Comparing current user to a meteor list - meteor

I'm currently making a simple web app with meteor.js . I'm trying to implement a simple feature for my fantasy football league's custom site that I'm building.
Here's my code that's not working.
{{#each users}}
{{#if Meteor.userId() {{_id}} }}
{{> ownTradingBlock}}
{{> userTradingBlock}}
So basically I want to render a different template if the user in the list of league members is the current user that is logged in. Does anybody have any thoughts on how this is creating an error, and/or if there's a better way to do it?
Here's the error code I'm getting.
.html:67 : expected space

You cannot use a Meteor method within Spacebars. For this you will need to create a helper:
isEq: function (id) {
if (Meteor.userId() === id)
return true;
return false;
Then in your template:
{{#each users}}
{{#if isEq _id}} }}
{{> ownTradingBlock}}
{{> userTradingBlock}}


Meteor: Spacebars each parameter

I'm new to Meteor.js and have run into a problem.
I am passing in a user object to a profile template e.g.:
_id: "D8JpXRQskm3grykjg",
username: "foo",
profile: {communities: ["AkGCakz6mSgMb8qyS", "j8aB3i5iscrC4ehkA"]},
<template name="profile">
<h1> {{username}}: {{_id}} </h1>
{{#each profile.communities}}
{{> communityItem}}
The problem is I've already written a communityItem template that I am using elsewhere which accepts the communityName. Is there a way that I can write a helper function, passing in the communityIds list that would return a list of community names? I would like:
{{#each getCommunityNames(profile.communities)}}
{{> communityItem}}
I could very well be approaching the problem the wrong way or not writing in a "Spacebars" fashion. Thanks!
sure you can:
getCommunityNames: function(commIds) {
var communities = Communities.find({_id: {$in: commIds}}).fetch();
return _.pluck(communities, 'name'); // returns ['Name 1', 'Name 2'];
Note, the syntax method param not method(param)
{{#each getCommunityNames profile.communities}}

{{#if}} inside a {{#each}} with a parameter coming from the each item

I have a {{#each}} that's essentially iterating through the users collections. I now wish to check if the user is an admin to set a switch (materialize). A simplified version:
{{#each getUsers}}
testing: {{_id}} {{#if isAdmin "tTEScMyjCedano2oT"}}checked="checked"{{/if}}
Here I am hard coding in the _id parameter in the {{#if}} and it works as expected. The isAdmin function works correctly, the {{#if}} works and the {{_id}} works as well (prints out the correct id).
But of course I do not want to hard code the id passed to isAdmin but want it to be {{_id}} however it doesn't work. i.e.
{{#each getUsers}}
testing: {{_id}} {{#if isAdmin "{{_id}}"}}checked="checked"{{/if}}
does not work and neither does
{{#each getUsers}}
testing: {{_id}} {{#if isAdmin "{{../_id}}"}}checked="checked"{{/if}}
{{#each getUsers}}
testing: {{_id}} {{#if isAdmin {{id}}}}checked="checked"{{/if}}
What is the correct way to do this?
Don't use double quotes nor curly braces :
{{#each getUsers}}
testing: {{_id}} {{#if isAdmin _id}}checked="checked"{{/if}}

How can I avoid duplicate templates in Meteor?

So I'm building my first app with meteor, and I feel like I'm repeating myself with my templates more than I should be.
I have multiple parent views, an example of which is the user contacts view, and the add group members view. (simplified examples below.)
<template name="GroupMembers">
{{#each contacts}}
{{> contact }}
<template name="contacts">
{{#each contacts}}
{{> contact }}
<template name="contact">
//... single contact template stuff
When the contact is displayed in the contacts list, I want to display a remove from contacts link in the single contact template, but in the group members list I'd like an 'add to group' link in its place. I know I could probably achieve this with either session variables or by invoking the iron-router controller obj, but I'd like to know if there is a simple way to do this in the template helper(s). Or put another way can these template partials become context aware?
Any help would be great.
I would solve it this way:
<template name="GroupMembers">
{{#each contacts}}
{{> contact groupMembers=true}}
<template name="contacts">
{{#each contacts}}
{{> contact }}
<template name="contact">
{{#if groupMembers}}
<button>add to group</button>
Live demo:

Can Meteor child templates access parent template helpers?

Say we have a parent template and a child template:
<template name="parent">
{{> child }}
<template name="child">
{{#if show}}
//Do something
If we assign 'show' to the parent template:
if (Meteor.isClient){ = function(){
return Session.get('isShowing');
Is there any way for the child template to have access to it?
You could make a universal handlebars helper so you could use Sessions values anywhere in your html:
Client js
Handlebars.registerHelper('session', function(key) {
return Session.get(key);
Client HTML
<template name="child">
{{#if session "show"}}
//Do something
Similarly, you could also use {{session "show"}} / {{#if session "show"}} in your parent template and not have to use the helper anymore.
Regarding the use of ../ notation. There are certain scenarios it may not work: Basically it works within {{#block helpers}} but not with templates, but it would work in a block helper if it contains a subtemplate.
<template name="child">
{{#if ../show}}
Do something
You can also register a common helper :
Template.registerHelper('isTrue', function(boolean) {
return boolean == "true";
And call it just like that in your html:
<input type="checkbox" checked="{{isTrue attr}}"/>

How to render a Meteor Template from Collection of Template names?

I have three simple Templates in Meteor, and a Collection on the server with any combination of their names. I want to be able to render these templates dynamically based on which of their names are in the Collection.
Currently I am trying to accomplish this by using the client to subscribe to the Collection, and access the names through a template function. Unfortunately, if I try to run ">" on the names, Meteor attempts to render the variable name instead of the Template pointed to by its value.
So instead of rendering the html in template1, template2, and template3, the output is merely their names on the page: "template1 template2 template3".
Here is the code I've been using, I hope there's a way to solve my issue without having to run Meteor.render manually.
Server js:
TemplatesToRender = new Meteor.Collection("templatesToRender");
TemplatesToRender.insert({templateName: "template3"});
TemplatesToRender.insert({templateName: "template2"});
Client html:
{{#each templatesToRender}}
{{> templateName}} // meteor trying to render a template
// called "templateName" instead of the
// variable inside templateName.
<template name="template1">
<span>Template 1</span>
<template name="template2">
<span>Template 2</span>
<template name="template3">
<span>Template 3</span>
You can make a render helper:
Handlebars.registerHelper('render', function(name, options) {
if (Template[name])
return new Handlebars.SafeString(Template[name]());
And use it with
{{render templateName}}
You might want to try this
in your html
{{> templateToRender}}
<template name="templateToRender">
{{! use below to detect which template to render}}
{{#if templateName "template1"}}
{{> template1}}
{{#if templateName "template2"}}
{{> template3}}
{{#if templateName "template3"}}
{{> template3}}
<template name="template1">
<p>this is template1</p>
<template name="template2">
<p>this is template2</p>
<template name="template3">
<p>this is template3</p>
in your script
Template.templateToRender.templateName = (which) ->
# if user have a field like templateName you can do things like
tmplName = Meteor.user().templateName
# Session.equals will cause a template render if condition is true.
Session.equals which, tmplName
Meteor 1.0 just came out today, and I just want to update this for 2014 :)
{{> Template.dynamic template=template [data=data] }}
Sample Usage:
{{#each kitten}}
{{> Template.dynamic template=kitten_type data=this }}
