Is it possible to get analytics on PAST website activity - Wordpress - wordpress

Is there a way with Google Analytics, or maybe with something else, to get the old analytics information on the wordpress website? I have not used any kind of analytics to track visitation.
So sorry if this is a stupid question or does not make sense.

Not possible to use JS(Google Analytics, etc) to access past visitors. The only thing you can possibly do, I would assume, is viewing the past server logs and seeing whos accessed the site by I.P. You could possibly parse this to show unique ones, showing unique visitors.
Though it's not at all accurate, that's the only option you have as far as I'm aware.

Go to Find you user count, old your traffic


Pages not in directory showing up on google analytic

I've been using google analytics for my website for awhile now and haven't had any problems. Just today though I checked the all pages tab under Behavior->Site Content and found something very strange. A bunch of pages that aren't on in my websites directory are now appearing there and saying they have traffic (albeit very little). Here's a link to an image of the pages:
I've verified that non of these pages exist on my live server or in the directory on my local machine. Does anyone know what might be causing this? Or how I can get rid of these pages on my website? I've searched around on google but have had no luck figuring out whats going on.
Thanks for the help in advance!
Timothy it looks like you are just seeing Referral/Referrer Spam.
Here are a couple of my favorite links on the subject:
Definitive Guide to Removing Referral Spam
What is Referrer Spam and How to stop it
4 things you must know about Spam in Google Analytics
Its a good idea to have a Raw View with no filters, but then also a filtered view with a added, to filter out any possible hits sent by people copying your GA tracking code.

How is Google Analytics providing data for my site without the JS code?

I signed up for Google Analytics a couple months ago, but have yet to actually set up the JS snippet on my site.
Today I logged into the dashboard and I see tons of tracking data already in there.
I'm trying to figure out how Google is gathering user data on my site when I haven't even hooked up the code yet.
Also, I see a handful of hits to completely random paths on my domain (mostly foreign). Stuff like and I'm just curious why a bot would even bother trying to hit a full domain as a subpath. Or even why my site's getting hit at all (it's completely behind HTTPAuth at the moment), but I suppose that's inevitable.
Thanks for any insight.
I had the same problem a couple of months ago, it turned oud that a bot got my script and did malicious things with it. I got my self a new Analytics code and it did the trick for me.
This will probably also work for you although it it weird that they got your script without even having it published yet.

Best way to track users though a website

I'm trying to track my users through a website. I've installed google analytics but its a bit too anonymous for me. I'd like to track users on a per user/per visit basis.
Is there a service out there that does this (I can't seem to find one)? Would I be better off writing some bespoke code to do it?

Using Analytics and the Shopify App store

When setting up a Shopify App for presentation in the App store there is a text field for entering an Analytics account ID. I entered my old Analytics ID for an App, and then waiting some time before examining the results. When I logged into my Analytics account, sure enough there was a pretty line graph showing the visits from the App store patrons.
It showed me hundreds of people from the USA visited the App but nothing else.
Could someone with knowledge of Analytics suggest a couple of simple ways to get some value out of this feature? Perhaps some tips on how to configure Analytics to reveal something interesting about the visits?
Things you can try to “move some needles”:
Change the app name, copy or app banner on the short description. This intervention will affect the visits number you’re looking at.
Change the copy, video, or selling points on the app listing page. This intervention, combined with watching your visits:install rate tells you about conversion rate.
The most interesting thing for these types of listings is the referring sites, in my opinion. This will let you know how people are getting to your app and where you might be able to improve exposure.
Comparing referring sites to outcomes such as installs and reviews would also be useful because you can see how people who actually install the app get there, and the same thing with reviewers. Setting up goals in google analytics will help you track these things.

Google Analytics on non-public pages

Is good to place google analytics in pages like admistration, article edit page, ... ?
The reason why I use Google Analytics is to give important information to my clients about how their websites are being used. Because of that I wouldnt include the admin area of the website because it doesnt affect their sales or conversions.
By adding code into the admin zone you are inflating the total pageviews. If you really want to track this information then its not a disaster, you would just need to be sure to setup a profile which filters out these urls when making business decisions with your Analytics info.
Technically I think to use Google Analytics it is supposed to be on a free, public website but I guess having some of the pages locked isnt going to get your account closed.
Yes, it keeps stats on how often you or others use admin features. I also suggest that you use Google webmaster tools on them too.
