Hide wordpress plugin retrieve directories inside url? - wordpress

I'm developing a wordpress plugin, for my plugin links I want to hide the "wp-content/plugins" part inside the url, I'm wondering how to do that?
Actually I want the url to be like wordpress pages, not showing the retrieve directories.
I'll appreciate any help


How to Prevent Wordpress From Overriding Links in Posts when Using Wordpress Rest API

I am loading posts from a WordPress site using the WordPress REST API. The Domain that the WordPress instance is running on is totally different from the site where the post content is being displayed.
There are links in the posts that link to other posts on the site.
These links are somehow manipulated/generated and are referencing the WordPress host domain, not the domain where they are being displayed, which is causing these links to breaking.
I have tried overriding these links addresses directly in the posts table by doing a regex search, but when I save this, WordPress auto-magically overrides the URL again.
How do I disable this link override feature so that I can just specify what the URL should be without WordPress interfering?

Update internal links migrating from Drupal to WordPress

Hi I have imported my Drupal content to WordPress and they are working fine with new URLs but many internal links are still pointing to Old Drupal nodes. is there any automatic way to update those links? I guess there is not because the new URL of the blogs are like this:
but on drupal it is like
how would a script detect that 218 is the article with title how to make website
is there anything that can do the job? am I missing something? I searched alot and couldnt find anything
Don't worry about URLs , they can be fixed later by using generate Slugs plugin.
You need to import all the data by using $wpdb queries first.
Go to Tools->Generate Slugs from admin panel and generate all the slugs so the WP rewrites the URL's correctly for each post.

Wordpress cannot find a link

I have a link in wordpress website. However, I cannot find the link to edit. I try to find it in pages and in template. I tried to edit a page but the page is empty. So where does wordpress placed my link? Is it in database or somewhere?
Homepage template can be index.php, home.php or front-page.php located in your theme's folder.
Find out which page is being loaded as your homepage in Settings -> Reading under Front page displays.
All the content in WordPress should also be accessible from within your Admin Panel. You have to find that out yourself. Only people who have access to the Admin Panel knows about that. Ask the person who was responsible for this if you must.

Wordpress landing.php page: access my plugin then redirect

I need to create a static php landing page (landing.php) for inbound advertiser links that that can access my wp plugin and then redirect to homepage.
Is it possible to access my plugin from a "regular" .php file? If so, how?
Or is there better way to do this within WP that doesn't load templates and just accesses my wp plugin and redirects to homepage?
Put this line at the top of your landing php:
After that, you can use all WordPress functions, including your plugin.

is site cloaking possible with a .htaccess file

i have created a wordpress site within a folder on a site and am having trouble moving the database so was looking in to ways of cloaking the sites url on every page with a .htaccess file. at the moment the site is a beta at www.christopherwaller.com. I wanted to look into removing the ugly URLS with page-id etc....
Does anyone know if this is possible. or if the .htaccess file is not the way to go
much appreciated
You can use the build in wordpress features, have a look at Permalinks
If your trying to change from
Just navigate to your admin control panel, click on Configuration on the left menu, and then on Permalinks.
Fill the 'Custom' field with /%postname% and the links should appear as your expect.
