Wordpress form builder for user submiting post - wordpress

I need to create form for users for submiting posts and I need add custom fields to form. I already have bought http://wpdemo.web-dorado.com/ plugin, but now I see that this plugin can't show in frontend users submitted posts.. Maybe you can say what plugin or which file I need to edit?

If you are looking for a plugin specific for posts creation via front end, then you can use https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-user-frontend/ plugin. Its PRO version is also available with more features.
There are many other form builder plugins available for posts creation from front end. Gravity Forms plugin is a good example for it.

Halo , you can use User Submiter Post , you can get it here : https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-submitted-posts/
I have used it for long time and never get problem, here is the sample i have made :
With this plugin you also can modify the form , text tools etc. cool plugin. Hope its can help you


Disable Yoast SEO on custom post type for specific user role

I've made a custom post type, where I want different users to only edit their posts. I've made some restrictions regarding their capabilities on the site and the posts - I don't want them to be able to edit anything other than a few textinputs and such.
For some reason I can't find a way to disable the Yoast SEO metabox on the posts - I've checked Yoast's own doc, but I haven't been able find anything regarding this besides using a plugin called User Role Editor, which doesn't work the way I need.
I've tried the snippet from this place, but it doesn't seem to work either.
TL;DR: Remove Yoast SEO on custom post type for a specific user.
You can use ADMIN MENU EDITOR PRO Plugin
With this plugin, you can choose every parts you want to display by user role in the admin.
This si the simple method.

how to create a custom contact form on wordpress?

I would like to create a contact form
How is it better make it with plugin or manual?
I have designed the form on a page. I
Now I would like to validate but I would like to use a plugin as jquery-validator. is it possible?
But when I'll look at the browser. I see it out of box from my web.
Some example. I am a little confused. Thank you
use this plug in easy to get this https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/
I would highly recommend either Contact Form 7 or Gravity Forms plugins to customize your contact form on your WordPress site, depending on your budget and use, but both of them are really good.
When it comes to how quickly you can create a standard contact form to your website, Contact Form 7 can be the much better, because the plugin is free to use, as for Gravity Forms, it requires you to purchase the plugin, download the archive file, upload it to your website, and then create a form. Only after this step is complete can you publish it. You can find more detailed info here about it and a step by step guide on how to add them and maximize your use of them. Hope it helps! ;)

wordpress custom field to select from existing posts

I'm building a WP site and at one specific page i want to have a custom field in wich the user can select from existing content to be linked there. (english is not my native lang :)
In my case:
I have a services page where the admin can add new services.
I have a doctors page where the admin can add new doctors.
I want to have the option to link one doctor to one specific service.
Can this be done?
As other said, Advanced Custom Field is the answer to your and most needs regarding the data hierarchy management in wordpress.
In addiction I suggest to you to read this good tutorial about the use of Types, another good plugin that does the same work of ACF.
Considere moreover that both plugins ask money if you want more functionalities.
Here is the plugin url : http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/ that makes relationship between custom filed. It will you.

Any Plugin or suggested Design for user to perform an Custom action on Wordpress content

I need to make a Wordpress website having lots of recipes.User will be allowed to read and click on "Cooked" button associated with that particular Article. I would like to store who all user have Cooked that recipe and show it when I am showing the Recipe.
Is there any plugin available which can store User Activities on content(like we have comments plugin) or else what should be the best way to do this?
Take a look at WP Favorite Posts plugin which allows visitors to add favorite posts.
and set the label as "Cooked" instead of "add to favorites" , this will be the easiest way to do it but if you are up for some custom coding then it's simply a matter of saving the recipe post id in the user meta using update_user_meta

Wordpress integrate plugin with cimy user extra field plugin

I am currently using cimy user extra field plugin for multi step registration. How can I integrate date picker plugin, facebook like plugin with the plugin that I am currently using.
I have added multiple fields in my registration form. Is it possible to break the form page in multi step pages and a progressbar to show the user that the registration is going from step 1 to step 2 and so on. Download link of cimy user extra field plugin is http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cimy-user-extra-fields/
Thanks in advance.
To potentially answer your date field question, I would recommend attaching a date picker via jQuery UI, which I think you can so fairly easily via a little JS on the register page. Sounds like you may have to do a little coding there anyway. If you need assistance on getting all that set up, try Google and then come back with anything you can't find or figure out.
