Erlang get_tcp packets receive - tcp

I am writing erlang tcp-server which runs following protocol.
Each packet has exactly 4 bytes size.
There is one special-case packet - <<?SPECIAL_BYTE, 0, PayloadLength:2/big-unsigned-integer-unit:8>>. This packet indicates, that server must read next PayloadLength bytes of raw data.
I can receive raw stream of data and parse this protocol in erlang code, of course. But I wonder, is there any way to use builtin erlang packet packaging? When my packets preceded with its length, I can say [{packet, HeaderLength}]. Is there any way to force erlang to automatically package received data by 4-bytes chuks?
UPD: I am planning to use {active, once} mode. Also I can use gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 4), but I afraid performance penalty due multiple socket reads in this case. Is my fear justified?

Erlang's native packet decoding is extremely helpful, when it matches the actual format of your data. If your packets are always encoded with a 4 bytes (32 bits) big-endian length, then {packet, 4} is exactly what you need. However, if there are some exceptions in your encoding, then you must use {packet, raw} and do the decoding yourself.
For the decoding, you can indeed use the socket in passive mode witb {active, false}, read four bytes and then the rest of the packet. You can also use the socket in active mode, but in this case you must be prepared to receive less or more than your packet header, including more than a single packet. {active, once} can help but will not solve the problem. Passive mode might be easier to deal with in your case.
Performance-wise, you can refer to the following question:
How can the "packet" option of socket in Erlang accelerate the tcp transmission so much? However, I highly suggest to focus on getting a working implementation before trying to optimize it. Premature optimization never yields good results.


How should one drop packets, when one is limiting download speed with socket?

This question may sound like a duplicate of existing ones, I've read about Leaky bucket algorithm, and some other ones.
Suppose my program is single-threaded, and the data is like:
[ downloaded ] [ current buffer (downloading) ] [ un-downloaded ]
If i drop some packet when the calculated speed went beyond the threshold, how am I going to recover that packet? Data will be in-continuous in that way.
How should I drop the packet then?
TCP is designed to resend unacknowledged packets. This happens as part of the protocol and is the basis of the leaky bucket algorithm.
Because of this the only way i can think of ditching packets is if the library you are using has a function to not send on an ACK after the packet is received. If this is the case simply send an ACK on all packets you want to keep and ignore the rest as they will be resent later.
Having said that most libraries will not support this function as it is very low level and they handle the TCP part internally.
If you let us know the specific language (and socket implementation) you wish to rate-limit in someone may know a better method of throttling a connection
Your program should never "drop packets" when using a TCP socket connection. What you want to do is prevent your program from reading more data if it is exceeding the download speed limit.

Packets sometimes get concatenated

I'm trying to make a simple server/application in Erlang.
My server initialize a socket with gen_tcp:listen(Port, [list, {active, false}, {keepalive, true}, {nodelay, true}]) and the clients connect with gen_tcp:connect(Server, Port, [list, {active, true}, {keepalive, true}, {nodelay, true}]).
Messages received from the server are tested by guards such as {tcp, _, [115, 58 | Data]}.
Problem is, packets sometimes get concatenated when sent or received and thus cause unexpected behaviors as the guards consider the next packet as part of the variable.
Is there a way to make sure every packet is sent as a single message to the receiving process?
Plain TCP is a streaming protocol with no concept of packet boundaries (like Alnitak said).
Usually, you send messages in either UDP (which has limited per-packet size and can be received out of order) or TCP using a framed protocol.
Framed meaning you prefix each message with a size header (usualy 4 bytes) that indicates how long the message is.
In erlang, you can add {packet,4} to your socket options to get framed packet behavior on top of TCP.
assuming both sides (client/server) use {packet,4} then you will only get whole messages.
note: you won't see the size header, erlang will remove it from the message you see. So your example match at the top should still work just fine
You're probably seeing the effects of Nagle's algorithm, which is designed to increase throughput by coalescing small packets into a single larger packet.
You need the Erlang equivalent of enabling the TCP_NODELAY socket option on the sending socket.
EDIT ah, I see you already set that. Hmm. TCP doesn't actually expose packet boundaries to the application layer - by definition it's a stream protocol.
If packet boundaries are important you should consider using UDP instead, or make sure that each packet you send is delimited in some manner. For example, in the TCP version of DNS each message is prefixed by a 2 byte length header, which tells the other end how much data to expect in the next chunk.
You need to implement a delimiter for your packets.
One solution is to use a special character ; or something similar.
The other solution is to send the size of the packet first.
Then read the provided amount of bytes from your message. When you're at the end you got your whole packet.
Nobody mentions that TCP may also split your message into multiple pieces (split your packet into two messages).
So the second solution is the best of all. But a little hard. While the first one is still good but limits your ability to send packets with special characters. But the easiest to implement. Ofc theres a workaround for all of this. I hope it helps.

Nagle-Like Problem

so I have this real-time game, with a C++ sever with disabled nagle using SFML library , and client using asyncsocket, also disables nagle. I'm sending 30 packets every 1 second. There is no problem sending from the client to the server, but when sending from the server to the clients, some of the packets are migrating. For example, if I'm sending "a" and "b" in completly different packets, the client reads it as "ab". It's happens just once a time, but it makes a real problem in the game.
So what should I do? How can I solve that? Maybe it's something in the server? Maybe OS settings?
To be clear: I AM NOT using nagle but I still have this problem. I disabled in both client and server.
For example, if I'm sending "a" and "b" in completly different packets, the client reads it as "ab". It's happens just once a time, but it makes a real problem in the game.
I think you have lost sight of the fundamental nature of TCP: it is a stream protocol, not a packet protocol. TCP neither respects nor preserves the sender's data boundaries. To put it another way, TCP is free to combine (or split!) the "packets" you send, and present them on the receiver any way its wants. The only restriction that TCP honors is this: if a byte is delivered, it will be delivered in the same order in which it was sent. (And nothing about Nagle changes this.)
So, if you invoke send (or write) on the server twice, sending these six bytes:
"packet" 1: A B C
"packet" 2: D E F
Your client side might recv (or read) any of these sequences of bytes:
AB / CD / EF
If your application requires knowledge of the boundaries between the sender's writes, then it is your responsibility to preserve and transmit that information.
As others have said, there are many ways to go about that. You could, for example, send a newline after each quantum of information. This is (in part) how HTTP, FTP, and SMTP work.
You could send the packet length along with the data. The generalized form for this is called TLV, for "Type, Length, Value". Send a fixed-length type field, a fixed-length length field, and then an arbitrary-length value. This way you know when you have read the entire value and are ready for the next TLV.
You could arrange that every packet you send is identical in length.
I suppose there are other solutions, and I suppose that you can think of them on your own. But first you have to realize this: TCP can and will merge or break your application packets. You can rely upon the order of the bytes' delivery, but nothing else.
You have to disable Nagle in both peers. You might want to find a different protocol that's record-based such as SCTP.
Since you are asking for a protocol here's how I would do it:
Define a header for the message. Let's say I would pick a 32 bits header.
MSG Length: 16b
Version: 8b
Type: 8b
Then the real message comes in, having MSG Length bytes.
So now that I have a format, how would I handle things ?
When I write a message, I prepend the control information (the length is the most important, really) and send the whole thing. Having NODELAY enabled or not makes no difference.
I continuously receive stuff from the server, right ? So I have to do some sort of read.
Read bytes from the server. Any amount can arrive. Keep reading until you've got at least 4 bytes.
Once you have these 4 bytes, interpret them as the header and extract the MSG Length
Keep reading until you've got at least MSG Length bytes. Now you've got your message and can process it
This works regardless of TCP options (such as NODELAY), MTU restrictions, etc.

Non-blocking socket with TCP

I'm writing a program using Java non-blocking socket and TCP. I understand that TCP is a stream protocol but the underlayer IP protocol uses packets. When I call dst), will I always get the whole content of IP packets? or it may end at any position in the middle of a packet?
This matters because I'm trying to send individual messages through the channel, each messages are small enough to be sent within a single IP packet without being fragmented. It would be cool if I can always get a whole message by calling read() on the receiver side, otherwise I have to implement some method to re-assembly the messages.
Edit: assume that, on the sender side, messages are sent with a long interval(like 1 second), so they aren't going to group together in one IP packet. On the receiver side, the buffer used to call read(ByteBuffer dst) is big enough to hold any message.
TCP is a stream of bytes. Each read will receive between 1 and the maximum of the buffer size that you supplied and the number of bytes that are available to read at that time.
TCP knows nothing of your concept of messages. Each send by client can result in 0 or more reads being required at the other end. Zero or more because you might get a single read that returns more than one of your 'messages'.
You should ALWAYS write your read code such that it can deal with your message framing and either reassemble partial messages or split multiple ones.
You may find that if you don't bother with this complexity then your code will seem to 'work' most of the time, don't rely on that. As soon as you are running on a busy network or across the internet, or as soon as you increase the size of your messages you WILL be bitten by your broken code.
I talk about TCP message framing some more here: and here: though it's in terms of a C++ implementation so it may or may not be of interest to you.
The socket API makes no guarantee that send() and recv() calls correlate to datagrams for TCP sockets. On the sending side, things may get regrouped already, e.g. the system may defer sending one datagram to see whether the application has more data; on the receiving side, a read call may retrieve data from multiple datagrams, or a partial datagram if the size specified by the caller is requires breaking packet.
IOW, the TCP socket API assumes you have a stream of bytes, not a sequence of packets. You need make sure you keep calling read() until you have enough bytes for a request.
From the SocketChannel documentation:
A socket channel in non-blocking mode, for example, cannot read
any more bytes than are immediately available from the socket's input buffer;
So if your destination buffer is large enough, you are supposed to be able to consume the whole data in the socket's input buffer.

Why Does RTP use UDP instead of TCP?

I wanted to know why UDP is used in RTP rather than TCP ?. Major VoIP Tools used only UDP as i hacked some of the VoIP OSS.
As DJ pointed out, TCP is about getting a reliable data stream, and will slow down transmission, and re-transmit corrupted packets, in order to achieve that.
UDP does not care about reliability of the communication, and will not slow down or re-transmit data.
If your application needs a reliable data stream, for example, to retrieve a file from a webserver, you choose TCP.
If your application doesn't care about corrupted or lost packets, and you don't need to incur the additional overhead to provide the additional reliability, you can choose UDP instead.
VOIP is not significantly improved by reliable packet transmission, and in fact, in some cases things in TCP like retransmission and exponential backoff can actually hurt VOIP quality. Therefore, UDP was a better choice.
A lot of good answers have been given, but I'd like to point one thing out explicitly:
Basically a complete data stream is a nice thing to have for real-time audio/video, but its not strictly necessary (as others have pointed out):
The important fact is that some data that arrives too late is worthless. What good is the missing data for a frame that should have been displayed a second ago?
If you were to use TCP (which also guarantees the correct order of all data), then you wouldn't be able to get to the more up-to-date data until the old one is transmitted correctly. This is doubly bad: you have to wait for the re-transmission of the old data and the new data (which is now delayed) will probably be just as worthless.
So RTP does some kind of best-effort transmission in that it tries to transfer all available data in time, but doesn't attempt to re-transmit data that was lost/corrupted during the transfer (*). It just goes on with life and hopes that the more important current data gets there correctly.
(*) actually I don't know the specifics of RTP. Maybe it does try to re-transmit, but if it does then it won't be as aggressive as TCP is (which won't ever accept any lost data).
The others are correct, however the don't really tell you the REAL reason why. Saua kind of hints at it, but here's a more complete answer.
Audio and Video is real-time. If you are listening to a radio, or watching TV, and the signal is interrupted, it doesn't pick up where you left off.. you're just "observing" the signal as it streams, and if you can't observe it at any given time, you lose it.
The reason, is simple. Delay. VOIP tries very hard to minimize the amount of delay from the time someone speaks into one end and you get it on your end, and your response back. Otherwise, as errors occured, the amount of delay between when the person spoke and when the signal was received would continuously grow until it became useless.
Remember, each delay from a retransmission has to be replayed, and that causes further data to be delayed, then another error causes an even greater delay. The only workable solution is to simply drop any data that can't be displayed in real-time.
A 1 second delay from retransmission would mean it would now be 1 second from the time I said something until you heard it. A second 1 second delay now means it's 2 seconds from the time i say something until you hear it. This is cumulative because data is played back at the same rate at which it is spoken, and so on...
RTP could be connection oriented, but then it would have to drop (or skip) data to keep up with retransmission errors anyways, so why bother with the extra overhead?
Technically RTP packets can be interleaved over a TCP connection. There are lots of great answers given here. Two additional minor points:
RFC 4588 describes how one could use retransmission with RTP data. Most clients that receive RTP streams employ a buffer to account for jitter in the network that is typically 1-5 seconds long and which means there is time available for a retransmit to receive the desired data.
RTP traffic can be interleaved over a TCP connection. In practice when this is done, the difference between Interleaved RTP (i.e. over TCP) and RTP sent over UDP is how these two perform over a lossy network with insufficient bandwidth available for the user. The Interleaved TCP stream will end up being jerky as the player continually waits in a buffering state for packets to arrive. Depending on the player it may jump ahead to catch up. With an RTP connection you will get artifacts (smearing/tearing) in the video.
UDP is often used for various types of realtime traffic that doesn't need strict ordering to be useful. This is because TCP enforces an ordering before passing data to an application (by default, you can get around this by setting the URG pointer, but no one seems to ever do this) and that can be highly undesirable in an environment where you'd rather get current realtime data than get old data reliably.
RTP is fairly insensitive to packet loss, so it doesn't require the reliability of TCP.
UDP has less overhead for headers so that one packet can carry more data, so the network bandwidth is utilized more efficiently.
UDP provides fast data transmission also.
So UDP is the obvious choice in cases such as this.
Besides all the others nice and correct answers this article gives a good understanding about the differences between TCP and UDP.
The Real-time Transport Protocol is a network protocol used to deliver streaming audio and video media over the internet, thereby enabling the Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
RTP is generally used with a signaling protocol, such as SIP, which sets up connections across the network. RTP applications can use the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), but most use the User Datagram protocol (UDP) instead because UDP allows for faster delivery of data.
UDP is used wherever data is send, that does not need to be exactly received on the target, or where no stable connection is needed.
TCP is used if data needs to be exactly received, bit for bit, no loss of bits.
For Video and Sound streaming, some bits that are lost on the way do not affect the result in a way, that is mentionable, some pixels failing in a picture of a stream, nothing that affects a user, on DVDs the lost bit rate is higher.
just a remark:
Each packet sent in an RTP stream is given a number one higher than its predecessor.This allows thr destination to determine if any packets are missing.
If a packet is mising, the best action for the destination to take is to approximate the missing vaue by interpolation.
Retranmission is not a proctical option since the retransmitted packet would be too late to be useful.
I'd like to add quickly to what Matt H said in response to Stobor's answer. Matt H mentioned that RTP over UDP packets can be checksum'ed so that if they are corrupted, they will get resent. This is actually an optional feature on most PBXs. In Asterisk, for example, you can enable / disable checksums on your RTP over UDP traffic in the rtp.conf configuration file with the following line:
rtpchecksums=yes ; or no if you prefer
