WooCommerce require registration to buy - wordpress

I need to require a user registration before buying a product. Right now, when you add a product to the cart, then in the check out you can fill all the fields with your information but without a wordpress login. There is a simple option to create an account but is optional.
I'd like to know if is possible to modify the check out page to redirect a register page.
is it possible?
So if you wish to give any suggestion or any interesting link that will also be highly appreciable.

In your site's admin go to WooCommerce>Settings>Checkout ex:
And make sure that "Enable guest checkout" is unchecked
UPDATE for WooCommmerce 3.4+
Pretty sure it was 3.4 when WooCommerce added it's privacy tools to help with GDPR compliance. This setting is now under

There are three rows in wp_options that I suggest you set for this [recommended value]:
woocommerce_enable_guest_checkout [no]
woocommerce_enable_signup_and_login_from_checkout [yes]
woocommerce_enable_checkout_login_reminder [yes]
You can edit them in the admin console here:


How can i add AUTOSHIP feature in Wordpress site

Please help me out how to add autoship in wordpress...
I have user subscription plans on my website so i need to ship user subscribed items on the basis of their plans..so how to manage this and keep track of everything..
Thanks in Advance
Try below plugins. May those plugins useful for your task.
**-> woocommerce-subscriptions**
**-> woocommerce-memberships**
In this 2 plugins you need to add proper setting.
Follow this link to for " Woocommerce-subscription ": https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/subscriptions/

PayPal Express Landing Page and SolutionType having no effect

I am using the PayPal Express NVP checkout process and my customer has a requirement for the following:
The user is initially presented with the login screen and not the billing page
The user should not be able to checkout anonymously by credit card
The documentation makes it quite clear that this is possible:
Setting the following options should achieve what I require:
This stackoverflow article describes how to achieve the second option as part of the account settings which I have also done.
I've cleared all cache and stored cookies yet it appears these properties are having no effect whatsoever. I am still taken to the billing page and the ability to checkout anonymously remains.
Am I missing something, or is there anything else I need to do to make this work?
There is also a setting in the PayPal profile to turn off the guest checkout option. Go to profile/settings, my selling tools, and then Website preferences. Toward the bottom of the page you will find a setting "PayPal Account Optional" which should be turned off and then save the change at the bottom of the page.
when 'MARK' is passed it overrides the paypal account optional setting. That said, have you tried just passing LANDINGPAGE=LOGIN ? You don't have to pass SOLUTIONTYPE=MARK.
Just had the same issue and came across this post. What solved it for me was an additional property LandingPageSpecified, which must be set to true.

How to configure multiple address in woocommerce

I am using woocommerce in my e commerce website. I want my customers to be able to save multiple shipping and billing addresses. The addresses can be viewed and edited from my account page. In the checkout page they should be able to select one of the addresses they have already saved.
I have googled a lot and found absolutely nothing but a plugin which does not serve the purpose. I went through the woocommerce documentation but not able to figure out. I am actually overwhelmed by it and feeling lost.
Please help me guys and at least point me somewhere. This is a very common feature in a lots of website nowadays and i am sure it can be done.
In default, as you know WooCommerce only allow one billing & shipping address. But using custom code or plugins, you can achieve this feature in WooCommerce.
Writing code snippet is little difficult as per your question. But if I need the tweaks you mentioned, my approach will be given below.
Edit Checkout form with option to insert new address / select a address from saved list.
Create option in My Account page to insert new address.
Save the new user data in user meta.
If you are looking for a plugin, I would like to suggest WooCommerce Multiple Addresses Pro plugin which allows your customers to save multiple shipping and billing addresses to their My Account page.
Also the newly added addresses will be available in My Account page of the online store, from where the shopper can add, edit or remove addresses.
Moreover, the shopper can set the addresses as default, billing and shipping separately.I think this plugin will be best solution for your demands.
You might try to use this plugin: Woocommerce Multiple Addresses
If you have the Shipping Multiple Addresses plugin, add [woocommerce_select_multiple_addresses] to the checkout page.
It is working perfect.First i'm going to buy http://www.woothemes.com/products/shipping-multiple-addresses/ this plugging but this plugging save my money.

remove cart functionality from nopcommerce

I want to develop a dynamic web page where admin can add their product specification and images and other promotio offers.
I read about nopcommerce shopping cart with asp.net.I want to know to remove cart functionality from nopcommerce to achieve my goal..Or is it better to use pure coding..
In admin: You go to Configuration->Access Control List
Then just simply uncheck "Public store. Enable shopping cart"
And in regards to Ciwan's comments, I found many of my clients want their site like this. Such as a liquor store that simply wants to display prices but not sell online.
nopCommerce is an e-Commerce solution. Without Cart Functionality, it will be like a Photographer without a Camera !
If you simply want dynamic content displayed on a page, then go for a CMS, I personally like Umbraco, but that has quite a steep learning curve.
you need do some code fixes set ShoppingCartEnabled = false in
In HeaderLinks Action
and second one to disable to "Add To Cart" button by setting
In PrepareProductVariantModel method
you can also do all these setting rom admin area Admin-> Configuration-> Setting -> AllSetting
in admin it will do all changes tempery. if you want to do it permanently then modified
InstalltionService (Nop.Service/Installtion/InstalltionService.cs)
Note:This is applicable to version 2.0 to 2.65

Pay for Access Areas in Wordpress

I want to build a wordpress site that shows some content to all, and then only shows the rest of the content to people who have paid either via paypal or credit card. Moreover, I want this access to happen automatically upon payment (if possible), i.e. I don't have to manually give that person access after I check to make sure they have paid.
Is there a way to do this in wordpress or would something like rails/django be more appropriate?
The s2member plugin will take care of this for you.
