Pay for Access Areas in Wordpress - wordpress

I want to build a wordpress site that shows some content to all, and then only shows the rest of the content to people who have paid either via paypal or credit card. Moreover, I want this access to happen automatically upon payment (if possible), i.e. I don't have to manually give that person access after I check to make sure they have paid.
Is there a way to do this in wordpress or would something like rails/django be more appropriate?

The s2member plugin will take care of this for you.


Woocommerce - Order Tracking Link

I want to include a 'check my order status' link in the thank you email. Woocommerce comes with a order tracking form, but the user has to input their order id and email. Is there a way to show the tracking page without going through the input form?
I know my accounts has a view order link, but that would only work if the user is registered.
Yes, you can show an order tracking link in your email. It is a bit convoluted way and will take some time. It is much easier to let the user input his information. This makes things a lot less complicated. But if you absolutely need the order tracking in the email, then,
Put this information somewhere other than your secured site,
Make sure you update this information regularly,
Take the ID of
this information from your database and make a GET endpoint(hoping
its a web application), such that it takes in the ID number of the
information and displays it,
This GET link needs to be embedded
into a HTML form/template which you are sending as the email
If you want the whole implementation, you need to specify the tech stack you are using and other details.
If you want to show one tracking page which page customers/users can search their order status without login, then you can use the plugin Order Tracker for WooCommerce
If you use the plugin then the user can check his/her order status without login/hassle free, and also you don't need to add any extra tracking number, user can search using their order ID and phone number.
you can use it the very easy way, like making a page template or using the [cbwct-order-tracker] shortcode, anytime anywhere, and it’s also working with ajax.
You can watch the video for the plugin documentation on how to use that plugin here is the
Video Tutorial

Hide few wordpress dashboard option from client

I have just developed a wordpress site for a client. The client wants full access but I dont want to give him access to all the work which I have done (plugins, techniques, themes options etc). How can I give a customized dashboard access to the client with hidden plugins and theme menu items.
If you want GUI based approach and not want to handle it via functions, using the Members plugin could help
I think you would prefer to go with a plugin rather than pieces of code. You can achieve the same by using a plugin called Adminimize
Admins can activate/deactivate every part of the menu and even parts of the sub-menu. Meta fields can be administered separately for posts and pages. Certain parts of the write menu can be deactivated separately for admins or non-admins. The header of the backend is minimized and optimized to give you more space and the structure of the menu gets changed to make it more logical – this can all be done per user so each role and their resulting users can have his own settings.
I hope the above information worked for you.

Manually restrict a page with Simple Membership Plugin

I am using the plugin Simple Membership so users can become members of my site and access members only content.
I am also using the Events Calendar plugin with the Community Events add-on so people can submit events.
Bc the submission page is auto-generated and has no edit backend page to normally restrict the content I cannot make it so only members can access this page.
Is there a way to manually add a page to restrict it to members with this plugin or a line of code someone can recommend to make the restriction?
I know this response is super late lol, but this plugin will solve the problem if you use Woocommerce.
I had the exact same issue. What I did was restrict the URL. For example, my url was So if someone didn't purchase my membership and tried to go to that URL, they would not be able to.
Hopefully you found an answer by now, but ya never know if there might be something better!

Credit Based Shopping on Wordpress

I'm trying to build a website that has items for sale by credits only. The credits would be entered for all users by an admin only (manually). And the items could be shopped on the site by users who would see something they want, they'd be able to see how many 'credits' they have accrued, and then build a cart and place an order by spending these credits. There would be absolutely no need for actual money, no shipping, just a notification sent to the admins that an order has been requested, who and what that order request is, and the 'credits' deducted from their account.
Can anybody point in the direction of the right direction to build something like this? I'm thinking Wordpress because I'm familiar with the dashboard and backend of it, but I'm not opposed to another CMS tool if there's a better one for this idea.
I don't believe WordPress has anything out of the box like this, but you can always search for a plugin that does what you are describing.
If there isn't one, you may consider installing WooCommerce and creating "coupons" instead. But I don't know if that would work for what you are talking about or not.

Restrict Access to wordpress page

Basically on my website launch I will be offering users a lot of app promo codes to get apps free. However, I want to know if there is a way that I can make it so that once they have clicked a page they are unable to access any of the others and get all the promo codes basically. So once they have one they are prevented from doing any more.
I dont think this is possible, because you can't denie a random visitor of your website access to a page if they just read an other page.
Maybe it would be possible if you make sure visitors can only read pages if they got an account. That way you can instal a page restric plugin and edit it yourself by adding a variable that checks how many posts are read and activites the page restrict plugin when x posts are read.
Never done something like this myself, and i dont see why you wouldnt provide all your promo codes to everyone, but thats your own choise:p
I might be completely wrong, but this is what i think.
There is a wordpress plugin called S2Members to help you restrict pages/posts from guest users.
