Packets sometimes get concatenated - tcp

I'm trying to make a simple server/application in Erlang.
My server initialize a socket with gen_tcp:listen(Port, [list, {active, false}, {keepalive, true}, {nodelay, true}]) and the clients connect with gen_tcp:connect(Server, Port, [list, {active, true}, {keepalive, true}, {nodelay, true}]).
Messages received from the server are tested by guards such as {tcp, _, [115, 58 | Data]}.
Problem is, packets sometimes get concatenated when sent or received and thus cause unexpected behaviors as the guards consider the next packet as part of the variable.
Is there a way to make sure every packet is sent as a single message to the receiving process?

Plain TCP is a streaming protocol with no concept of packet boundaries (like Alnitak said).
Usually, you send messages in either UDP (which has limited per-packet size and can be received out of order) or TCP using a framed protocol.
Framed meaning you prefix each message with a size header (usualy 4 bytes) that indicates how long the message is.
In erlang, you can add {packet,4} to your socket options to get framed packet behavior on top of TCP.
assuming both sides (client/server) use {packet,4} then you will only get whole messages.
note: you won't see the size header, erlang will remove it from the message you see. So your example match at the top should still work just fine

You're probably seeing the effects of Nagle's algorithm, which is designed to increase throughput by coalescing small packets into a single larger packet.
You need the Erlang equivalent of enabling the TCP_NODELAY socket option on the sending socket.
EDIT ah, I see you already set that. Hmm. TCP doesn't actually expose packet boundaries to the application layer - by definition it's a stream protocol.
If packet boundaries are important you should consider using UDP instead, or make sure that each packet you send is delimited in some manner. For example, in the TCP version of DNS each message is prefixed by a 2 byte length header, which tells the other end how much data to expect in the next chunk.

You need to implement a delimiter for your packets.
One solution is to use a special character ; or something similar.
The other solution is to send the size of the packet first.
Then read the provided amount of bytes from your message. When you're at the end you got your whole packet.
Nobody mentions that TCP may also split your message into multiple pieces (split your packet into two messages).
So the second solution is the best of all. But a little hard. While the first one is still good but limits your ability to send packets with special characters. But the easiest to implement. Ofc theres a workaround for all of this. I hope it helps.


reading tcp packets out of order

Web games are forced to use tcp.
But with real time constraints tcp head of line blocking behavior is absurd when you don't care about old packets.
While I'm aware that there's definitely nothing that we can do on the client side, I'm wondering if there is a solution on the server side.
Indeed, on the server you get packets in order and miserably wait if misbehaving packet t+42 has been lost even though packets t+43, t+44 can already be nicely waiting in your receive buffer.
Since we are talking about local data, technically it should be possible to retrieve it..
So does anyone have an idea on how to perform that feat?
How to save this precious data from these pesky kernel space daemons?
TCP guarantees that the data arrives in order and re-transmits lost packets. TCP Man Page
Given this, there is only one way to achieve the results you want given your stated constraints, and that is to hack the TCP protocol at the server side (assuming you cannot control the Client WebSocket behavior). The simplest, relative term, would be to open a raw socket, implement your own simple TCP handshake (Syn-Ack when client Syns), then read and write from the socket managing your own TCP headers. Your custom implementation would need to keep track of received sequence numbers and acknowledge all of those you want the client to forget about.
You might be able to reduce effort by making this program a proxy to your original.
Example of TCP raw socket here.

Erlang get_tcp packets receive

I am writing erlang tcp-server which runs following protocol.
Each packet has exactly 4 bytes size.
There is one special-case packet - <<?SPECIAL_BYTE, 0, PayloadLength:2/big-unsigned-integer-unit:8>>. This packet indicates, that server must read next PayloadLength bytes of raw data.
I can receive raw stream of data and parse this protocol in erlang code, of course. But I wonder, is there any way to use builtin erlang packet packaging? When my packets preceded with its length, I can say [{packet, HeaderLength}]. Is there any way to force erlang to automatically package received data by 4-bytes chuks?
UPD: I am planning to use {active, once} mode. Also I can use gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 4), but I afraid performance penalty due multiple socket reads in this case. Is my fear justified?
Erlang's native packet decoding is extremely helpful, when it matches the actual format of your data. If your packets are always encoded with a 4 bytes (32 bits) big-endian length, then {packet, 4} is exactly what you need. However, if there are some exceptions in your encoding, then you must use {packet, raw} and do the decoding yourself.
For the decoding, you can indeed use the socket in passive mode witb {active, false}, read four bytes and then the rest of the packet. You can also use the socket in active mode, but in this case you must be prepared to receive less or more than your packet header, including more than a single packet. {active, once} can help but will not solve the problem. Passive mode might be easier to deal with in your case.
Performance-wise, you can refer to the following question:
How can the "packet" option of socket in Erlang accelerate the tcp transmission so much? However, I highly suggest to focus on getting a working implementation before trying to optimize it. Premature optimization never yields good results.

Nagle-Like Problem

so I have this real-time game, with a C++ sever with disabled nagle using SFML library , and client using asyncsocket, also disables nagle. I'm sending 30 packets every 1 second. There is no problem sending from the client to the server, but when sending from the server to the clients, some of the packets are migrating. For example, if I'm sending "a" and "b" in completly different packets, the client reads it as "ab". It's happens just once a time, but it makes a real problem in the game.
So what should I do? How can I solve that? Maybe it's something in the server? Maybe OS settings?
To be clear: I AM NOT using nagle but I still have this problem. I disabled in both client and server.
For example, if I'm sending "a" and "b" in completly different packets, the client reads it as "ab". It's happens just once a time, but it makes a real problem in the game.
I think you have lost sight of the fundamental nature of TCP: it is a stream protocol, not a packet protocol. TCP neither respects nor preserves the sender's data boundaries. To put it another way, TCP is free to combine (or split!) the "packets" you send, and present them on the receiver any way its wants. The only restriction that TCP honors is this: if a byte is delivered, it will be delivered in the same order in which it was sent. (And nothing about Nagle changes this.)
So, if you invoke send (or write) on the server twice, sending these six bytes:
"packet" 1: A B C
"packet" 2: D E F
Your client side might recv (or read) any of these sequences of bytes:
AB / CD / EF
If your application requires knowledge of the boundaries between the sender's writes, then it is your responsibility to preserve and transmit that information.
As others have said, there are many ways to go about that. You could, for example, send a newline after each quantum of information. This is (in part) how HTTP, FTP, and SMTP work.
You could send the packet length along with the data. The generalized form for this is called TLV, for "Type, Length, Value". Send a fixed-length type field, a fixed-length length field, and then an arbitrary-length value. This way you know when you have read the entire value and are ready for the next TLV.
You could arrange that every packet you send is identical in length.
I suppose there are other solutions, and I suppose that you can think of them on your own. But first you have to realize this: TCP can and will merge or break your application packets. You can rely upon the order of the bytes' delivery, but nothing else.
You have to disable Nagle in both peers. You might want to find a different protocol that's record-based such as SCTP.
Since you are asking for a protocol here's how I would do it:
Define a header for the message. Let's say I would pick a 32 bits header.
MSG Length: 16b
Version: 8b
Type: 8b
Then the real message comes in, having MSG Length bytes.
So now that I have a format, how would I handle things ?
When I write a message, I prepend the control information (the length is the most important, really) and send the whole thing. Having NODELAY enabled or not makes no difference.
I continuously receive stuff from the server, right ? So I have to do some sort of read.
Read bytes from the server. Any amount can arrive. Keep reading until you've got at least 4 bytes.
Once you have these 4 bytes, interpret them as the header and extract the MSG Length
Keep reading until you've got at least MSG Length bytes. Now you've got your message and can process it
This works regardless of TCP options (such as NODELAY), MTU restrictions, etc.

Non-blocking socket with TCP

I'm writing a program using Java non-blocking socket and TCP. I understand that TCP is a stream protocol but the underlayer IP protocol uses packets. When I call dst), will I always get the whole content of IP packets? or it may end at any position in the middle of a packet?
This matters because I'm trying to send individual messages through the channel, each messages are small enough to be sent within a single IP packet without being fragmented. It would be cool if I can always get a whole message by calling read() on the receiver side, otherwise I have to implement some method to re-assembly the messages.
Edit: assume that, on the sender side, messages are sent with a long interval(like 1 second), so they aren't going to group together in one IP packet. On the receiver side, the buffer used to call read(ByteBuffer dst) is big enough to hold any message.
TCP is a stream of bytes. Each read will receive between 1 and the maximum of the buffer size that you supplied and the number of bytes that are available to read at that time.
TCP knows nothing of your concept of messages. Each send by client can result in 0 or more reads being required at the other end. Zero or more because you might get a single read that returns more than one of your 'messages'.
You should ALWAYS write your read code such that it can deal with your message framing and either reassemble partial messages or split multiple ones.
You may find that if you don't bother with this complexity then your code will seem to 'work' most of the time, don't rely on that. As soon as you are running on a busy network or across the internet, or as soon as you increase the size of your messages you WILL be bitten by your broken code.
I talk about TCP message framing some more here: and here: though it's in terms of a C++ implementation so it may or may not be of interest to you.
The socket API makes no guarantee that send() and recv() calls correlate to datagrams for TCP sockets. On the sending side, things may get regrouped already, e.g. the system may defer sending one datagram to see whether the application has more data; on the receiving side, a read call may retrieve data from multiple datagrams, or a partial datagram if the size specified by the caller is requires breaking packet.
IOW, the TCP socket API assumes you have a stream of bytes, not a sequence of packets. You need make sure you keep calling read() until you have enough bytes for a request.
From the SocketChannel documentation:
A socket channel in non-blocking mode, for example, cannot read
any more bytes than are immediately available from the socket's input buffer;
So if your destination buffer is large enough, you are supposed to be able to consume the whole data in the socket's input buffer.

Working with persistent HTTP connections

We are trying to implement a proxy proof of concept but have encountered an interesting question: Since a single HTTP connection can, and indeed should, make multiple requests, and the HTTP transactions are sent via multiple packets due to TCP's magic, is it possible for a HTTP request to begin in the middle of a packet?
Bear in mind that this is not a theoretical question regarding possible optimization of the browser, but whether it actually happens in real life. It would be even better if someone could point me to a written reference on whether or not this is possible and if so how often it can occur.
Clarification update: We know that if we work in the HTTP layer alone we would not need to bother with this question, however we're trying to figure out if some advanced technique could be applied by working on the TCP layer first.
Assuming that you are talking about IP packets: Yes, it is possible that HTTP request starts middle of IP packet.
When you are using persistent HTTP connections, that is, using same TCP connection for several HTTP requests, it is fully possible that request boundary is middle of IP packet.
Also there is a TCP protocol between IP and HTTP. TCP contains also some headers so a IP packet may start with some TCP headers and rest of the packet consists of HTTP request.
HTTP request may also consist of several IP packets (in case of file uploads, transmission errors and following retransmissions etc).
However, I wonder why you are interested in packets if you are working at HTTP level. TCP should hide the IP packet details.
First of all, TCP is a stream based protocol and has no concept of packets. HTTP itself might have some kind of message or record delimiter, but TCP doesn't.
This page might be helpful: Structure of HTTP Transactions
From your question it sounds like you think that each read from a TCP socket is a "packet" of data. In reality, each read simply reads as many bytes as are in the buffer up to the maximum that you requested, without any concept of records or packets.
So for instance, lets say you read 2048 bytes from the socket, you could have the tail end of one transaction, followed by the beginning of a second response half way through the data you read, and only get the remainder of your second response on your next read from the socket.
If you're here in Jerusalem or near by maybe I could help you out.
Unless you are implementing your own TCP stack, you should not need to worry about the packets, but rather about the API that the TCP provides, in case of POSIX interfaces it would be the recv() or read(). So I treat the question then as "Can more than one HTTP requests come into a single read(), and can the HTTP request be split between multiple read() requests?" -- The answer to both would be "yes, it is possible".
An example of where this can happen is HTTP pipelining. This not frequent in real life (ironically, at least some of the browsers disable it by default because of "buggy proxies" :-) - but when it happens, can be a bit of a problem for the users to diagnose - especially if they have no access to the proxy.
One very notable place where it does happen by default apt-get in Debian-derived linux systems. Just install a Debian or Ubuntu server and try to use it through your proxy. You can do that by editing the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy file and placing the following there:
Acquire::http::Proxy "http://your.proxy.address:8080";
Depends of which abstraction layer of a packet you are talking about: there are many layers underneath HTTP.
HTTP --> TCP (byte stream) --> IP (packet) --> (possibly something else) Ethernet (frame) --> (possibly) some other transport
If you are talking about the IP layer, then yes the HTTP layer would start later on... Note that TCP presents a "byte stream interface" to its Client layer hence, no concept of packet here.
I think I understand where you are trying to go with this question.
If you don't use persistent HTTP connections, the HTTP GET request header is always the very first thing which is sent over the TCP connection, so we can be sure that the start of the HTTP GET request header does "not start in the middle of some TCP packet". But keep in mind that there may be one or more TCP packets without any user data, e.g. only a SYN, which may preceed the TCP packet with the start of the HTTP GET request header. And also keep in mind that the HTTP GET request header may not be contained in a single TCP packet.
If you do use persistent HTTP connections, the start of the HTTP GET request header for request number N+1 can start in the middle of a TCP packet, namely after the end of HTTP GET request body of request number N.
If you are asking these questions you are possibly "doing it wrong". As several other responders have already pointed out, in the vast majority of cases you should probably just be a TCP client and deal with a TCP stream of data and let the TCP code worry about the TCP packets. (Unless, of course, you are working on some special hardware which is looking at individual IP packets as they fly by and try to do some processing at the HTTP layer.)
