Using Analytics and the Shopify App store - google-analytics

When setting up a Shopify App for presentation in the App store there is a text field for entering an Analytics account ID. I entered my old Analytics ID for an App, and then waiting some time before examining the results. When I logged into my Analytics account, sure enough there was a pretty line graph showing the visits from the App store patrons.
It showed me hundreds of people from the USA visited the App but nothing else.
Could someone with knowledge of Analytics suggest a couple of simple ways to get some value out of this feature? Perhaps some tips on how to configure Analytics to reveal something interesting about the visits?

Things you can try to “move some needles”:
Change the app name, copy or app banner on the short description. This intervention will affect the visits number you’re looking at.
Change the copy, video, or selling points on the app listing page. This intervention, combined with watching your visits:install rate tells you about conversion rate.

The most interesting thing for these types of listings is the referring sites, in my opinion. This will let you know how people are getting to your app and where you might be able to improve exposure.
Comparing referring sites to outcomes such as installs and reviews would also be useful because you can see how people who actually install the app get there, and the same thing with reviewers. Setting up goals in google analytics will help you track these things.


Why is my Google Play Store app listing not show in Google search results?

I have my app live in Google play store for more than a week now. It is NOT available in Google Search result, even when searching with the query consisting of "exact app name + Google play store". I can get it easily when searching inside Google play store.
I have added a 1000 word app description, even submitted the app to Google search console.
Am I missing something? But that's not the real issue. I have a third party app store named in the search results with links to my app on their store.
I have not even added/submitted my app to their store. They seem to have taken everything from the Google Play store (even the screenshots + descriptions which I submitted in Play store). They are stealing the search results to google play store (which is 0). They seem to do a better job at SEO than Google Play store.
What should I do be doing ?
The issue seems to be that your app is not optimized for search engines. A quick search on Googles Dev website shows some tips to improve your search optimization Failing that, there are guides and resources available to help you improve your search rank. A major factor is popularity though.
In the Google Play store, your app gains new certification based on the number of downloads. (That's why you see the download badge in the app's page) The more downloads and positive reviews, the better search rank you will get.
If you pay to sponsor your app, you an send it to the top of the results page that way, the same way Google search ads work.
As for apkpure, if your app, or those screenshots or descriptions are copyright protected, which they are if you publish them to Google's play store, then apkpure violated copyright. Send Google a complaint, and they will handle it. That is part of why you have to pay 25 dollars for a developer account.
Best of luck to you, I hope that you can improve your search rating, and I hope your dispute is resolved.

Google analytic history after website update

We just updated our website to the most recent WordPress version and switched hosting companies. Sometime during or after the switch over, our Google Analytics plugin was deactivated. I have since re-activated it but we are unable to see the history of the analytics prior to the switch over. Is there a way to get that history back?
In general, there is no way to get hold of Google Analytics data that you didn't track at the time. There is also no way to transfer data from one account, property or view to another.
If you had Google Analytics enabled on your site before, then the data that it gathered at that point will still be kept, so long as you remember the log-in details from the time and haven't deleted the account, removed yourself from it, or similar.
However there's no way to migrate it from an old Google Analytics account to a new one, so if the problem here is that you're not seeing your old data on the new account, then this is caused by the fact that the two trackers had different unique IDs, and there's no way to rectify this.

R Shiny Page User Activity Tracking

Shiny is our internal BI system. And we are using Shiny Server to run Shiny pages. I wanted to be able to track user activities on those pages. I couldn't find many articles related to that but I noticed from Sever User Guide that it is possible to have Google Analytics tacking those activities. However, we make our Shiny pages only available when people are in our internal network. I guess the Google Analytics code may not work. Anyone has similar experience? On the other hand, is there any other ways we could track those activities? Specifically I am interested in number of visits, avg session time, and geo info of those visits. Thank you!
Added: eventually we would like to have a Shiny page (or others) as a report to track our daily usage. So if we could find a way to store our site activities without impact performance, it would be great.
Thanks for #Victorp . His comments above are what I am looking for.

Is it possible to get analytics on PAST website activity - Wordpress

Is there a way with Google Analytics, or maybe with something else, to get the old analytics information on the wordpress website? I have not used any kind of analytics to track visitation.
So sorry if this is a stupid question or does not make sense.
Not possible to use JS(Google Analytics, etc) to access past visitors. The only thing you can possibly do, I would assume, is viewing the past server logs and seeing whos accessed the site by I.P. You could possibly parse this to show unique ones, showing unique visitors.
Though it's not at all accurate, that's the only option you have as far as I'm aware.
Go to Find you user count, old your traffic

Tracking page views and interactions for individual users in a web site

I'd like to track the activity per user and know how they interact with the different options and try to track all the possible clicks performed by a user.
At best would like to use a third party tool instead to create a tracking system from scratch, that definitely will boost my project development because that's a core part of my system.
I think that google analytics can perform such tasks but I can't go into that level of detail per user.
I'm using C# / ASP.NET MVC 4
Google Analytics (free version) does not let you view data on indivual visitor basis, only aggregated reports. The only way would be to store a unique id per visitor as a custom var and segment by that variable, which would be hugely inconvenient, would quite possibly violate Googles TOS and would still not quite work the way you want to.
You could for example install Piwik (if you're on PHP/Mysql) - that's an open source tracking package that, while it's pretty much useless for ad campaign management, is a halfway decent way to track how visitors move around on your site (plus, you have access to the raw data). Be aware that Piwik doesn't scale well, you'll need a lot of hardware for a big site.
