Whitelist Controller Action in asp.net mvc 5 - asp.net

I have a question about the [Authorization] annotation. I have a controller with the [Authorization(Roles ="admin") annotation. In the controller I have one action that doesn't need to be admin, but still logged in. How is this done? I have tried creating a custom AuthorizationAttribute class, and placing it on the action. This doesn't work, is there a way to override the [Authorization] annotation?
[Authorize(Roles = "admin")]
public class UserController : Controller
public async Task<ActionResult> Details(string id)

I found the answer to my question here. I was doing it correctly but because of a bug with mvc 5 I had to implement another interface as well in my custom class:
public class OwnDataAuthorize : AuthorizeAttribute, IOverrideFilter {
/// <summary>
/// Only implemented because of a bug in MVC 5.
/// </summary>
public System.Type FiltersToOverride
get { return typeof (IAuthenticationFilter); }

There isn't a simple way to do this, except for moving the Authorize attribute into every controller method/action. So you would need to remove the [Authorize(Roles = "admin")] and add it to every method except for the one you want to authorize.
A work around would be to use the [AllowAnonymous] attribute with an if statement inside the controller action to check for IsAuthenticated:
public async Task<ActionResult> Details(string id)
//redirect to loging
//other logic here


Authorize and AllowAnonymous asp.net core

Please explain what I'm doing wrong. I need the entire controller to be available only for a specific authorized role, but one method from the controller was open to everyone. But when using [AllowAnonymous], I have everything open to everyone. How do I do this correctly?
[Authorize(Roles = "admin")]
public class FilesDBController : Controller
public FileResult DownloadFile(int id)

Asp.Net MVC 5 custom action routing under an area

i am currently trying to generate this url "/Cloud/Hosting/RoaringPenguin/Manage/Exclusions".
Here is the area registration
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
here is the controller
public class RoaringPenguinController : PortalControllerBase
public ActionResult Exclusions()
return View("Exclusions");
i have tried added a route onto the action itself like so
public ActionResult Exclusions()
I have also tried adding some attributes to the controller itself
public class RoaringPenguinController : PortalControllerBase
but that doesn't seem to work either. If i leave all the attributes off then the final url i get is "/Cloud/Hosting/RoaringPenguin/Exclusions".
Does anyone know how i can get the "Manage" in the url as well?
Just to confirm i have the following set in my RegisterRoutes method under the RouteConfig class
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Your default area route doesn't allow for the "Manage/Exclusions" part on the end. If you made the URL just /Cloud/Hosting/RoaringPenguin/Exclusions (minus the Manage part of the path) it would work fine.
If you need the route to be exactly that, then attribute routing is your best bet. However, your mentioned attempts at that are all missing something or another. Your controller should be decorated with both RouteArea and RoutePrefix to compose the first part of the path:
[RouteArea("Hosting", AreaPrefix = "Cloud/Hosting")]
public class RoaringPenguinController : Controller
However, it's typical to actually implement a base controller when dealing with areas, so that you can specify RouteArea in just one place:
[RouteArea("Hosting", AreaPrefix = "Cloud/Hosting")]
public class HostingBaseController : Controller
public class RoaringPenguinController : HostingBaseController
Then, on your action:
public ActionResult Exclusions()
As you had.
Try with this code
[RouteArea("AreaName", AreaPrefix = "Cloud/Hosting")]
public class SampleController : Controller
public ActionResult Exclusions()
return View("Exclusions");
public class RoaringPenguinController : PortalControllerBase
public ActionResult Exclusions()
return View("Exclusions");
This will be the first line
After that only you have to write this line

Authorization has been denied for this request error when running webapi in MVC project

I have created an ASP.Net MVC project with WebApi option. Then modified the values controller with the code below:
public class ValuesController : ApiController
static List<string> data = initList();
private static List<string> initList()
var ret = new List<string>();
ret.Add( "value2" );
return ret;
// GET api/values
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return data ;
// GET api/values/5
public string Get(int id)
return data[id];
// POST api/values
public void Post([FromBody]string value)
// PUT api/values/5
public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value)
data[id] = value;
// DELETE api/values/5
public void Delete(int id)
When I am running the project and navigating to API/values URL, the following image is showing error.
The error description in text is:
Authorization has been denied for this request.
Have a look at the following article about
Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Web API
It will explain the different ways of how to use the [Authorize] and [AllowAnonymous] attribute on your controller/actions and any configurations you would need to do.
The following was taken from the linked article above:
Using the [Authorize] Attribute
Web API provides a built-in authorization filter,
AuthorizeAttribute. This filter checks whether the user is
authenticated. If not, it returns HTTP status code 401 (Unauthorized),
without invoking the action.
You can apply the filter globally, at the controller level, or at the
level of inidivual actions.
Globally: To restrict access for every Web API controller, add the
AuthorizeAttribute filter to the global filter list:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config){
config.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeAttribute());
Controller: To restrict access for a specific controller, add the
filter as an attribute to the controller:
// Require authorization for all actions on the controller.
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Get(int id) { ... }
public HttpResponseMessage Post() { ... }
Action: To restrict access for specific actions, add the attribute to
the action method:
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Get() { ... }
// Require authorization for a specific action.
public HttpResponseMessage Post() { ... }
Alternatively, you can restrict the controller and then allow
anonymous access to specific actions, by using the [AllowAnonymous]
attribute. In the following example, the Post method is restricted,
but the Get method allows anonymous access.
public class ValuesController : ApiController {
public HttpResponseMessage Get() { ... }
public HttpResponseMessage Post() { ... }
In the previous examples, the filter allows any authenticated user to
access the restricted methods; only anonymous users are kept out. You
can also limit access to specific users or to users in specific roles:
// Restrict by user:
public class ValuesController : ApiController
// Restrict by role:
public class ValuesController : ApiController
So, I've been dealing with this error for awhile.
I didn't understand it at first, so I just removed and lived with it.
I finally got sick of it, because it's rather stupid. Microsoft wants a user to be authorized before they have signed in.
My error was looking for GET method which asks for HomeTown. In my case, I had changed it to CityCode.
Since the user is not logged in, there is no CityCode to GET. So, you get either a 402 or a 500 Resource Not Found.
I still don't understand it so, I gave CityCode some default data. So, from MeController I put the following code:
Public Function [Get]() As GetViewModel
Dim userInfo As ApplicationUser = UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId())
Return New GetViewModel() With {.CityCode = "94110"}
End Function
App loads completely error free now.
This is a quick fix, not a certified solution.

Securing ajax calls in a ASP.NET MVC application

I have an ASP.NET MVC based application that allows different levels of access depending on the user. The way it currently works is when a user accesses a page, a check is done against the database to determine the rights that user has. The view is then selected based on the level of access that user has. Some users see more data and have more functionality available to them than do others. Each page also makes a variety of ajax calls to display and update the data displayed on the page.
My question is what is the best way to ensure that a particular ajax call originated from the view and was not crafted manually to return or update data the user does not have access to? I would prefer not to have to go to the database to re-check every time an ajax call is made since that was already done when the user initially loaded the page.
Check out the Authorize Attribute, you can put it on an entire controller or just specific methods within your controller.
[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
public class AdminController : Controller
//your code here
public class AdminController : Controller
//Available to everyone
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
//Just available to users in the Administrator role.
[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
public ActionResult AdminOnlyIndex()
return View();
Alternately, you can write a custom Authorize attribute to provide your own logic.
public class CustomAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
IPrincipal user = httpContext.User;
var validRoles = Roles.Split(',');//Roles will be a parameter when you use the Attribute
List<String> userRoles = GetRolesFromDb(user);//This will be a call to your database to get the roles the user is in.
return validRoles.Intersect(userRoles).Any();
To use:
[CustomAuthorizeAttribute(Roles = "Admin,Superuser")]
public class AdminController : Controller {
If iyou are using a post use
If iyou are using a get use
You can also use this custom attribute
public class HttpAjaxRequestAttribute : ActionMethodSelectorAttribute
public override bool IsValidForRequest(ControllerContext controllerContext, System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo)
if (!controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
throw new Exception("This action " + methodInfo.Name + " can only be called via an Ajax request");
return true;
Then decorate your action as below
public ActionResult FillCity(int State)
//code here
Remember to "Mark/Tick" if this solve your problem.
It depends on what type of session mechanisam you are using . Are you using default membership provider ? If not than you can pass user's id and sessionid make sure that user session is valid and user has required permission to make that call .
Along with the Authorize attribute, you can also allow only Ajax requests using custom attributes as shown here.

ASP MVC Authorize all actions except a few

I have a controller and I would like to require Authorization for all actions by default except a couple. So in the example below all actions should require authentication except the Index. I don't want to decorate every action with the Authorize, I just want to override the default authorization in certain circumstances probably with a custom filter such as NotAuthorize.
public class HomeController : BaseController
public ActionResult Index()
// This one wont
return View();
public ActionResult About()
// This action will require authorization
return View();
Ok, this is what I did. If there is a better way let me know.
public class NotAuthorizeAttribute : FilterAttribute
// Does nothing, just used for decoration
public class BaseController : Controller
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
// Check if this action has NotAuthorizeAttribute
object[] attributes = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(true);
if (attributes.Any(a => a is NotAuthorizeAttribute)) return;
// Must login
if (!filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
What about [AllowAnonymous] ??
MVC4 has a new attribute exactly meant for this [AllowAnonymous] (as pointed out by Enrico)
public ActionResult Register()
Read all about it here:
Here's what I would do, similar to Craig's answer with a couple of changes:
1) Create an ordinary attribute deriving from System.Attribute (no need to derive from FilterAttribute since you aren't going to be using anything FilterAttribute provides).
Maybe create a class hierarchy of attributes so you can test based on the hierarchy, e.g.
2) In your BaseController override the OnAuthorization method rather than the OnActionExecuting method:
protected override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
var authorizationAttributes = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(true).OfType<AuthorizationAttribute>();
bool accountRequired = !authorizationAttributes.Any(aa => aa is AuthorizationNotRequiredAttribute);
I like the approach of being secure by default: even if you forget to put an attribute on the Action it will at least require a user to be logged in.
Use a custom filter as described in Securing your ASP.NET MVC 3 Application.
Mark the controller with [Authorize]
public class YourController : ApiController
Mark actions you want public with :
Little late to the party, but I ended up creating a Controller-level auth attribute and an Action-level auth attribute and just skipping over the Controller auth if the Action had its own Auth attribute. See code here:
