Search customization for html documents in Alfresco - alfresco

I have a set of html documents. According to the normal search, whenever a document is searched for, a set of relevant documents shows up, by clicking on which we are taken to the document details page. From this document details, we can do view in Browser. My clients want this search results link to take them directly to the View in Browser page, skipping the document details page for html documents. How can I achieve this?
I have a custom JavaScript which creates the html page. Can I modify the JS code, to produce this functionality?
Thanks in advance!

Assuming you are running a recent version of Alfresco, there is a hack and an proper way.
The code you want to tweak is in share/components/search/search.js.
renderCellDescription = function Search_renderCellDescription(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData)
// ...
// displayname and link to details page
var displayName = oRecord.getData("displayName");
var desc = '<h3 class="itemname">' + $html(displayName) + '';
// ...
For the proper way, try following
If this looks all Chinese to you, hack the file in place an keep a copy of the original. Drop the tweaked version in tomcat/shared/classes/components/search.
If you are not running a recent version of Alfresco, go staight for the hack.


fastest way to get all links and images from a webpage?

So this isn't relly a problem but more like automate thingy...
I built a website and had to copy loads of content from previous webpage. I did that by copy-pasting the content from old page to the new page made with wordpress.
All link and images in the content still point to the old page. So I'd like to find something like a webscraping tools which would analyze list of selected links and then output would be all link pointing outside of my webpage and list of all images that I have to download
Considering that your old and new websites are going to have the same URL structure, here is a bookmarklet that you can save as a bookmark to your toolbar.
To make your job easy, open an old website page, and simply click on the bookmarklet button you've saved (code below). This code will replace the links from old website to new website. The images will be treated similarly. Next, you can copy the updated content and paste it into the editor of your new website (wordpress admin).
On the developer's console (F12 key), you will get a list of all the images that you have to download.
var jqscript = document.createElement('script');
jqscript.onload = function() {
// treat the <a> tags
jQuery('#my-content-container').find('a[href^=""]').each(function(i, anchor) {
jQuery(anchor).attr('href', jQuery(anchor).attr('href').replace('', ''));
// treat the <img> tags, and make a list of images to download
var images_to_download = [];
jQuery('#my-content-container').find('img').each(function(i, image) {
jQuery(image).attr('src', jQuery(image).attr('src').replace('', ''));
// output a list of images to the developer console
jqscript.src = "//";
P.S. To save this bookmarklet code, rightclick the toolbar of your browser and create a new bookmark, and enter the above code as the Location/URL.
This is just an option you should think about: You could use absolute path instead of Relative path, this will help you reuse code without to have to remap every link in it.
Relatif Path :
Read about my Tahiti vacation.
Absolute path :
Read about my Tahiti vacation.

How to display filtered media elements in wordpress media uploader?

I've been running back and forth in the js files in the wp-includes folder and already frustrated by the search results but nothing seems to suffice my necessity.
I need to filter the list of media elements displayed in the Wordpress media uploader.
I've integrated a Upload media button in my theme. You can click on that button and a modal pops up. You can upload your file or select from the list. By default this list happens to contain every elements uploaded so far. But the button I've designed has somewhat more specific operation. Like user can select only pdf files in a place and may be only images in some other. Basically I need to filter the list of media items based on my button preference.
I tracked down (might be wrong though) MediaFrame is responsible to display elements, probably holds the collection of elements which uses to query for media elements which sends a admin-ajax request with query-attachments action along some query params. I searched for the actual ajax function and found a post_mime_type query param. I just need to pass my desired mime type there.
So how can I pass my desired mime type when initiating the
Any type of help is appreciated and thanks in advance.
Well, after some more digging around and messing with the core js and php files related to this feature I was finally figure out the actual process and surprisingly thats really simple. function accepts some parameters which is obvious-
title Text to show on the uploader
button Select button
multiple whether to select multiple files or not
library This is actually where the filter params are kept
And some more I suppose (couldn't figure out yet). Just passed my mime type there and voila! The list is organised!
var file_frame;
file_frame = ={
library: {
// I don't know why but the following two were already
// there even when I wasn't passing anything.
orderby: "date",
query: true,
post_mime_type: ['image/png'] // pass all mimes in array
Thats all!!

Meteor: Get url of uploaded image in CollectionFS photo-blog example

I'd like to be able to pass the URL of an uploaded image in javascript in the tutorial example making a photoblog in meteor.
In that example (in home.js), the helper for templates that render images returns Images.find(), which is used in the image template (image.html) to output html to show the image via:
<img src="{{url}}" />
This works fine, as does the entire tutorial, including S3. However, I'd like to combine it with another project, and that one will require storing and passing around the url under program control.
It would seem that because the template is able to use {{url}}, that in js, one could, in the simplest case, use Images.findOne().url to get at least the first url. E.g., I have modified the given helper to contain this:
'images': function() {
console.log("url from home helper: = " + Images.findOne().url); //cannot read url property
return Images.find();
However, this gets the error "cannot read url property..." (and after that, for some reason, the console prints out a huge batch of source code!!) If the template is able to render the field "url" from the collection image object, why can't js see it?
How can I get at the url in javascript?
the url is the function not the property so you have to use Images.findOne().url() not the Images.findOne().url
if you are getting the same error that because your findone method return undefined.
There are the possible issues.
Your Images collection are empty.
You did not publish then images and not subscribe the images.
You may be using this call before uploading the images.
I hope this this may solve your issue.

How can I strip html and word formatted text from a text box

I have a multiline textbox, need to restrict users from adding html input, any other scripts, copy pasting from word or any other word processer.
But I need to allow bullets for the input.
I thought it would be a simple thing to do since it looks like a common problem.
But I could not find a good solution in the web, please help.
I am using telerik tool kit as well.
If you need to strip out HTML then HTML Agility Pack is your friend. It will deal with all manner of malformed html. As a bonus it is included in Sitecore already.
If you want to use something with a friendlier syntax then consider CSQuery or Fizzler both of which provide you with a jQuery type syntax from within C#.
If you need to build a whitelist then take a look at this post on how to add whitelist:
public void RemoveNotInWhiteList(HtmlNode pNode, IEnumerable<string> pWhiteList)
if (!pWhiteList.Contains(pNode.Name))
.Where(att => !pWhiteList.Contains(att.Name))
.ForEach(att => att.Remove());
.ForEach(att => RemoveNotInWhiteList(att, pWhiteList));
You could create a Validation rule, I reckon (in /sitecore/System/Settings/Validation Rules). Put the allowed HTML in a whitelist somewhere (possibly a Sitecore item), when validating run through that whitelist. If any other HTML tags appear in it, make it invalid.
This doesn't stop them from putting it in, but it will stop the item from being published.
You could even create a custom item:saved event handler which strips out all HTML tags apart from the whitelisted stuff. Again, it doesn't stop them from putting the HTML tags in, but as soon as the item is saved it will be removed. Going even a step further than this, I think it also would be possible to use the Rules Engine for this - this article by John West shows how to use the Rules engine to modify item names, but you could modify it to read out specific text boxes.
Neither option here will stop users from inputting HTML, but the HTML tags will automatically be removed when the item is saved.

Upgrading to new asynchrous Google Analytics code - should you do it?

I had read somewhere and have now forgotten that upgrading to the new asynchronous code will not enable one to track actual clicks for downloading items when user stays on the same page and that for tracking that you need to use the old version of GA code.
My question is, is that still the case and does anyone have any other reasons for not upgrading to use the newer asynchronous tracking?
Hmm...are you sure the "old" version of GA automatically tracked downloads? AFAIK GA never automatically tracked download links, that you always had to attach GA code (like a _trackEvent call) to your links yourself. But in any case, it's pretty easy to do it yourself, so it's really not a big deal. Plus, you get lots of benefits upgrading, and one day it may not even be an option to stick with the old version...
If you have jQuery you can for example do this:
// file types you want to consider a download
var downloadFileTypes = ['pdf','doc','docx','mp4'];
$(document).ready(function() {
$('a').filter(function() {
var ext = $(this).attr('href').split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
return ( $.inArray(ext, downloadFileTypes )>-1 );
.click(function() {
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Downloads', $(this).attr('href')]);
If you do not have a framework like jQuery, you can still do this easy enough with .getElementsByTagName() and using regular loops and conditions instead of the jQuery conveniences like .filter and .inArray
edit: Some things to note about that example:
the jQuery code was an example to hook the GA code to standard links pointing to the file types you specify in downloadFiletypes. It will only apply to links that exist at the time the code is executed. If you have links that may be dynamically generated on the page later, consider looking into .on() instead of .click()
you will need to make tweaks to matching links you want to consider downloads if they do not point to regular files with extensions. For instance, some websites have a controller script that expects a parameter with an ID and it dynamically serves up a pdf or whatever..if your files are like this, you will have to alter the logic to look for that instead.
