how to create a custom contact form on wordpress? - wordpress

I would like to create a contact form
How is it better make it with plugin or manual?
I have designed the form on a page. I
Now I would like to validate but I would like to use a plugin as jquery-validator. is it possible?
But when I'll look at the browser. I see it out of box from my web.
Some example. I am a little confused. Thank you

use this plug in easy to get this

I would highly recommend either Contact Form 7 or Gravity Forms plugins to customize your contact form on your WordPress site, depending on your budget and use, but both of them are really good.
When it comes to how quickly you can create a standard contact form to your website, Contact Form 7 can be the much better, because the plugin is free to use, as for Gravity Forms, it requires you to purchase the plugin, download the archive file, upload it to your website, and then create a form. Only after this step is complete can you publish it. You can find more detailed info here about it and a step by step guide on how to add them and maximize your use of them. Hope it helps! ;)


Is there a way to use woocommerce forms on other template?

I need to create a full registration page on my woocommerce site, and, I want to show the default WC forms, eg. form with address autoclomplete, state dropdown list etc...
Please, this is my last big achievement to complete this project.
Will apreciate anny suggestion :)
That's a weird request - try using some popular form plugins, such as Contact Form 7, Ninja Forms or Gravity Forms. they all have the req's you've asked for and can be easily installed and used in any WP site.

Wordpress form builder for user submiting post

I need to create form for users for submiting posts and I need add custom fields to form. I already have bought plugin, but now I see that this plugin can't show in frontend users submitted posts.. Maybe you can say what plugin or which file I need to edit?
If you are looking for a plugin specific for posts creation via front end, then you can use plugin. Its PRO version is also available with more features.
There are many other form builder plugins available for posts creation from front end. Gravity Forms plugin is a good example for it.
Halo , you can use User Submiter Post , you can get it here :
I have used it for long time and never get problem, here is the sample i have made :
With this plugin you also can modify the form , text tools etc. cool plugin. Hope its can help you

Wordpress integrate plugin with cimy user extra field plugin

I am currently using cimy user extra field plugin for multi step registration. How can I integrate date picker plugin, facebook like plugin with the plugin that I am currently using.
I have added multiple fields in my registration form. Is it possible to break the form page in multi step pages and a progressbar to show the user that the registration is going from step 1 to step 2 and so on. Download link of cimy user extra field plugin is
Thanks in advance.
To potentially answer your date field question, I would recommend attaching a date picker via jQuery UI, which I think you can so fairly easily via a little JS on the register page. Sounds like you may have to do a little coding there anyway. If you need assistance on getting all that set up, try Google and then come back with anything you can't find or figure out.

Wordpress Plugin requirement

I have a requirement form my client.
He needs a registration form which should be integrated to his site where the user will come and register for that particular event.
Can any one help me what plugin can i use to do this ?? i used plugin but it dint work,
i need something like this, you can see from this link the people can come and register, and there name will be displayed left hand side. similar way i need to ingrate to my site someone please help me.
Thanks in advance
All you need to do is set up a form which posts to the database and then have a table populated from the table.
If you're unsure of how to do this & want to use plugins then I would suggest using the popular contact form type plugins like Fast Secure Contact Form or Contact Form 7.
Take a look at those to figure out which you prefer & then couple it with this plugin to save the form data to the database. That plugin then has short codes that you can put in to display the data.

Using WordPress comments.php file as a contact form

I want to build my WP theme with a built in contact form. Something simple without captcha. I would like to use just Akismet as a spam filter. So, my first thought was to "convert" the comments.php page into a contact page template. Which I got it, but some points need to be improve.
1) When you use the contact, there is no notification if the content was sent it or not. How could I put a "Thank You" message for the user?
2) As you know, with this approach the contact info doesn't go to my email. Instead it's appear in the comments admin page. Is there any chance to make WP really send me the contact info to my email?
As I said before, I don't want to use a plugin, so if you have any idea how to help me to solve these issues or a new approach to this, it will be highly appreciated.
You should simply use php mail function with your form data. If you don't wont to use plugin, you should still look at some simple plugin for code examples.
There are a lot of free open source themes with contat form you can also use as example. You should also consider creating a wordpress child theme for the theme that already has contact form. That is clean and simple solution.
Why not use a plug-in? WHY "don't you want" to?!
It can turn 1 hour of programming to 5 minutes.
Your best bet is to edit the comment-template form so it doesn't display the comments in each page or post such as single.php, index.php, page.php
Let the form only display.
When you do that, you can go into your Settings -> "Discussion Settings"
E-mail me whenever Anyone posts a
Checkbox the above options. And you should be good to go.
