Child Activities in Windows Workflow Not Emitting Tracking Data - workflow-foundation-4

I created a Windows Workflow 4 workflow that does one specific task. The requirements changed, as they always do in software development, and now the workflow needs to do the task a number of times.
My solution was to create another workflow that executed the first workflow for every time in a collection. This works fine. However, our tracking participant does not emit any records for what is now the child workflow.
The participant still emits data for the main workflow but it isn't ideal since it only contains information regarding looping over the collection. When executing the inner workflow we could see the detailed output.
Is there something we're missing on setting up our tracking? Preferably I don't want to structure the workflows differently as I can imagine that as we're developing workflows we'll encounter this scenario again and will want a similar resolution.
StatusTrackingParticipant stp = new StatusTrackingParticipant
TrackingProfile = new TrackingProfile
Queries =
//Querying all states.
new ActivityStateQuery
ActivityName = "*",
States = { "*" }
//querying all activty schedules ? not sure on the terminology here.
new ActivityScheduledQuery
ActivityName = "*",
ChildActivityName = "*"
new BookmarkResumptionQuery
Name = "*"
new CancelRequestedQuery
ActivityName = "*",
ChildActivityName = "*"
new CustomTrackingQuery
ActivityName = "*",
Name = "*"
new FaultPropagationQuery
FaultHandlerActivityName = "*",
FaultSourceActivityName = "*"
//Querying all workflow instances ? not sure on the terminology here.
new WorkflowInstanceQuery
States = { "*" }

I all comes down to the Tracking Profile you're using and how it's configured.
You probably only have a WorkflowInstanceQuery on your TrackingProfile's queries and it all worked out fine while the workflow that does one specific task was your main workflow.
Now that it's an inner activity inside the main workflow, you've to configure your Queries to also look at those inner activities using ActivityStateQuery.
Something like this, if your tracking profile is being configured through code:
new MyCustomTrackingParticipant
TrackingProfile = new TrackingProfile
Queries =
new WorkflowInstanceQuery
States = { WorkflowInstanceStates.Completed }
// Also add this query to profile's queries
new ActivityStateQuery
States = { ActivityStates.Executing, ActivityStates.Closed }
Or through configuration:
<trackingProfile name="Sample Tracking Profile">
<workflow activityDefinitionId="*">
<state name="Completed"/>
<state name="Executing"/>
<state name="Closed"/>
Note that you have to actively specify which queries and states you want to track, otherwise they own't be tracked by default. You can also specify the activity's name if you want to track only a specific activity.
Other possible solution is one of those hard to remember, but most probably where your problem lies on. Check TrackingProfile's ImplementationVisibility property which is RootScope by default. Set it to ImplementationVisibility.All:
new TrackingProfile
ImplementationVisibility = ImplementationVisibility.All,
Queries = ...
If implementationVisibility is RootScope and the composite activity is
not the root activity for the workflow, only the top level activity
within the composite activity is tracked. When set to RootScope, this
flag suppresses the tracking records for activities that are not
visible from the root of the workflow. Only the root activity and its
implementation are tracked. If the implementation contains activities
that are composite activities, then the composite activity is tracked
but not its implementation.


Google App Maker how to create Data Source from Google Contacts

Using GoogleAppMaker how to create a data source from google contacts. There is an employee HR example app but I want to similarly manage contacts (add, modify, delete) and use select criteria.
At this time this task is not trivial in App Maker and it is pretty much generic. We can change question wording to CRUD operations with 3rd party datasources. Let's break it into smaller parts and address them separately.
Read/list contacts
This task is relatively easy. You need to use Calculated Model to proxy Apps Scripts Contacts API response. Once you create model with subset of fields from the Contact response you can create datasource for the model and bind it to List or Table widget. You can also try to find some inspiration in Calculated Model Sample.
// Server side script
function getContacts_() {
var contacts = ContactsApp.getContacts();
var records = {
var record = app.models.Contact.newRecord();
record.FirstName = contact.getGivenName();
record.LastName = contact.getFamilyName();
var companies = contact.getCompanies();
if (companies.length > 0) {
var company = companies[0];
record.Organization = company.getCompanyName();
record.Title = company.getJobTitle();
var emails = contact.getEmails();
if (emails.length > 0) {
record.Email = emails[0].getAddress();
var phones = contact.getPhones();
if (phones.length > 0) {
record.Phone = phones[0].getPhoneNumber();
return record;
return records;
Since Calculated Models have some limitations, we need to turn on our imagination to create, update and delete records from their datasources. The basic strategy will be calling server side scripts for CUD operations in response to user actions on client side. To get user's input from UI we will need to utilize page's Custom Properties, one property for each Contact field:
Here are some snippets that should explain the idea
// Client script
function onSubmitContactClick(submitButton) {
var props =;
var contact = {
FirstName: props.FirstName,
LastName: props.LastName,
Organization: props.Organization,
.withSuccessHandler(function() {
// Most likely we'll need to navigate user back to the
// page with contacts list and reload its datasource
// to reflect recent changes, because our `CUD` operations
// are fully detached from the list datasource
.withFailureHandler(function() {
// TODO: Handle error
// Server script
function createContact(contactDraft) {
var contact = ContactsApp.createContact(contactDraft.FirsName,
contact.addCompany(contactDraft.Organization, contactDraft.Title);
contact.addPhone(ContactsApp.Field.WORK_PHONE, contactDraft.Phone);
Idea to update contact records will be very similar to the new contact creation flow, so I skip it for now.
Assuming that delete button is located inside contacts table row.
// Client script
function onDeleteContactClick(deleteButton) {
var email = deleteButton.datasource.item.Email;
.withSuccessHandler(function() {
// To update contacts list we can either reload the entire
// datasource or explicitly remove deleted item on the client.
// Second option will work way faster.
var contactIndex = deleteButton.parent.childIndex;
app.datasources.Contacts.items.splice(contactIndex, 1);
.withFailureHandler(function() {
// TODO: Handle error
// Server script
function deleteContact(email) {
var contact = ContactsApp.getContact(email);

Meteor GroundDB granularity for offline/online syncing

Let's say that two users do changes to the same document while offline, but in different sections of the document. If user 2 goes back online after user 1, will the changes made by user 1 be lost?
In my database, each row contains a JS object, and one property of this object is an array. This array is bound to a series of check-boxes on the interface. What I would like is that if two users do changes to those check-boxes, the latest change is kept for each check-box individually, based on the time the when the change was made, not the time when the syncing occurred. Is GroundDB the appropriate tool to achieve this? Is there any mean to add an event handler in which I can add some logic that would be triggered when syncing occurs, and that would take care of the merging ?
The short answer is "yes" none of the ground db versions have conflict resolution since the logic is custom depending on the behaviour of conflict resolution eg. if you want to automate or involve the user.
The old Ground DB simply relied on Meteor's conflict resolution (latest data to the server wins) I'm guessing you can see some issues with that depending on the order of when which client comes online.
Ground db II doesn't have method resume it's more or less just a way to cache data offline. It's observing on an observable source.
I guess you could create a middleware observer for GDB II - one that checks the local data before doing the update and update the client or/and call the server to update the server data. This way you would have a way to handle conflicts.
I think to remember writing some code that supported "deletedAt"/"updatedAt" for some types of conflict handling, but again a conflict handler should be custom for the most part. (opening the door for reusable conflict handlers might be useful)
Especially knowing when data is removed can be tricky if you don't "soft" delete via something like using a "deletedAt" entity.
The "rc" branch is currently grounddb-caching-2016 version "2.0.0-rc.4",
I was thinking about something like:
(mind it's not tested, written directly in SO)
// Create the grounded collection
foo = new Ground.Collection('test');
// Make it observe a source (it's aware of createdAt/updatedAt and
// removedAt entities)
bar.find() returns a cursor with a function observe our middleware should do the same. Let's create a createMiddleWare helper for it:
function createMiddleWare(source, middleware) {
const cursor = (typeof (source||{}).observe === 'function') ? source : source.find();
return {
observe: function(observerHandle) {
const sourceObserverHandle = cursor.observe({
added: doc => {, doc);
updated: (doc, oldDoc) => {, doc, oldDoc);
removed: doc => {, doc);
// Return stop handle
return sourceObserverHandle;
foo = new Ground.Collection('test');
foo.observeSource(createMiddleware(bar.find(), {
added: function(doc) {
// just pass it through
updated: function(doc, oldDoc) {
const fooDoc = foo.findOne(doc._id);
// Example of a simple conflict handler:
if (fooDoc && doc.updatedAt < fooDoc.updatedAt) {
// Seems like the foo doc is newer? lets update the server...
// (we'll just use the regular bar, since thats the meteor
// collection and foo is the grounded data
bar.update(doc._id, fooDoc);
} else {
// pass through
this.updated(doc, oldDoc);
removed: function(doc) {
// again just pass through for now

angularFire startAt querying and binding deletes new data

The application shows work-shifts for certain time-period. firebaseConn.getShifts is the API-function to get the shiftData for the given time period.
firebase: 2.0.6
angularFire: 0.9.0 (confirmed with 0.8.2 also)
This is my firebase schema:
And this is the code:
.factory('watchers', function(bunch-of-dependencies) {
var unbindShifts = function() {};
var inited = false;
var shifts = {};
... some irrelevant code in between ...
function initShifts() {
shifts.object = firebaseConn.getShifts( false, from, to, $scope );
$scope.shifts = shifts.object;
shifts.object.$bindTo($scope, "shifts").then(function(unbind) {
unbindShifts = unbind;
The firebase-queries (that have worked fine before adding the unbind / bind and possibly time-based querying might cause issues too):
firebaseConn.getShifts = function(asArray, from, to, scope) {
return cacheRequest(FBURL + "shifts", asArray, [from, to]);
function cacheRequest(url, asArray, limits) {
var type = asArray ? "array" : "object";
var startAt = limits ? limits[0] : undefined;
var endAt = limits ? limits[1] : undefined;
var retObj, FBRef;
cached[url] = cached[url] || {};
/* If there are limits-parameters we don't cache at all atm. Since those queries should be checked differently than static urls */
if(!limits && cached[url][type]) {
FBRef = cached[url][type];
} else {
FBRef = cached[url][type] = createFBRef(url, startAt, endAt);
if(asArray) {
retObj = FBRef.$asArray();
} else {
retObj = FBRef.$asObject();
return retObj;
function createFBRef(resourceURL, startAt, endAt) {
var modifiedObject = $firebase( createRef( resourceURL ).orderByKey().startAt(startAt).endAt(endAt) );
return modifiedObject;
function createRef(resourceURL) {
return new Firebase( resourceURL );
Now I have located the problem to be with the query limiting. If the from and to Dates are undefined, this works without problems. But I need to be able to limit the amount of data, since loading many years of workshift-data, to show a weeks time, won't be good :).
The actual problem is not displaying and fetching the data, everything works fine, it's related to the times and re-binding.
If I do any changes to e.g. "20150115"-table. For example I add another "groups"-child there. When i unbind and rebind, the whole "20150115"-table gets deleted and this holds true only to the latest changes. If I add multiple child to different dates e.g. "20150113", "20150114", "20150115" and the latest change is in "20150115" and then I unbind + re-bind another time from firebase, all the other root-paths will stay as they are, but the latest change in "20150115" will make the whole tree deleted.
I hope I make myself clear, so for safety I try to explain it again in simpler way.
- Changes to 1. "20150113", 2. "20150114", 3. "20150115" through the app.
- Changing timeline from UI causes: unbind + re-bind
- As a side-effect the whole "20150114" tree gets deleted.
The problem is somehow related to advanced querying with orderByKey().startAt(startAt).endAt(endAt) and binding.
Also for additional info. The data which is added through the UI gets added to the firebase database, but when the re-binding happens, the data is deleted from the database. Specifically on rebind, unbinding causes no issues, if I delay rebinding with timeout.
I have found the source of the actual issue. After the new binding is in place and everything seems to be in order, there is an angular watch event that kicks in. The event tries to save the last change user made before re-binding.
So if I have and active timeline for december (20141201 - 20141230) and I change "20141225"-data. Then change the timeline to 20150101 - 20150130, causing unbind and rebind (or manually fetching new data). There will be an event, after the binding has been done and everything seems to be in order, trying to save 20141225 data to either the new timeline (20150101 - 20150130) or the old one, not sure which one. This causes the firebase to actually delete the whole 20141225-tree, instead of saving the data.
The new data makes it into your Firebase fine, which you can see by either checking your Firebase dashboard or by running a quick snippet like this in your browser's dev console:
new Firebase("https://firebaseurl").once('value', function(s) { console.log(s.val()); })
The data even makes it back into your application. The only problem is that Angular doesn't know that new data has arrived, so it doesn't update the view with the new data.
Normally AngularFire's $asObject and $asArray methods take care of notifying AngularJS when new data arrives from Firebase. But since you are constantly creating new queries, you'll have to take care of that yourself.
There are a few ways to signal the new data to AngularJS and I'm definitely not an expert on which one is best. But if you add $scope.$apply(); to your setDays function it works:
function setDays(ref) {
var FBRange = setFBRange(ref, from, to);
var days;
days = $firebase(FBRange).$asObject();
$scope.days = days;
days.$bindTo($scope, "days").then(function(unbind) {
unbindDays = unbind;
// As a result of the new binding entry gets mysteriously deleted from firebase
$scope.$apply(); // Tell AngularJS about the new data, so that it updates the view
function setFBRange(ref, from, to) {
return ref.orderByKey().startAt(""+from).endAt(from + to + "");
Updated Plunkr with this change (and some others to help in debugging):

how to discard initial data in a Firebase DB

I'm making a simple app that informs a client that other clients clicked a button. I'm storing the clicks in a Firebase (db) using:
All clients get notified of other user's clicks with an on, such as
db.on('child_added',function(snapshot) {
var msg = snapshot.val().msg;
However, when the page first loads I want to discard any existing data on the stack. My strategy is to call db.once() before I define the db.on('child_added',...) in order to get the initial number of children, and then use that to discard that number of calls to db.on('child_added',...).
Unfortunately, though, all of the calls to db.on('child_added',...) are happening before I'm able to get the initial count, so it fails.
How can I effectively and simply discard the initial data?
For larger data sets, Firebase now offers (as of 2.0) some query methods that can make this simpler.
If we add a timestamp field on each record, we can construct a query that only looks at new values. Consider this contrived data:
"messages": {
"$messageid": {
"sender": "kato",
"message": "hello world"
"created": 123456 // Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP
We could find messages only after "now" using something like this:
var ref = new Firebase('https://<your instance>');
var queryRef = ref.orderBy('created').startAt(Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP);
queryRef.on('child_added', function(snap) {
If I understand your question correctly, it sounds like you only want data that has been added since the user visited the page. In Firebase, the behavior you describe is by design, as the data is always changing and there isn't a notion of "old" data vs "new" data.
However, if you only want to display data added after the page has loaded, try ignoring all events prior until the complete set of children has loaded at least once. For example:
var ignoreItems = true;
var ref = new Firebase('https://<your-Firebase>');
ref.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
if (!ignoreItems) {
var msg = snapshot.val().msg;
// do something here
ref.once('value', function(snapshot) {
ignoreItems = false;
The alternative to this approach would be to write your new items with a priority as well, where the priority is Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP (the current server time), and then use a .startAt(...) query using the current timestamp. However, this is more complex than the approach described above.

Meteor duplicate insert conflict resolution

Is there a design pattern in meteor application to handle multiple clients inserting the same logical record 'simultaneously'?
Specifically I have a scoring type application, and multiple clients could create the initial, basically blank, Score record for an Entrant when the entrant is ready to start. The appearance of the record is then used to make it available on the page for editing by the officials, incrementing penalty counts and such.
Stages = new Meteor.Collection("contests");
Entrants = new Meteor.Collection("entrants");
Scores = new Meteor.Collection("scores");
// official picks the next entrant
Scores.insert( stage_id:xxxx, entrant_id:yyyy)
I am happy with the implications of the conflict resolutions of edits to the Score record once it is in the Collection. I am not sure how to deal with multiple clients trying to insert the Score for the stage_id/entrant_id pair.
In a synchronous app I would tend to use some form of interlocking, or a relational DB key constraint.
Well, according to this answer Meteor $upsert flag is still in enhancement list and seems to be added in stable branch after 1.0 release.
So the first way is how it was said to add an unique index:
All the implementation ways are listed here. I would recommend you to use native mongo indexes, not a code implementation.
The optimistic concurrency way is much more complicated according to no transactions in MongoDB.
Here comes my implementation of it(be careful, might be buggy))):
var result_callback = function(_id) {
// callback to call on successfull insert made
var $set = {stage_id: xxxx, entrant_id: xxxx};
var created_at =;
var $insert = _.extend({}, $set, {created_at: created_at});
Scores.insert($insert, function(error, _id) {
if (error) {
//handle it
var entries = Scores.find($set, {sort: {created_at: -1}}).fetch()
if (entries.length > 1) {
var duplicates = entries.splice(0, entries.length - 1);
var duplicate_ids =, function(entry) {
return entry._id;
Scores.remove({_id: {$in: duplicate_ids}})
Scores.update(entries[0]._id, $set, function(error) {
if (error) {
// handle it
} else {
} else {
Hope this will give you some good ideas)
Sorry, previous version of my answer was completely incorrect.
