How do you round decimal of an expression in mathematica - math

I would like to know how to round to 1 decimal place of the numbers in an expression.
For instance, the mathematica gave me 0.7888888888000002*x+1.0000000002*x^2+2.1000002*x^3==0, I want to know how do I round up these digits in mathematica.
I have browsed around the web for half an hour now and I coulnd't find anything.

Replace all Real numbers with those numbers numbers rounded to .1
In[1]:= ReplaceAll[0.7888888888000002*x+1.0000000002*x^2+2.1000002*x^3==0,
n_Real->Round[n, .1]]
Out[1]= 0.8 x + 1. x^2 + 2.1 x^3 == 0

You said "round up" yet Bill recommended Round which does not behave this way. For that replace Round in his code with Ceiling.
If rounding is actually what you want (since you Accepted that answer) consider also using Rationalize. Rational numbers will be handled with infinite precision with can be good or bad depending on what you're doing. Unlike Round it will automatically thread over expressions so you do not need to use ReplaceAll etc.:
eq = 0.7888888888000002*x + 1.0000000002*x^2 + 2.1000002*x^3 == 0
Rationalize[eq, 0.02]
(4 x)/5 + x^2 + (19 x^3)/9 == 0
Note that using exact arithmetic lets Mathematica eliminate the coefficient of the second term.
As with Round and Ceiling the second parameter determines the granularity of the operation.
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What is the R equivalence of Python's modulo (%) operator? [duplicate]

What is the double percent (%%) used for in R?
From using it, it looks as if it divides the number in front by the number in back of it as many times as it can and returns the left over value. Is that correct?
Out of curiosity, when would this be useful?
The "Arithmetic operators" help page (which you can get to via ?"%%") says
‘%%’ indicates ‘x mod y’
which is only helpful if you've done enough programming to know that this is referring to the modulo operation, i.e. integer-divide x by y and return the remainder. This is useful in many, many, many applications. For example (from #GavinSimpson in comments), %% is useful if you are running a loop and want to print some kind of progress indicator to the screen every nth iteration (e.g. use if (i %% 10 == 0) { #do something} to do something every 10th iteration).
Since %% also works for floating-point numbers in R, I've just dug up an example where if (any(wts %% 1 != 0)) is used to test where any of the wts values are non-integer.
The result of the %% operator is the REMAINDER of a division,
Eg. 75%%4 = 3
I noticed if the dividend is lower than the divisor, then R returns the same dividend value.
Eg. 4%%75 = 4
%% in R return remainder
for example:
[1] 1 3 2 4 0

Why does Julia return different results for equivalent expressions? 6÷2(1+2) and 6÷2*(1+2)

I typed the following in Julia's REPL:
julia> 6÷2(1+2)
julia> 6÷2*(1+2)
Why are the different results output?
Presh Talwalkar says 9 is correct in the movie
6÷2(1+2) = ? Mathematician Explains The Correct Answer - YouTube
YouTube notwithstanding, there is no correct answer. Which answer you get depends on what precedence convention you use to interpret the problem. Many of these viral "riddles" that go around periodically are contentious precisely because they are intentionally ambiguous. Not a math puzzle really, it's just a parsing problem. It's no deeper than someone saying a sentence with two interpretations. What do you do in that case in real life? You just ask which one they meant. This is no different. For this very reason, the ÷ symbol isn't often used in real mathematical notation—fraction notation is used instead, which clearly disambiguates this as either:
- (1 + 2) = 9
or as
--------- = 1
2 (1 + 2)
Regarding Julia specifically, this precedence behavior is documented here:
The precedence of numeric literal coefficients is slightly lower than that of unary operators such as negation. So -2x is parsed as (-2) * x and √2x is parsed as (√2) * x. However, numeric literal coefficients parse similarly to unary operators when combined with exponentiation. For example 2^3x is parsed as 2^(3x), and 2x^3 is parsed as 2*(x^3).
and the note:
The precedence of numeric literal coefficients used for implicit multiplication is higher than other binary operators such as multiplication (*), and division (/, \, and //). This means, for example, that 1 / 2im equals -0.5im and 6 // 2(2 + 1) equals 1 // 1.

After rounduing float variable, there still be number `0.80000001`

I ma using MT4 but it might be the general question of floating number.
I am using NormalizeDouble function which rounds the digit of numbers like this.
double x = 1.33242
y = NormalizeDouble(x,2) // y is 1.33
However in some case.
Even after rounded by NormalizeDouble, there happens a number such us 0.800000001
I have no idea why it happens and how to fix it.
It might be a basic mathematical thing.
You are truncating to powers of 10 but fractional part of float/double can express exactly only powers of 2 like
and numbers decomposable to them hence your case:
0.8 = 1/2+1/4 +1/32 +1/64 +1/512 +1/1024 +1/8192 +1/16384...
= 0.5+0.25+0.03125+0.015625+0.001953125+0.0009765625+0.0001220703125+0.00006103515625...
= 0.11001100110011... [bin]
as 0.3 is like periodic number in binary and will always cause some noise in lower bits of mantissa. The FPU implementation tries to find the closest number to your desired value hence the 0.800000001

Recursion Confusion - Summation Symbol

I have an assignment with this symbol on it: [Image of unfamiliar symbol
Basically the question asks "Write a recursive Java method which, given a positive integer n, computes and returns the sum of the integers from 1 to n as follows".
I do not need any help on the recursion itself, I really just need to understand what that symbol means (Link Included), so I can answer the question properly.
My Question: What meaning does the symbol possess? What is my instructor expecting as a valid response?
NOTE: I do NOT want anyone to attempt to answer the actual assignment question. I ONLY want know understand what the symbol being used means and what should be returned in my recursion method.
IT is the sigma symbol which means take the sum from i = 1 to n.
so your output comes as 1 + 2 + 3 + ..... + n
This explanation is to left hand side of the equation. others are the same.
It's a summation symbol
The sum of each i starting from i = 1 to i == n equals the sum of each i starting from i = 1 to i == n/2 plus the sum of of each i starting from i = n/2 + 1 to i == n

What does the double percentage sign (%%) mean?

What is the double percent (%%) used for in R?
From using it, it looks as if it divides the number in front by the number in back of it as many times as it can and returns the left over value. Is that correct?
Out of curiosity, when would this be useful?
The "Arithmetic operators" help page (which you can get to via ?"%%") says
‘%%’ indicates ‘x mod y’
which is only helpful if you've done enough programming to know that this is referring to the modulo operation, i.e. integer-divide x by y and return the remainder. This is useful in many, many, many applications. For example (from #GavinSimpson in comments), %% is useful if you are running a loop and want to print some kind of progress indicator to the screen every nth iteration (e.g. use if (i %% 10 == 0) { #do something} to do something every 10th iteration).
Since %% also works for floating-point numbers in R, I've just dug up an example where if (any(wts %% 1 != 0)) is used to test where any of the wts values are non-integer.
The result of the %% operator is the REMAINDER of a division,
Eg. 75%%4 = 3
I noticed if the dividend is lower than the divisor, then R returns the same dividend value.
Eg. 4%%75 = 4
%% in R return remainder
for example:
[1] 1 3 2 4 0
