Driven Testing using ScalaPact

I am using scalapact for CDC test.
My tests are running fine and the pact file is generated under target>pacts folder.
I have another folder "files" where I want those pact files to be generated after running the pact tests.
Is there any way I configure the default path for pact files?
This is an area that needs some attention in Scala-Pact, however, someone kindly did a PR for us a while ago that lets you set an environment variable called pact.rootDir.
In practice, on linux/mac that variable is a bit tricky to set because of the ., so exporting it or just using -Dpact.rootDir="<my desired path>" in the command arguments doesn't seem to work. Instead, you need to do this:
env "pact.rootDir=<my desired path>" bash. I haven't tried this on Windows so I don't know if you'd have the same issue.
I've just raised an issue to try and make this easier in the future:
As an alternative, note that the pact directory is really kind of a scratch/tmp area to allow Scala-Pact to compile it's output. If you're running this as part of a build script, you may just want to add a step to copy the assets to a new location once they've been generated.
Also, for some reason we made reading from a directory way easier than writing to one. If you need to read from a dir such as during verification, you can just add --source <my desired path> on the command line.
Hope that helps.

PHPUnit Code coverage analysis for code called over HTTP

I am trying to find a reasonable approach to getting a code coverage report for code that is called from within a test via HTTP. Basically I am testing my own API the way it is supposed to be called but because of that PHPUnit/Xdebug are unaware of the execution of the code within the same codebase.
Basically what I want to achieve is already done using the PHPUnit Selenium extension but I don't run Selenium, I call the code through an OAuth2 Client which in turn uses curl.
Is it be possible to call my API with a GET-parameter that triggers a code coverage report and to have PHPUnit read that report and merge it with the other code coverage? Is there a project that already does that or do I have to resort to writing my own PHPUnit extension?
OP says the problem is that Xdebug-based code coverage collection, won't/can't collect coverage data because Xdebug isn't enabled in all (PHP) processes that execute the code.
There would seem to only be two ways out of this.
1) Find a way to enable Xdebug in all processes invoked. I don't know how to do this, but I would expect there to be some configuration parameter for the PHP interpreter to cause this. I also can't speak to whether separate Xdebug-based coverage reports can be merged into one. One the face of it, the raw coverage data is abstractly just a set of "this location got executed" signals, so merging should just be a set union. How these sets are collected and encoded may make this more problematic.
2) Find a coverage solution that doesn't involve Xdebug, so whether Xdebug is enabled or not is irrelevant. My company's (see bio) PHP Test Coverage Tool does not use Xdebug, so it can collect the test coverage data you want without an issue. You can download it and try it; there's a built in-example of test coverage collection triggered exactly by HTTP requests. The tool has a built-in ability to merge separate test-coverage runs into an integrated result. (I'd provide a direct link, but some SO people are virulently against this).

Can my CGI call R?

I know barely more than zero about R: until yesterday I didn't know how to spell it. But I'm suicidal: for my web site, I'm thinking about letting a visitor type in an R "program" ( is it even called a "program") and then, at submit time, blindly calling the R interpreter from my CGI. I'd then return the interpreter's output to the visitor.
Does this make sense? Or does it amount to useless noise?
If it's workable, what are the pitfalls in this approach? For example, what are the security issues, if any? Is it possible to make R crash, killing my CGI program? Do I have to clean up the R code before calling the interpreter? And the like.
you could take a look to Rserve which allows to execute R scripts via the TCP/IP interface available in PHP for example if I'm not mistaken.
Its just asking for trouble to let people run arbitrary R code on your server. You could try running it in a chroot jail, but these things can be broken out of. Even in a chroot, the R process could delete or alter files, or spawn a long-running process, or download a file to your server, and all manner of nastiness.
You might look at Rweb, which has exactly this behavior:
Since you can read and write files in R, it would not be safe to let people run arbitrary R code at your server. I would look if R has something like PHP's safe mode... If not, and if you are root, you can try to run R under user nobody in a chroot (you must also place there packages and libraries - for readonly access, and some temporary directory for RW access).

Using the simpletest automator in Drupal 6

I've been trying to learn how to use simpletest, and I found the simpletest automator. I was able to install it and run it, but where is the file with the results of the 'macro' saved? I haven't been able to find it.
Also, is there a quick way to duplicate a drupal install in simpletest? I know it starts from a clean install, but I don't want to have to go through and figure out what all is enabled and who has what permissions at the start of the test. Is there a script that can figure out the settings of the current drupal install?
Thank You.
Is there a script that can figure out the settings of the current drupal install?
The short answer is no.
Essentially simpletest should be used as a unit test framework. Where all of the data that is needed is set up at the beginning of the test and it is not reliant on system setting or a particular user having a permission. It does this quite well, and can test core functionality and individual modules easily. If you are testing an indavidual module you have written using simpletest is, well, simple.
Unfortunately most websites use a number of modules and are configured to work together in a very specific way. Simpletest doesn't cope with this very well.
There are ways to get around this:
One option is to write a setup script in php which will work as a big setup script for your test. This can create users, set settings and permissions. This can be dificult to write and maintain and can cause the tests to take a long time to run.
Another option is for the site testing (which is different from unit testing) to be done in a tool other than simpletest. I have had some success with selenium. The downside to this is that you need to find a way have clean data. Which can be tricky, copying a database works but doesn't scale.
I've been pointed to this blog post as an answer to the question:
You can also use a site deployment module and enable only that at the very beginning of your test (in your SetUp() function).

From ASP.NET, How to Download Two Excel Files and Invoke Batch Command on Them?

I need to download two Excel files onto the client, and then run a (diff) executable against them. I know how to download a single Excel file, from
here. But how to download a second one automatically in succession? And then how to run a batch command on them? Is this even realistic? Any guidance or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
To download multiple files at once you have two main options:
1) Just open multiple windows to your page generation script to download multiple files as per
2) Archive the files into a package (zip/arj/7z etc..) and send the archive to the client.
As for doing the diff client-side that is a lot more tricky as Shhnap has already mentioned. If you are doing this for a controlled client base you may be able to get them to allow permissions for an ActiveX script that runs something client side. (Or fire off a console application) - but if you don't have fine control over the client environment then i can't think of a way to do it.
As Shhnap suggested can you not just do the comparison server-side (and then send this to the client as a third file?)
Well, just some pointers because I'm not sure I completely understand the problem. You a user to be given two downloads at the same time and then run a diff command against those two files? On the server or the client i'm not sure? You'll have alot of problems automating the client side version because forcing people to run client side code is usually frowned upon by virus protection software.
The server side diff sounds exactly like a CGI moment to me: That will allow you to generate a web-page that shows the diff between the two. CGI allows you to run programs on your server and display their output in a webpage; that's the simple explanation.
If that was not quite what you wanted then feel free to give me a comment and i'll try and edit to answer correctly.
