ASP.NET Access to path '\\xxxx' is denied -

I know this has come up in other questions, but none seem as simple:
I have a UNC share on another machine, with security set to Full Control for Everyone. If I log into my web server, I can access this share.
However when I try to access it using Directory.GetFiles(path) in the ASP.NET code, it returns an Access to the path \\xxxx is denied. error.
Also oddly, when I run the same website from my local visual studio web server, but pointing at the same path, the directory can be accessed fine.
What am i missing here?!

Add IUSR, IIS_IUSRS as suggested by Carlos487 and Network Service as well with full control on the directory that you are trying to access with your application. Hope this helps.


Access to the path is denied, when writing to a shared folder

I am using and from my code I am trying to write files to a shared folder on another PC in the same domain.
I am getting an exception.
UnauthorisedAccessException. Access to the path 'sharedfoldername' is denied.
I gave full access permission to everyone on the specified folder with no luck.
I should probably, write this in comment but I don't have enough rep yet, I will update my answer as you answer my questions.
Do you access the shared folder from the server/PC where the application is hosted ? You can create a file with Windows Explorer ?
Does the code is hosted on IIS ?

ASP.NET Access to the path denied, on Web Server

I am having a problem, that is when I deployed my 4.0 application on my web server i am unable to write to App_Data folder. Actually it has an xml file which I am trying to write some information into. I am getting the following error.
Access to the path 'C:\HostingSpaces\hosterind\\wwwroot\App_Data\ErrorLog.xml' is denied.
I tried searching every corner for a possible solution before posting on stackoverflow but i am unable to fix this. Searching similar questions on internet (stackoverflow too) i concluded that i need to handle it through IIS as everywhere it was quoted on internet to grant permission to App_Data folder through IIS Manager. As accessing IIS Manager of your web hosting server is impossible, i supposed people are referring to my local IIS server. So, i copied my project which i was developing in visual studio from location: C:\Users\DanComputer\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\WebSites\MyWebProject and pasted into C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Then i located my project in IIS Manager by selecting DefaultAppPool as application pool. I changed my App_Data folder permission to allow full control for IIS_IUSRS(DanComputer\IISUSRS). Then i copied my App_Data folder to my web hosting space using ftp software but it didn't solve my problem. I tried many thing even changing permission to allow full control for everyone but it did't work and i am still getting the same error. Any help please?
You need to know what is the identity of the Application Pool of your app. You can get this information from IIS or console. It is possible that your hosing company may have a control panel that can give you that information.
Then you need to give permissions to the account in the app pool identity the names will be the same or at least be very similar to what you saw in IIS:
So using my examples above I will have to give permissions to Local Service or Network Service to read/write my app_data folder.

Access to the path is denied error

There's a lot of questions floating around on here and the web, however I couldn't resolve my issue with them.
My app pool user is set to NETWORK SERVICE, and I've verified on the folder that it is has full access (Every permission is checked). However, when I initiate a GET request to download a file it says Access to the path is denied.
I'm using .NET 4 and webforms on IIS6.
So the problem ended up being that the file itself didn't have the NETWORK SERVICE user assigned to it as I dragged the files into that directory without having the web site create them.
I was under the impression that setting the user on a directory would affect files within.

Error - "Access denied to the path"

I have an application having a class library referenced in the web project i.e.I am calling a class library method with the parameters (file path in the server machine). I tried accessing the path from the class library. I am getting the error saying ""
I am using windows server 2003 machine and I have given permissions to ASPNET and tried giving to IUSR_Machine but couldnt find the name.
I checked in Google, said like, need to add network services account. How to add this and is there any need to add for running an asp net application in windows server 2003.
please suggest the solution for this.
Thanks in Advance
as far as I know you need the "network service" user to have access to the folder your website is.
you can add this user rights same as you would any other user.
check the user in ApplicationPool, and set is access to the folder/files that you need to access FileUpload control problem: access to directory is denied

Im trying to use the fileupload control. Im using Visual Web Developer Express on my desktop.
My web application is working fine except I cant use the fileUpload control. I get the following error:
ERROR: Access to the path (My_Directory) is denied
I searched and it appears to be a permissions problem. So I attempted to add the user ASPNET and give appropriate permissions to the directory, however, I was unable to add user "ASPNET". User "ASPNET" was not found.
So then I followed the following directions to add user ASPNET via Control Panel > Administration > Computer management. So now I was able to add user ASPNET to the directory and give appropriate permissions but I still got the above error.
Any ideas on why I cant access the directory?
If you're using Vista/Windows 7/Win2003/Win2008, the user you need is the Network Service account. You can verify by seeing what user your application pool is running under.
Grant the proper permissions to that account (if indeed it's the account that your application pool is running under) and you'll be golden. Note also that with Windows 7 and Win2008, the default account could be the ApplicationPoolIdentity, which you can find out more information about at Regardless, you can simply switch the account that your application pool is running under to the Network Service account to verify that that is the issue.
Ever figure this out? If you're overwriting files check to make sure they aren't set to read-only.
I've handled these permissions plenty before and had tried everything in the book and on this site and others (I'm on Win7, IIS7.5 also). Sometimes it's the silly little things...
