Ansible 1.6 include with_items deprecated - deprecated

So looks like this feature has been deprecated, i really don't understand why, Ansible CTO's says that we should use instead with_nested but honestly i have no idea how to do it,
Here's my playboook:
- hosts: all
user: root
- sites:
- site:
repo: ssh://
nginx_ssl: true;
- path1/file1.txt
- path2/file2.php
- path2/file3.php
- site:
repo: ssh://
- site:
repo: ssh://
- path2/file2.php
- name: Bootstrap Sites
include: bootstrap_site.yml site={{item}}
And the error message when trying to execute this in Ansible 1.6.6:
ERROR: [DEPRECATED]: include + with_items is a removed deprecated feature. Please update your playbooks.
How can i convert this playbook to something that works with this ansible version?

There's no drop-in replacement, unfortunately. Some things you can do:
Pass the list to your included file and iterate there. In your playbook:
- site1
- site2
- include: bootstrap_site.yml sites={{sites}}
And in bootstrap_site.yml:
- some_Task: ...
with_items: sites
- another_task: ...
with_items: sites
Rewrite bootstrap_site as a module (in python, bash, whatever), put it in a library dir next to your playbook. Then you could do:
- bootstrap_site: site={{item}}
with_items: sites
Update: Ansible V2 is out and brings back the include + with_items combo loop!

I found an answer to circumvent the blahblah-deprecated message... as asked in the original post.
I added a file vars/filenames.yml:
- file1
- file2
- file3
Next I read these names at the beginning of the playbook:
- name: read filenames
include_vars: vars/filenames.yml
Then, I can use them later:
- name: Copy files 1
copy: src=/filesrc1/{{ item }} dest=/filedest1/{{ item }} owner=me group=we
with_items: filenames
and so on....


Set up a conditional based on file.managed in SaltStack

I have a SaltStack state file (sls) that has a pretty simple state defined.
- source: salt://scripts/rule.ps1
- name: 'c:\scripts\rule.ps1'
- name: powershell c:\scripts\rule.ps1
- require:
- file: MyStateRule
When I run a state.apply command, the appears to execute every time, which I can see makes sense. What I want is to only run when the managed file needs to be copied over to the minion. Can I use file.managed in that case? What do I need to change, such that the script only runs when the file is copied over?
Got it -- rather than using "require," use onchanges:
- name: powershell c:\scripts\rule.ps1
- onchanges:
- file: MyStateRule

Passing Host IP address into and ini files

I am currently trying to deploy Log-rhythm out into our environment that consists of 100+ Servers with the help of SaltStack:
While I am able to copy files over to a Windows minion with the use of file.managed, I am facing some difficulty in the process getting the IP Address of the minion server and adding this both to the .ini file and file.
I would like to be able to do this for each minion that is connected to Salt:
While running salt -G 'roles:logging' state.apply. I seem to be getting the following error:
Rendering SLS 'base:pacakage-logrhythm' failed: Jinja variable 'dict object' has no attribute 'fqdn_ip4':
I was able to resolve the issue within the ini files: by placing the following
ClientAddress={{ grains['fqdn_ip4'][0] }}
currently having issues with passing grains into the section of the program:
- name: C:\logrhythm
- source: salt://logrhythm/proxy1.ini
- name: c:\logrhythm\proxy1.ini
- template: jinja
- source: salt://logrhythm/proxy2.ini
- name: c:\logrhythm\proxy2.ini
- tempalte: jinja
- name: c:\logrhythm\LRSystemMonitor_64_7.4.2.8003.exe
- source: salt://logrhythm/LRSystemMonitor_64_7.4.2.8003.exe
- name: 'LRSystemMonitor_64_7.4.2.8003.exe /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=System_Monitor,RT_FIM_Driver HOST=<> SERVERPORT=443 CLIENTADDRESS={{ grains[''fqdn_ip4''][0] }} CLIENTPORT=0"'
- cwd: C:\logrhythm
I think it should work. You may have a problem with the multiple quotes you use: simple then double then simple. Trying removing the simple quotes englobing all the command and the two simple for accessing the grains dict.
- name: LRSystemMonitor_64_7.4.2.8003.exe /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=System_Monitor,RT_FIM_Driver HOST=<> SERVERPORT=443 CLIENTADDRESS={{ grains['fqdn_ip4'][0] }} CLIENTPORT=0"

Ansible - check mode with file module and dependent steps

In my ansible playbooks, I often have steps like "create a directory and then do something in it", e.g.:
- name: Create directory
path: "{{ tomcat_directory }}"
state: directory
- name: Extract tomcat
src: 'tomcat.tar.gz'
dest: '{{ tomcat_directory }}'
When I run this playbook, it works perfectly fine. However, when I run this playbook in check mode, the first step succeeds (folder would have been created), but the second one fails, because the folder does not exist.
Is there any way how I could write steps like these where I create folder and then operate in it while also being able to run the playbook in check mode (without skipping such steps)?
Check mode can be a bit of a pain. You only really have two options:
1) Add conditionals to tasks to skip them in check mode, which you don't want to do. For reference tho:
when: not ansible_check_mode
2) You can change the behaviour of the task in check mode. If you set check_mode: no on a task, then in check mode it will behave as it would in a normal run. That is to say, despite you specifying check mode, it will actually perform the task and create the dir if it does not already exist. You have to make a choice if you are happy for a given task to run for real in check mode, so it tends to only be appropriate for low risk tasks, but does provide you a route to continue testing the rest of your playbook that is dependent on the step in question.
Ansible Check Mode Docs
You could make use of the ignore_errors task option, along with the ansible_check_mode variable, to ignore errors with your Extract tomcat task only when running in check mode, e.g.:
- name: Create directory
path: "{{ tomcat_directory }}"
state: directory
- name: Extract tomcat
src: 'tomcat.tar.gz'
dest: '{{ tomcat_directory }}'
ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}"
Running this in check mode will show the Extract tomcat task failed due to dest not existing. However, instead of failing the playbook, the task failure will be marked as ignored and playbook execution will continue.
An option would be to "register: result" and test "when: result.state is defined"
- name: Create directory
path: "{{ tomcat_directory }}"
state: directory
register: result
- name: Extract tomcat
src: 'tomcat.tar.gz'
dest: '{{ tomcat_directory }}'
when: result.state is defined

Generating documentation for salt stack states

I have a repository with salt states for provisioning my cluster of servers in the cloud. Over time, I kept on adding more states - the .sls files - into this repo. Now im starting to struggle what is what and what is where.
I am wondering if there is a there is some software utility/package that will generate documentation off my states repository, preferably as html pages, so that I can browse them and see their interdependencies.
The state sls files look like this:
- states.core.pip
- require:
- sls: states.core.pip
- require:
- sls: states.core.pip
And another sls example:
{% set user_home = '/home/username' %}
- name: {{ user_home }}/.virtualenvs/my_executable_virtualenv
- user: username
- system_site_packages: False
- pip_pkgs:
- requests
- numpy
- pip_upgrade: True
- require:
- sls: states.core
- name: /etc/supervisor/conf.d/my_executable.conf
- source: salt://files/supervisor_config/my_executable.conf
- user: username
- group: username
- mode: 644
- makedirs: False
- require:
- sls: states.core
I did some research and found that salt stack has created one. It does work as HTML pages too. According to the documentation. If you have python installed installing Sphinx is as easy as doing
C:\> pip install sphinx
Salt-stacks docs on this can be found here. According to the docs making the HTML documentation is as easy as doing:
cd /path/to/salt/doc
make HTML
I hope this answer is what you were looking for!
This needs a custom plugin which needs to be written.
There is no plugins directly available to render sls files.
There are some plugins available for rendering YAML files, may be you can modify the same to suite your requirement.
You can use some of the functions in the state module to list all the everything in the highstate for a minion:
# salt-call state.show_states --out=yaml
- ufw.package.install
- ufw.config.file
- ufw.service.enable
- ufw.service.reload
- ufw.config.applications
- ufw.service.running
- apt.apt_conf
- apt.unattended
- cacerts
- kerberos
- network
- editor
- mounts
- openssh
- openssh.config_ini
- openssh.known_hosts
And then view the compiled data for each one (also works with states not in the highstate):
# salt-call state.show_sls editor --out=yaml
- installed
- order: 10000
__sls__: csrf.editor
__env__: base
- path: /usr/bin/vim.tiny
- set
- order: 10001
__sls__: csrf.editor
__env__: base
Or to get the entire highstate at once with state.show_highstate.
I'm not aware of any tools to build HTML documentation from that. You'd have to do that yourself.
To access all states (not just a particular highstate), you can use salt-run fileserver.file_list | grep '.sls$' to find every state, and salt-run state.orchestrate_show_sls to get the rendered data for each (though you may need to supply pillar data).

In saltstack, how do I conditionally, and iteratively ( jinja ) apply an included state

This may seem at first to be pretty simple. But I can tell you I've been wracking my brains for a couple days on this. I've read a lot of docs, sat on IRC with folks, and spoken to colleagues and at this point I don't have an answer I really think holds up.
I've looked into a few possible approaches
orchestration runner
I don't like these two because of the top down execution necessity... they seem tailored to orchestrating multiple node states, not workflows in a single node.
custom states
This is kind of something I would REALLY like to avoid as this is a repeated workflow, and I don't want to build customizations like this. There's too much room for non legibility if I go down this path with my team mates.
requires / watches
These don't have a concept ( that I am aware of ) of applying a state repeatedly, or in a logical order / workflow.
And a few others I won't mention.
Without further discussion, here's my dilemma.
Jenkins Master gets Deployed
We can unit.test the deployment as it proceeds
We only restart tomcat when necessary
We can update plugins on a per package basis
A big emphasis on good clean intuitively clear salt configs
Jenkins deployment is pretty straight forward. We drop in the packages, and the configs, and we're set.
Unit testing is harder. As an example I've got this state file.
# Hit's the jenkins CLI interface to check for version info
# This can be used to verify that jenkins is active and the version we want
# Import some info
{%- from 'jenkins/init.sls' import jenkins_home with context %}
# Install plugins in jenkins_plugins list
- name: java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s "" version
- cwd: /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/
- user: jenkins
actions.version basically verifies that jenkins is running and queryable. we want to be sure of this during the build at several points.
example... tomcat takes time to spin up. we had to add a delay to that restart operation. If you check out start.sls below you can see that operation occurring. Note the bug open on init_delay: .
# Starts the tomcat service
- name: tomcat
- enable: True
- full_restart: True
# Not functional atm see -->
# - init_delay: 120
# initiate a 120 second delay after any service start to let tomcat come up.
- name: test.sleep
- length: 60
- jenkins.actions.version
Now we have this restart capability by doing an actions.stop and an actions.start. We have this actions.version state that we can use to verify that the system is ready to proceed with jenkins specific state workflows.
I want to do something kinda like this...
Install Jenkins --> Grab yaml of plugins --> install plugins that need it
Pretty straight forward.
Except, to loop through the yaml of plugins I am using Jinja.
And now I have no way to call and be sure that the start.sls and version.sls states can be repeatedly applied.
I am looking for, a good way to do that.
This would be something akin to a jenkins.sls
{% set repo_username = "foo" -%}
{% set repo_password = "bar" -%}
- jenkins.actions.version
- jenkins.actions.stop
- jenkins.actions.start
# Install Jenkins
- installed
# Import Jenkins Plugins as List, and Working Path
{%- from 'jenkins/init.sls' import jenkins_home with context %}
{%- import_yaml "jenkins/plugins.sls" as jenkins_plugins %}
{%- import_yaml "jenkins/custom-plugins.sls" as custom_plugins %}
# Grab updated package list
- name: curl -L | sed '1d;$d' > {{ jenkins_home }}/updates/default.json
- unless: test -d {{ jenkins_home }}/updates/default.json
- require:
- pkg: jenkins
- service: tomcat
# Install plugins in jenkins_plugins list
{% for plugin in jenkins_plugins %}
jenkins-plugin-{{ plugin }}:
- name: java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s "" install-plugin "{{ plugin }}"
- unless: java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s "" list-plugins | grep "{{ plugin }}"
- cwd: /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/
- user: jenkins
- require:
- pkg: jenkins
- service: tomcat
Here is where I am stuck. require won't do this. and lists
of actions don't seem to schedule linearly in salt. I need to
be able to just verify that jenkins is up and ready. I need
to be able to restart tomcat after a single plugin in the
iteration is added. I need to be able to do this to satisfy
dependencies in the plugin order.
- sls: jenkins.actions.version
- sls: jenkins.actions.stop
- sls: jenkins.actions.start
# This can't work for several reasons
# - watch_in:
# - sls: jenkins-safe-restart
{% endfor %}
# Install custom plugins in the custom_plugins list
{% for cust_plugin,cust_plugin_url in custom_plugins.iteritems() %}
# manually downloading the plugin, because jenkins-cli.jar doesn't seem to work direct to artifactory URLs.
download-plugin-{{ cust_plugin }}:
- name: curl -o {{ cust_plugin }}.jpi -O "https://{{ repo_username }}:{{ repo_password }}#{{ cust_plugin_url }}"
- unless: java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s "" list-plugins | grep "{{ cust_plugin }}"
- cwd: /tmp
- user: jenkins
- require:
- pkg: jenkins
- service: tomcat
# installing the plugin ( REQUIRES TOMCAT RESTART AFTER )
custom-plugin-{{ cust_plugin }}:
- name: java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s "" install-plugin /tmp/{{ cust_plugin }}.jpi
- unless: java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s "" list-plugins | grep "{{ cust_plugin }}"
- cwd: /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/
- user: jenkins
- require:
- pkg: jenkins
- service: tomcat
{% endfor %}
You won't be able to achieve this without using reactors, beacons and especially not without writing your own python execution modules.
Jenkins Master gets Deployed
Write a jenkins execution module in python with a function install(...):. In that function you would manage any dependencies by either calling existing execution modules or by writing them yourself.
We can unit.test the deployment as it proceeds
Inside the install function of the jenkins module you would fire specific events depending on the results of the install.
if not _run_deployment_phase(...):
__salt__['event.send']('jenkins/install/error', {
'finished': False,
'message': "Something failed during the deployment!",
You would map that event to reactor sls files and handle it.
We only restart tomcat when necessary
Write a tomcat module. Add an _is_up(...) function where you would check if tomcat is up by parsing the tomcat logs for the result. Call the function inside a state module and add a mod_watch function.
def mod_watch():
# required dict to return
return_dict = {
"name": "Tomcat install",
"changes": {},
"result": False,
"comment": "",
if __salt__["tomcat._is_up"]():
return_dict["result"] = True
return_dict["comment"] = "Tomcat is up."
if __opts__["test"]:
return_dict["result"] = None
return_dict["comment"] = "comment here about what will change"
return return_dict
# execute changes now
return return_dict
Use your state module inside a state file.
install tomcat:
- name: ...
- user: ...
wait until tomcat is up:
- name: ...
- watch:
- tomcat: install tomcat
We can update plugins on a per package basis
Add a function to your jenkins execution module named install_plugin. View pkg.install code to replicate interface.
A big emphasis on good clean intuitively clear salt configs
Write python execution modules for easy and maintainable configuration logic. Use that execution module inside your own state modules. Inside state files call your own state modules and supply individual configuration with any state renderer you like.
States only execute once, by design. If you need the same action to occur multiple times, you need multiple states. Also, includes are only included a single time.
Rather than all of this include/require stuff you're doing, you should just put all of the code into a single sls file, and generate states through jinja iteration.
If what you're trying to do is add a bunch of plugins, add config files, then at the end do restarts, then you should really just execute everything in order, don't use require, and use listen or listen_in, rather than watch or watch_in.
listen/listen_in cause triggered actions to happen at the end of a state run. They are similar to the concept of handlers in Ansible.
This is a pretty old question, but If you change your Jenkins/tomcat start/stop procedure to be a standard init/systemd/windows service (as all well behaved services should be), you could have a service.running for the Jenkins service and add this to each of your custom-plugin-{{ cust_plugin }} states.
- svc: jenkins
- svc: jenkins
You could continue to use the module with onchanges. You'd have to add onchanges_in: to each of the custom-plugin-{{ cust_plugin }} states, but you need to have at least one item in the on changes list or the command will fire every time the state runs.
If you use require you cause salt to re-order your states. If you want your states to run in order, just write them in the order you want them to run in.
Watch/watch_in will also re-order your states. If you use listen/listen_in instead, it'll queue the triggered actions to run in the order they were triggered at the end of the state run.
