Error - "Access denied to the path" -

I have an application having a class library referenced in the web project i.e.I am calling a class library method with the parameters (file path in the server machine). I tried accessing the path from the class library. I am getting the error saying ""
I am using windows server 2003 machine and I have given permissions to ASPNET and tried giving to IUSR_Machine but couldnt find the name.
I checked in Google, said like, need to add network services account. How to add this and is there any need to add for running an asp net application in windows server 2003.
please suggest the solution for this.
Thanks in Advance

as far as I know you need the "network service" user to have access to the folder your website is.
you can add this user rights same as you would any other user.

check the user in ApplicationPool, and set is access to the folder/files that you need to access


ASP.NET Access to path '\\xxxx' is denied

I know this has come up in other questions, but none seem as simple:
I have a UNC share on another machine, with security set to Full Control for Everyone. If I log into my web server, I can access this share.
However when I try to access it using Directory.GetFiles(path) in the ASP.NET code, it returns an Access to the path \\xxxx is denied. error.
Also oddly, when I run the same website from my local visual studio web server, but pointing at the same path, the directory can be accessed fine.
What am i missing here?!
Add IUSR, IIS_IUSRS as suggested by Carlos487 and Network Service as well with full control on the directory that you are trying to access with your application. Hope this helps.

Hosting ASP.NET in IIS7 gives Access is denied?

I have setup a application in my IIS7 that uses .NET Framework 4.0 (runned by NetworkService) but when browsing the site I get this:
Access is denied.
Description: An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. You might not have permission to view the requested resources.
Error message 401.3: You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied (access denied due to Access Control Lists). Ask the Web server's administrator to give you access to*
I have tried to give NetworkService full permission on the folder that holds the website (the one that the web application in IIS is pointing against) but I do still get the access denied?
I gave access to "IIS_IUser" but instead it should be "IUSR". That solved the problem.
For me, nothing worked except the following, which solved the problem: open IIS, select the site, open Authentication (in the IIS section), right click Anonymous Authentication and select Edit, select Application Pool Identity.
I had the same problem, I enabled "Anonymous Authentication" but it still did not work.
So I also ENABLED "Forms Authentication" Then it worked without any problems.
OS : Windows 7 & IIS 7
If you still have permission denied after adding IUSR & NETWORK SERVICE.
Add also IIS_WPG. The addition of this last user solved my problem.
For people who can't find those users:
when you're trying to add a user in security of the folder (properties of the folder), click on "Advanced" of the window "Select Users or Groups". Change the location to the computer name then click on "Find Now". You'll find those users in the list below.
If you're using Anonymous Authentication, IIS 7 will use the "IUSR" account for directory access (unless you've set it to use the app pool identity. If you haven't granted IUSR sufficient permissions on your site's folders and files, you'll get this error
For me in windows 7 it started to work only after I gave 'Read & execute', 'List folder contents', 'Read' permissions to site folder for both users
Tried most of the solutions here, but no luck. What worked for me was adding "Everyone" to the security permissions. Properties -> Security -> Edit -> Add -> Everyone. The given defaults were enough for me to regain access.
In the near future, I should probably figure out what credentials are being sent to the server so that I can give proper permissions. But I hope it helps someone!
In the Authentication settings for APP itself (IN IIS), see if you have anonymous enabled.
We need to create a new user ComputerName\IUSR by going to the website folder-->Properties--->Security--->Edit-->Add and give read access. This would work definitely.
This solution is for IIS7
I went round and round on this and it turned out to be improperly set default page. Hope this helps someone else avoid an hour of wasted time.
In my case running c:\windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe /i resolved the 403 access denied issue.
Checking the Application Pool Identity in Anonymous Authentication and enabling Forms Authentication would solve problem for access denied error. 😁
After some thinking and a lot of of trial and error I found out that this error occurred because part of my web.config was encrypted and for some reason the key was no longer valid.
Re-encrypting the config section solved the issue.
After watching this tutorial :
I had the same problem using RDP ( windows server 2016 Datacenter )
i followed the tutorial above & enbaled my directory browsing options from the IIS internet infromation services manager.
what you want to do is to access your IIS manager , you can check out the tutorial above to learn how to access IIS manager if you have trouble acessing there , it was useful for me that's why I'm sharing then ... go to :
you should gave access to IUSER
( or application tool identity , depends or what you want to work with )
and your problem would be solved! :)
Also you need to check your firewall and TCP settings , if ping between two machines didn't work for you , you can check this out :
It was due to WWWRoot directory security issue.
Simple solution is, Just copy applicatio folder to some other drive, Instead of "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot"
and then create a virtual directory for this new path. That's it.
If the IUSR user is already specified in Authentication and you're still getting this issue, it could be that your Directory Listing isn't enabled. Be sure to check that. That was the case for me.
This is what happened to me:
Get - Post is ok. Working well.
When I try to use Options verb, the server return error like that.
Then, beware with urlScan
I add OPTIONS verb to urlscan configuration .ini file, then everything works well.
To check if urlscan is installed or not, open your iis manager, and open ISAPI FILTERS url scan should appear at the list.
I was also facing the same issue,
Everything was normal all the rights were given to the user and for folder as well.
After many research i found that the wwwroot (Source code folder) was shared with some other user.
I stopped sharing and it worked like a charm.
I was facing this issue after pulling from remote master and adding to the appsettings on web.config.
I solved it by enabling Windows Authentication:
Click on the project and press f4
Make sure Windows Auth is enabled:

How to give NT AUTHORITY\IUSR access to shared folder content?

I find something related, but not same thing.
The error "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\IUSR'" in ASP.NET and SQL Server 2008
My issue is that the files are shared on the network, and I would like to debug from local IIS, I find that all static files seems to be access denied (401.3)
I have used the trace system, and find that the IIS is accessing the source using "NT AUTHORITY\IUSR"
Url http://localhost:8451/umbraco_client/panel/images/panel_boxhead_h2_bg.gif
App Pool Debug451
Authentication anonymous
User from token NT AUTHORITY\IUSR
Activity ID
I have set the shared folder to be accessible to everyone, and changed the application pool's identity to domain administrator.
I have also tried to use 'Network Service' as identity and assign Domain\MachineName$ full access to the shared folder...
It looks to me that iis always using "NT AUTHORITY\IUSR" to access static resouce? If so, how can I give access on a shared folder to a local account? Or how can I force IIS to use some other identity?
as there are some new answer to this old question which I gave up at that time. I accentually have encounter this similar issue again recently on a server running windows 2008 R2, which I resolved, and I would like to give some update.
I resolve the issue this time by add read permission to $ComputerName/Users. This seems only an issue with server environment, and not sure if related to any group policy or similar kind. Hope this might help someone in future.
Once you have configured the user of the application pool to have access permission to the shared folder ( create a new user in windows and add it to the IUSER group, and add specifique access rights to the shared folder for that user), YOU HAVE TO change in IIS the Authentification settings: IIS->site that need access->Authentification settings -> anonymous authentification->edit->select aplication pool identity (instead of IUSER).
Make sure you have enabled IIS to serve static content. I had this issue, too, and it drove me nuts until I figured that out.
In "Turn Windows Features on or off", go to "Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Common HTTP Features > Static Content" (for Windows 7; you'll have to find the similar option in XP).
I don't know how much this will help, but also see Microsoft's documentation.
this worked for me, thanks.
Go to the Shared Folder –> right click –> properties -> security –>edit –> add (so far as usual ) -> choose object types –> check on computers –> now enter the computer name where your application is working from , where you published your application
You can try $[computername]\IUSR > you'll want to use advanced search to look this one up in windows permissions.
Or... you can set up your shared folder as drive on IIS's local and access it that way. So [serverb]\share becomes mapped to a letter on server A and IIS accesses it that way.
Set the identity of the application pool by going to advanced settings:
Remember to edit the Anonymous Authentication and either use the application pool identity or else specify a user account that has access to the resource you are wanting to access FileUpload control problem: access to directory is denied

Im trying to use the fileupload control. Im using Visual Web Developer Express on my desktop.
My web application is working fine except I cant use the fileUpload control. I get the following error:
ERROR: Access to the path (My_Directory) is denied
I searched and it appears to be a permissions problem. So I attempted to add the user ASPNET and give appropriate permissions to the directory, however, I was unable to add user "ASPNET". User "ASPNET" was not found.
So then I followed the following directions to add user ASPNET via Control Panel > Administration > Computer management. So now I was able to add user ASPNET to the directory and give appropriate permissions but I still got the above error.
Any ideas on why I cant access the directory?
If you're using Vista/Windows 7/Win2003/Win2008, the user you need is the Network Service account. You can verify by seeing what user your application pool is running under.
Grant the proper permissions to that account (if indeed it's the account that your application pool is running under) and you'll be golden. Note also that with Windows 7 and Win2008, the default account could be the ApplicationPoolIdentity, which you can find out more information about at Regardless, you can simply switch the account that your application pool is running under to the Network Service account to verify that that is the issue.
Ever figure this out? If you're overwriting files check to make sure they aren't set to read-only.
I've handled these permissions plenty before and had tried everything in the book and on this site and others (I'm on Win7, IIS7.5 also). Sometimes it's the silly little things...

IIS 6.0 Access Permissions to Remote Share

When setting up a virtual directory under IIS using a UNC path to a remote share, what user identity should I be expecting to see the read request to the share come under?
I've setup the above scenario and configured the user under 'Connect As' as a known user who has permissions on the remote share, which I checked with Windows Explorer.
However, when trying to access a file from within a web browser on the share using http://localhost/myfiles/atestfile.txt, I am getting an HTTP Error 401.5 - Unauthorized: Authorization failed by an ISAPI/CGI application error returned. 'myfiles' is mapped to the remote share and atestfile.txt resides in the shared folder.
If I use sysinternals filemon application to see what process and user the read request to the share is being carried out under, then I get the details that the request is through the w3wp.exe process and the user is shown as "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK".
I was expecting the user to be shown as the user I confugured under the 'Connect As' option.
Any guidance appreciated.
If i recall correctly (used iis about 4 years ago) it was IUSR_. I'm not sure that it's still so, but give it a try.
Edit: try to give a look at this post, maybe you will find some clues ;)
Did you try it also with other file extensions than "txt", maybe "test.html"? What DLL is used for txt in the ISAPI extensions configuration (web -> Home Directory -> Configuration...)?
The section "To configure security and authentication for a virtual directory" in the MSDN article "How to: Create and Configure Virtual Directories in IIS 5.0 and 6.0" should contain the information you'll need for finding the right configuration.
I guess the account used in the security settings should be able to access the network share. This could be accomplished inserting the account in the right group or changing that account.
